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Dormy Inn EXPRESS Asakusa」の口コミ&詳細

6The people
Dormy Inn Express Asakusa

1-3-4 Hanakawado, Taito-ku

"Dormy Inn EXPRESS AsakusaReviews about "

  • 観光にお勧め

  • 東武浅草駅から歩いて3分程度の便利な立地にあり、都内への観光にも便利なホテルになります。浅草寺や伝法院通りなどの下町をめぐるのにも便利な場所にあり、外国の方にも喜ばれると思います。広々とした大浴場もおすすめになります。
    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/24)


  • 大浴場がある浅草のホテル

  • 各線浅草駅から徒歩すぐの、ドーミーインExpress浅草はいかがでしょう。観光に便利なロケーションで、移動がスムーズだと思います。大浴場があるので、そこも楽しんでもらえるのではないでしょうか。Wi-Fi完備されています。
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/4/30)


  • Cheap even with hot spring and dinner included

  • Located close to Asakusa Station, there is a hot spring with a foot bath where you can see a beautiful night view. You can stretch your legs and relax after a long day. You can sleep comfortably on the fluffy down comforters. The free nighttime soba noodles are also a great service. The staff are well trained, so whenever you go, you will see beautiful smiling faces.
    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2015/4/13)


  • 隅田川沿いの、駅近な宿です。朝食もお風呂も最高!

  • 東京メトロと東武電鉄、両方の駅からもとても近いところに建っているホテルです。浅草の主要な観光地のすぐそばというだけでも、かなり魅力的です。おいしい朝ごはんつきで、大浴場も利用できます。英語での案内も充実してますので、外国からの観光客も安心してゆったり泊まれると思います。駅に近いので、浅草以外の場所にも行きやすいです。設備は全体的にコンパクトではありますが、価格を抑えられるのでコスパは高いですよ。
    ketty153's answer (Posted on:2014/6/22)


  • Asakusa Station is nearby and you can see the Skytree from your room.

  • This hotel is located opposite Asakusa Station, and the price is reasonable if you don't include meals. The best thing about this hotel is that you can see the Skytree from your room. Another attraction is that it has an observation bath. There is also a boat dock on the river in front, so there are many ways to enjoy it. This hotel is recommended for sightseeing in Tokyo.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


  • There is a natural hot spring and the Skytree is right in front of you.

  • The best way to relieve the fatigue of your trip is to relax in a hot spring. From the large public bath, you can see the Skytree right in front of you, which is refreshing. It is close to the Toei Ginza Line, so it is easy to access the city center. It is also close to Sensoji Temple, so we recommend visiting Asakusa, which is bustling at the end of the year.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


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