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Matsue City Hotel Honkan」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Matsue City Hotel Honkan

"Matsue City Hotel HonkanReviews about "

  • お部屋で天然温泉のお風呂

  • 「松江シティホテル本館」はいかがでしょうか。松江駅から徒歩で15分ほどでアクセスできます。こちらはお部屋で源泉かけ流しのお風呂が楽しめます!建物は古さを感じますが、清潔感があります。全室レイクビューなのも嬉しいポイント。周辺には飲食店が多く、郷土料理や居酒屋、寿司屋など色んなジャンルがあります。
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/10/ 4)


  • You can experience natural hot springs in the bath of your room.

  • When I took a "crab-eating tour" to Sanin with friends in two cars, I also stayed at the Matsue City Hotel Main Building. The room was a typical business hotel type and not very spacious, but it was impressive with a view of Lake Shinji from the window and hot spring water coming out of the bath faucet. Also, it's not in front of the station, so you can spend your time quietly.
    poo's answer (Posted on:2014/9/25)


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