Current number of reviews posted5,641 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

Hakkoda Hotel」の口コミ&詳細

3The people
Hakkoda Hotel

1-1 Minami-arakawayama, Arakawa, Aomori-shi

"Hakkoda HotelReviews about "

  • This is a convenient inn for going to the Hiba Senninburo bath at Sukayu Onsen.

  • If you are looking for a convenient lodging to go to the Hiba Sennin Bath at Sukayu Onsen, how about this lodging? This is one of the largest Western-style wooden log resort hotels in Japan, and is a convenient starting point for going to the Hiba Sennin Bath. As for meals, you can choose between a full French course or a Japanese kaiseki meal, which are dishes that can only be enjoyed in Hakkoda. In addition, the hot spring is a self-100% natural hot spring, so it is recommended.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/17)




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