Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.


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"HOTEL SETOOHASHIReviews about "

  • It's independent guest cottages from Kurashiki, but I recommend it.

  • If you have time, there is a free shuttle service after sightseeing in Kurashiki during the day. How about a hotel with a view of the Great Seto Bridge from Mt. Washuu and the Mizushima industrial area? It's soothing to watch the Seto Inland Sea. There is a Seto Great Bridge Spa Resort next door. When my friends come to Kurashiki, I stay here with them. If you have any concerns, please check with the hotel.
    レアレアちゃん's answer (Posted on:2017/5/22)


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