• 20,000円以下|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ321選
  • 20,000円以下|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ321選

「20,000円以下」でおすすめなホテル・旅館321件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「20,000円以下」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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725, Kenbutsu, Tateyama-shi

  • 料理がお勧め

  • 千葉県房総半島の豊かな自然に囲まれている観光者向けのホテルになります。国民休暇村グループになりますので、リーズナブルな宿泊価格がお勧めになります。地元の食材を活かした海の幸を美味しく頂くことができます。

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/8/18)

96 Yobu, Wakura-machi, Nanao-shi

  • ワンランク上のビュッフェを堪能

  • 和倉温泉で大部屋、ビュッフェをご希望でしたら、「虹と海」がいいと思います。こちらの夕食は約50種のビュッフェスタイル。料理長自慢の海鮮ブイヤベース、パエリア、治部煮などの郷土料理が頂けます。能登の塩やいしるといった高級調味料を使った料理もあります。ライブキッチンもあり、出来立ての天ぷらや焼肉も楽しめます。5名1室で泊まれるオーシャンビューの和洋室があります。60㎡以上の広さがありゆったりくつろげます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/1/22)

464-214 Kusatsu Shirane, Kusatsu-cho, Agatsuma-gun

  • Choose from cute yukata and comfortable bedding

  • All rooms have an open-air hot spring bath, so the privacy is irresistible! We recommend "Yuyado Tokino Niwa." Located on a slight hill, the view from the open-air bath in the room has a unique angle and the view is amazing. There are 23 baths in the building, so you can enjoy a fulfilling hot spring tour experience that you can't enjoy in a day. At "Yui," you can choose the color of your yukata freely, and they also help you put it on. They also serve you night-crying soba noodles when you get hungry, so it's a highly satisfying and recommended hot spring inn.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 5)

1575 Uza, Yomitan-son, Nakagami-gun

  • 15 minutes by car to the Blue Cave

  • The price is relatively cheap. There is a large public bath and open-air bath where you can relax while looking at the beautiful sea, so you can relax after diving. This hotel is also recommended as a base for sightseeing. The popular Blue Cave is only a 15-minute drive away, so it's easy to get there, and the hotel can also arrange diving for you. The breakfast is delicious and has a wide variety of options, and the view from the rooms is amazing.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1-1-2 Matsuo, Naha-shi

  • A perfect hotel for sightseeing

  • The hotel is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from the Prefectural Office Station on the Okinawa Urban Monorail "Yui Rail," making it a recommended hotel for sightseeing on Kokusai Street. The rooms are clean, and the buffet-style breakfast was delicious, including dishes made with Okinawa ingredients. You can stay at a relatively cheap price. The hotel is also convenient for accessing diving spots such as Kerama Island.

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 9)

323 Tamatsukuri, Tamayu-cho, Matsue-shi

  • 山陰の旬の食材を選りすぐった会席料理が食べられる宿

  • 創業150年以上の歴史がある老舗旅館で、日本一の混浴大露天風呂があります。男女別の露天風呂や内風呂もあり、家族風呂もあるので、友人同士だけで入浴を楽しむこともできますよ。予算次第では露天風呂付きの離れに泊まることもできます。湯上り後にはリラクゼーション施設やエステ&スパ施設で、トリートメントを受けることができます。夕食は山陰の四季折々の旬の食材にこだわった会席料理で、しまね和牛、のどぐろ、あんこう豆乳鍋、カニ、ふぐの揚げ物、しじみ御飯などがとても美味しいです。冬期は蟹フルコース会席プランもありますよ。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2019/11/16)

67. Mitsuwa

220 Kinosakichoyushima, Toyooka-shi

495 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

90-42 Motohakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun

Miyakawa 3-4, Toyokawa, Inagakicho, Tsugaru-shi

  • 青森県つがる市にある一軒宿

  • 奥津軽に佇む、青森県産総ヒバ造りで美しい庭園がある静かな一軒宿です。源泉掛け流しの温泉を冬は雪見風呂も楽しめる露天風呂や家族風呂にもなる貸切風呂があります。食事は夕食は和御膳のコースで郷土料理などがありました。朝食は和定食で焼き魚やお味噌汁など健康的で食べやすいメニューでした。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2004/6/21)

4-16 Tahara-honcho, Atami-shi

  • The perfect hotel with Buffet and table tennis!

