Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Chishakuin Kaikan」の口コミ&詳細

4The people
Food and Drug Administration

964 Higashi-kawaramachi, Higashi-oji Nanajo-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

"Chishakuin KaikanReviews about "

  • Recommended for those who are new to temple lodgings

  • This Shukubo, a short walk from Kyoto's Sanjusangendo Temple, offers modern amenities despite its traditional classification, making it highly recommended for first-time guests. A distinctive feature of this temple is the paintings on walls and sliding doors created by Hasegawa Tohaku, commissioned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in memory of his son, Tsurumatsu. Additionally, a monk will serve as the guide. Guests can choose between Kyoto-style Kaiseki cuisine and Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine).
    旅好きトラベラー's answer (Posted on:2018/11/ 5)


  • Shukubo located near Sanjusangendo Temple

  • This is Shukubo lodging, so it's cheap but safe to stay at. It's in a great location right next to Sanjusangendo Temple, and there are many sights to see in the surrounding area. Although it's Shukubo, it has the facilities of a Ryokan (Japanese inn). Since there are five of us, I think we'll have a 10-tatami Japanese-style room. The bathroom is also very clean. It's a lodging without meals, but since it's a rare opportunity, why not try the delicious breakfast at Shukubo lodging? It's a very clean place, so I'd recommend it for groups of women.
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 6)


  • A Shukubo recommended for families and first-time visitors

  • 京都の智積院会館は、京都駅からの便も良く、三十三間堂や京都国立博物館にも近いです。朝のお勤めに参加でき、参加のご褒美に、長谷川等伯のふすま絵を見せてもらえます。宿泊料金も手ごろで、宿坊体験の入門編としては、一番おすすめな宿坊です。
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


  • Shukubo near Kyoto Station that is also recommended as a base for sightseeing

  • 五山の送り火を宿坊に泊まって経験するなんて、最高です。智積院会館は、京都駅にも近いなど、立地も良く、観光の根拠地としても優れています。お部屋もとても綺麗で洋室、和室、洋・和室と色んなタイプの部屋がありホテルのようです。朝のお勤めの経験もでき、忘れられない京都旅行になります。早く予約することが必要です。
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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