• Under 10,000 yen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 234 recommended hotels for 2024
  • Under 10,000 yen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 234 recommended hotels for 2024

A ranking of 234 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for "under 10,000 yen"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels "under 10,000 yen," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns for under 10,000 yen
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36 Yumoto, Naruko Onsen, Osaki-shi

3-1, Hyogo-machi

  • 便利で安いチェーンホテルです

  • 金毘羅さん巡りに最適であり、うどんツアーなどでも拠点となる宿です。また、ビジネス・ショッピングにも向いていますので多用が効きます。JR高松駅より徒歩8分ですのでアクセスも良しです。広くて明るい色調のデザインのお部屋は、とてもリラックス効果が大きいです。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 7)

243-3 Mashiko-ikeshita,

41 Yumoto, Naruko-cho, Tamatsukuri-gun

538-1 Nakano cho, Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku

  • A hotel with hot springs and a good location in Kyoto city

  • I recommend this hotel, which is under 8,000 yen and includes no meals. The hotel is located in Kyoto City, and is conveniently located near the station, making it easy to access all the tourist spots in Kyoto. The rooms are clean and have plenty of amenities. There is also a natural hot spring, so you can relax after your trip. When you stay there, make sure you choose a window where you can see the bonfires. I think anything under 8,000 yen would be considered a business hotel class.

    きょうffrv54's answer (Posted on:2016/8/10)

8-3 Sakimi-cho, Atami-shi

  • A family buffet with a wide selection of sweets

  • We recommend Oedo Onsen Monogatari Atami Onsen Atami. It is a beautiful hot spring inn that is recommended for girls' trips, with a reasonable price range of less than 10,000 yen for one night stay with two meals included in Buffet, which is nice and affordable. It is within walking distance of the hot spring town and Sun Beach, so it is convenient and easy to use for sightseeing in the surrounding area. In addition to the spring water, which is weakly alkaline and has moisturizing and slimming effects that are popular with women, you can also enjoy a delicious Buffet with a wide variety of sweets, including all-you-can-eat Haagen-Dazs ice cream (although I don't know if it's still available), making it a recommended hot spring inn with a sense of value.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2021/8/12)

4-340-1 Jozankei Onsen Nishi, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi

  • 定山渓温泉のリーズナブルな宿です。

  • 60種類のバイキング形式の食事が楽しめる。開湯130年の老舗旅館です。部屋は基本和室でバス・トイレ付きです。大浴場は壁一面がガラス窓になっており、新緑の山々の景観が楽しめます。サウナ・寝湯・プール風浴槽などがあります。

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/5/ 2)

2-111-3 Jozankeihigashi,Minamiku

  • テレビCMでお馴染の定山渓の有名な大型ホテル

  • 札幌の奥座敷定山渓で有名なホテルのひとつがここです。北海道ローカルのテレビも頻繁に放映されており、定山渓でもトップクラスの大型ホテルです。ここの売りの1つが定山渓随一の巨大な屋内プール。大人から子供まで楽しめ友達となら良いのではないでしょうか。食事はバイキング形式で、品数も豊富で味も美味しく満足出来ます。北海道らしいものも結構あります。部屋は、和室の他和洋室・洋室とあり、快適な滞在が出来ました。接客も悪くありません。そしてお風呂ですが、浴場が2つあり、1つは建物地下にありますが広々として内風呂と露天風呂からなるもので、もう1つはホテル最上階に内風呂と露天風呂からなり景色があるというもので、2つのお風呂が楽しめるのも売りです。お値段も結構安いですし、気軽に温泉も楽しめる良いホテルだと思います。

    ともやん1105's answer (Posted on:2021/6/15)

190-1 Izusan

  • Buffet with 80 different items for dinner and 50 different items for breakfast is available, and colorful yukata robes are available for free rental!