  • At Atami Onsen, Itoen Hotel Atamikan is a hotel where all your wishes come true. You can eat as much as you like of whatever you like at the dinner Buffet. Table tennis is provided free of charge, so you can play table tennis in your yukata. Just be careful not to eat too much and become unable to move (lol)

    麦麦者's answer (Posted on:2019/2/18)

72. Notoraku

1-14 Kashima, Ishizaki-machi, Nanao-shi

  • Buffet cuisine with plenty of local ingredients

  • If you're in Wakura Onsen, why not try Notoraku? Located in Wakura Onsen town, you can enjoy a stroll, soaking your feet in the Yuttari Park while gazing at Nanao Bay. Inside the hotel, you can relax in the glass-walled lounge overlooking Nanao Bay, or refresh yourself at the Japanese and Western room. There are Japanese-style rooms, Western-style rooms, and Japanese-Western style rooms. There are also rooms with jacuzzis, open-air baths, and rooms with panoramic baths. You can enjoy a luxurious feeling with a Buffet full of local Noto ingredients and an open-air bath boasting a view of the sea.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/28)

7-banchi, Horobinai, Chitose-shi

1781 Mori

  • キッズコーナー、カラオケとファミリーで楽しめます

  • 大江戸温泉物語 下呂新館は如何でしょうか。キッズコーナー、卓球、カラオケとお子様も楽しめます。アルカリ性の泉質は疲労回復、健康増進の効果があり、露天風呂から見える景色は心落ち着けます。食事はバイキング形式で和洋中150種のメニューがあり、思い存分好きなものを食できます。下呂駅より車で5分程度の場所にあるので便利です。

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/3/16)

Hiraizumi Osawa 15

2260 Seragaki Aza, Onna-Son

  • A resort hotel where you can enjoy diving at Manza Beach

  • This is a resort hotel located in Onna Village, Okinawa. The hotel and the sea are of course the best, and the staff are very friendly and welcoming. There are plenty of activities for everyone to enjoy on the private beach. You can fully enjoy the beautiful sea of Manza Beach with a trial dive. The hotel also has a large, open-air bath, so you can relax your tired body after diving.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Aikawakabuse 288-2

  • 佐渡島からの日本海の景色が良い

  • 厳冬の日本海を見に行くなら、佐渡島が良いですよ。ホテルは、「ホテル大佐渡」が良いです。目の前に、パノラマの海が広がっていますよ。露天風呂も絶景で湯質も良かったです。料理は新鮮な海鮮がメインでした。冬なら甘エビや下記、ベニズワイガニなどの海の幸が提供されて、贅沢に海鮮が食べれる。

    びびお's answer (Posted on:2017/6/29)

550 ikaho

  • There are also recreational facilities so the whole family can enjoy themselves.

  • If you are in Ikaho Onsen, how about staying at the Ikaho Grand Hotel? This hotel offers natural hot springs and serves meals in a Buffet style using many local ingredients, so it is highly recommended. There are also entertainment facilities such as karaoke, mahjong, table tennis, and a games corner, so the whole family can have fun.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 9)

Ginza-cho 1-16

  • The open-air rooftop observation bath is also very popular

  • Although it is a short walk from Atami Station, the hotel is close to the hot spring town and is conveniently located for exploring Atami. Both dinner and breakfast are served Buffet style, so you can eat as much of your favorite food as you like. What's more, you can drink as much alcohol as you like at dinner time. There is also a table tennis corner if you wish, and since no reservations are required, you can enjoy table tennis whenever there is space.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/14)

2-12-3 Minaguchicho

  • 高台からの眺めが良いホテルです。

  • 熱海の温泉街を臨む高台にあるホテルです。部屋から海一望の眺望は、感動するくらいに素敵です。もちろん、花火もよく見えますよ。立地の良さや部屋の広さ、温泉の設備の充実ぶりなどを考えると料金はリーズナブルです。

    かいくん280's answer (Posted on:2016/4/ 5)
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