Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

"Hotel Shirakabaso Shigakogen" Reviews & Details

1The people
Hotel Shirakabaso Shiga


"Hotel Shirakabaso ShigakogenReviews about "

  • Stargazing night tours available!

  • Let's go to Kamikochi by train and bus! This mountain hut style hotel is located right in front of Kappa Bridge, the symbol of Kamikochi. Various guided nature tours, including stargazing, are held around the hotel. You will walk with a guide so it's safe and you can observe the starry sky from a good spot. When I went, the weather was clear and I could see so many stars that I couldn't tell which one was the Milky Way. I could even see the artificial satellite. I think it's safe even for women traveling alone.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/22)


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