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Hotel Kimura」の口コミ&詳細

5The people
Hotel Kimura

557-32 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

"Hotel KimuraReviews about "




  • There is a tatami hot spring!

  • A recommended spot is the Toy, Doll and Automobile Museum. The booths where you can experience different jobs are popular with children, but there are plenty of exhibits that adults can enjoy as well. The most dangerous thing for children in hot springs is slipping and falling, but this bath is a tatami-floored hot spring, so it's safe. If you find it difficult to enter the large bath, you can also enjoy the small open-air bath, which is also covered with tatami.
    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/9/18)


  • A tatami bath that is safe for children

  • Places in Ikaho that children are likely to enjoy include the Green Ranch and the Ropeway. For lodging, we recommend Hotel Kimura in Ikaho Onsen, which boasts its famous tatami baths and cuisine. There are tatami baths that are safe for slipping and falling, as well as private baths that family can use without hesitation, so even with children can enjoy hot spring to their heart's content. They also lend out grooming sets for children at the front desk.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/9/13)


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