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Super Hotel Premier JR Nara Eki Asuka no Yu」の口コミ&詳細

7The people
Super Hotel Premier JR Nara Eki Asuka no Yu

1-2 Sanjo Honmachi, Nara-shi

"Super Hotel Premier JR Nara Eki Asuka no YuReviews about "

  • Located in front of the station, it is easily accessible and is the perfect place to stay for a trip to Nara.

  • "Super Hotel Premier JR Nara Station" is located in front of the station, so it has excellent transportation access and is within walking distance of Nara Park, making it the perfect hotel for sightseeing trips. Even though it is in the city, you can enjoy a large amount of mineral-rich natural hot spring water. There are also twin rooms and connecting rooms, so it is recommended to stay with friends. This spring, you will be able to fully experience the charm of Nara Prefecture.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2024/1/23)


  • 奈良公園からアクセス良好なおすすめの宿です

  • こちらの宿ならJR奈良駅東口から直結なのでアクセス抜群です。また奈良公園へのアクセスも良好です。地下800メートルから湧き出したミネラル豊富な天然温泉を大浴場で楽しめます。さらにウェルカムバーでソフトドリンクやワイン・カクテルなどのアルコール類をはじめ、100種類以上のドリンクが飲み放題です。そして朝食ですが、毎朝出来たてサクサクの香り高い焼きたてパンや有機JAS認定の野菜サラダなどがビュッフェ形式で食べられますよ。
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2024/1/22)




  • After all, the area in front of Nara Station is convenient.

  • The bus terminal in front of Nara Station connects to various areas, making it convenient. Western travelers, including Australians, don't spend much on accommodation. So a business hotel is recommended. Here you can experience hot springs and it's convenient and cheap to stay. The breakfast has a wide variety of breads, so I think you'll like it.
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2017/8/ 6)


  • An inn where you can enjoy natural hot springs

  • How about the Natural Hot Spring Super Hotel Lohas JR Nara Station, which is conveniently located in front of JR Nara Station and where you can enjoy natural hot springs? Since it's close to the station, it's convenient for going sightseeing anywhere. The breakfast is also pretty good. Why not consider it as one of your options?
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/7/13)


  • Conveniently located accommodation

  • I thought of some major temples and shrines, but I think Kasuga Taisha in Nara is not that crowded, even though it is lively. From the hotel, you can either walk for about 20 minutes along the gentle shopping street, or take the city loop bus (about 10 minutes, 200 yen), where you can see deer along the way. If there is no traffic jam, the bus is fast and easy. Either way, there are plenty of outdoor stalls, and it is easy to travel to other cities.
    金太待つ神田's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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