  • There are two large public baths, and both the indoor and open-air bath offer a wonderful view of the vast ocean of Sagami Bay. There is also a sauna, so you can fully relax. There is free table tennis, colorful yukata rentals, and karaoke and massage machines are available for a fee. For dinner, there is often an open kitchen, so you can eat tempura and steak while they are still hot. There are also many desserts and soft drinks. Breakfast is a Japanese and Western Buffet, and the katte-don, boiled whitebait, and seafood are irresistible. You can never have enough rice.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/9/ 6)

2-3-3, Osaka, Tennoji-ku

  • 天然温泉と朝食ビュッフェ付でも1万円以下、コスパ最強です。

  • スーパーホテル大阪・天王寺では、大阪市内では珍しい天然温泉に入れます。さらに健康朝食といって、朝食はビュッフェが無料で食べられます。日によっては大阪ならではのたこ焼き用意されているようです。USJで遊んで疲れて帰った後は広い湯船につかって、朝は無料とは思えないビュッフェで大満足間違いなしですね!

    れおぱ's answer (Posted on:2021/11/10)

880-1 Ryusen, Tondabayashi

4-2-10 Shinjuku-ku

  • Relax in a convenient location near the station

  • Anshin Oyado Premier Shinjuku Ekimae is a capsule hotel located very close to Shinjuku Station, making it extremely convenient for both business and sightseeing in Tokyo. As it is located right in the center of Tokyo, it has good access to various parts of the metropolitan area. There is a rest area within the hotel where you can relax, and the capsule rooms are spacious so you can relax at your leisure. The baths are not natural hot springs, but you can enjoy the beneficial artificial hot springs in the large public bath.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2022/11/ 9)

1-8-33 Sakae, Naka-ku

  • This is a recommended hotel!

  • The recommended hotel in Sakae, Nagoya is Nagoya Crown Hotel. The best thing about this business hotel is that it has a large public bath. Moreover, it is a natural hot spring, so I think it will help you relax after a long day at work. Also, the breakfast was more delicious than other hotels.

    森A's answer (Posted on:2016/3/12)

3-1-15 Ariake, Koto-ku

4-7-12 Sakae, Naka-ku

  • How is this hotel?

  • I also use this hotel. It can be difficult to find your way around the Sakae underground mall, but you can reach the hotel from Exit 12 of Sakae Station on the Higashiyama Line. As this is a Route Inn hotel, you will have no problems with amenities and will be satisfied with your stay. We recommend that you make your reservation early.

    error's answer (Posted on:2016/3/10)

3-32 Jozankeionsen nishi, Minami-ku

  • 定山渓温泉の中心地にあり、素泊まりや朝食付きプランがある宿

  • ホテル鹿の湯では、素泊まりや朝食付きプランがあり、1人1泊が1万円以内で収まります。大浴場では眼下に広がる渓流を眺めながら温泉を楽しむことができます。ホテル鹿の湯は、定山渓温泉の中心地にあり、老舗の落ち着きを感じさせつつもモダンな設備などが整った温泉宿です。

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 4)

3-9-1, Inaho,

  • 安くて小樽の観光地へのアクセスが良い

  • 小樽運河、北一硝子、レンガの街並みなど小樽駅から歩いてすべて回れますので、駅前のドーミーインをお勧めします。施設は奇麗ですすので、一人旅で十分満足できると思います。ぜひ、札幌出身の私としては、小樽観光は一押しですが、札幌も見て回ってほしいです。

    かじゅある's answer (Posted on:2016/2/13)

3-6-6 Ariake, Koto-ku

3-7-11 Ariake, Koto-ku

  • The closest affordable hotel to the International Exhibition Center

  • To be honest, Odaiba is a place for day trips, with few hotels around, such as the International Exhibition Center. There are also no convenience stores around the hotels, and the only restaurants and shops around Venus Fort are the ones you get the impression of being fully stocked. Among them, the Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel is a fairly large hotel that is easy to book, has a restaurant, and is perfect. Another attractive feature is the reasonable price. There is also a free shuttle bus to Tokyo Disney Resort, so if you have time, why not extend your trip there?

    tototo's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

964 Higashi-kawaramachi, Higashi-oji Nanajo-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

  • Shukubo located near Sanjusangendo Temple

  • This is Shukubo lodging, so it's cheap but safe to stay at. It's in a great location right next to Sanjusangendo Temple, and there are many sights to see in the surrounding area. Although it's Shukubo, it has the facilities of a Ryokan (Japanese inn). Since there are five of us, I think we'll have a 10-tatami Japanese-style room. The bathroom is also very clean. It's a lodging without meals, but since it's a rare opportunity, why not try the delicious breakfast at Shukubo lodging? It's a very clean place, so I'd recommend it for groups of women.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 6)

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