Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

AoAwo Naruto Resort」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
AoAwo Naruto Resort

16-45 Oge-Tosadomoariura

"AoAwo Naruto ResortReviews about "

  • A resort hotel in Tokushima where you can enjoy a variety of activities

  • How about a resort hotel in Tokushima with plenty of activities? There are many water activities, so it's more fun in the summer, but even in the winter you can enjoy things like craft workshops and fishing classes. There is also an area that recreates the old downtown area, where you can experience the good old days of Japanese culture, such as festivals, indigo dyeing, and a candy corner. It's especially perfect for New Year's. It was an authentic experience that adults could enjoy as well, and we had a lot of fun at our house. At "Ippai Nomi-ya," the whole family can drink local sake and nostalgic Ramune. Children were happy to be able to toast with adults with Ramune.
    レフヤシン's answer (Posted on:2021/3/22)


  • Resort Hotels in Setonaikai National Park

  • How about Renaissance Resort Naruto? This resort hotel is located in Setonaikai National Park and has rooms with ocean views. There are various events that are great for families with children, and you can enjoy them inside the hotel. Another recommended point is that there is an open-air natural hot spring bath with Breathtaking view of Naruto.
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2018/2/13)


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