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Kinosaki Onsen Tajimaya」の口コミ&詳細

2The people
Kinosaki Onsen Tajimaya

453 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

"Kinosaki Onsen TajimayaReviews about "

  • Tajimaya has three free private baths

  • Tajimaya's exterior is based on black, and is designed to stand out among Kinosaki Onsen. The three private baths, "Kirara no Yu," "Takeba no Yu," and "Hanagen no Yu," are all free to use. There is no reservation system, so you can use them as many times as you like if they are available. Built in 1926, the three-story wooden building is made with plenty of earthen walls, old wood, bamboo, and charcoal, and is committed to creating an extraordinary space that is chic, modern, and full of playfulness, with a theme of "healing."
    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 5)



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