• 2泊|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ22選
  • 2泊|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ22選

「2泊」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル22件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「2泊」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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Higashikata 12126-12

  • 宿の周辺も色々楽しめます

  • 地元民です。こちらの宿には砂蒸し風呂はもちろん、焼酎の無料試飲ができたり、元禄風呂など大人も子供も楽しい施設もあります。お時間と移動手段があれば砂蒸しは、むかしからある本当の意味での天然な山川伏見海岸の砂蒸しがお勧めです。ついでにちょっと足を延ばせば日本唯一の観光養殖場「タツノオトシゴハウス」や釜蓋神社も面白いですよ。

    かのこ's answer (Posted on:2016/10/20)

3805-1 Juuni-cho, Ibusuki

5-26-29 Yunohama, Ibusuki-shi

  • 露天風呂も砂蒸し風呂も最高です

  • ここは指宿温泉の海が目の前にあるホテルです。お部屋はとても清潔でアメニティも充実しています。お勧めは「天空野天風呂』です。目の前に海が広がり、湯船につかりながらぼーっとする時間は、本当に癒されます。食事も季節の食材を使った絶品のお料理が堪能できますよ。すぐそばで砂蒸し風呂も楽しめましたし。ここのホテルに泊まってリフレッシュすれば、受験の励みにもなるでしょう。

    仏16's answer (Posted on:2016/10/19)

17 Nishikujo-Inmachi Minami-ku

  • Kyoto Station is right in front of you, so it's easy to get around

  • If you're planning on staying in Kyoto for two nights and moving around the city, a good location is important. This hotel is located right in front of the Hachijo exit of Kyoto Station. Using Kyoto Station as your starting point, you can use buses and subways to enjoy sightseeing in Kyoto to your heart's content. As it is part of a famous hotel chain, you don't have to worry about the quality of the service.

    のむた's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Minami-ku Higashikujo Kamitonodacho 41-1 R&B Hotel Kyoto Station Hachijoguchi

  • This is a chain hotel

  • It's a simple, business hotel type. Prices may vary slightly depending on the date. Please check. For transportation access, the bus or subway is convenient in Kyoto! The transportation method will differ depending on which area you are heading to. Kyoto is full of shrines and temples in all directions. Be careful.

    sironeko's answer (Posted on:2016/3/11)

2-12-7 Yunohama, Ibusuki-shi

  • 部屋も清潔でご飯もおいしい。

  • ホテルから砂風呂までは徒歩数分です。ご飯もおいしい。部屋もきれいで清潔。何より感動したのは、砂風呂でふくらはぎを火傷してしまい、砂風呂後のおふろも浸からず、ふくらはぎを冷水で冷やしてたんですが、それでも痛かったのでだめもとでコーラルビーチのホテルのフロントの方に氷をお願いしたら、すぐに大量の氷を持ってきてくださいました。おかげでやけども治りました。ゴールデンウィーク中でお客さんもたくさんいたのにもかかわらず対応してくださいまして感謝したのを覚えています。

    みんみん's answer (Posted on:2016/3/ 1)

Higashikata 10445

  • 休暇村なので参加体験イベントもある

  • 指宿名物の砂蒸し風呂がありますよ。会場はとても広く、開放的な気分を味わいながら、気持ち良い汗がかけます。その後解放感たっぷりの露天風呂で、更にすっきりし、最高の気分に浸れますよ。お食事はハーフバイキング形式で、ミニ会席料理にバラエティ豊かなバイキングがついたものなので、家族みんなで楽しめますよ。休暇村なので、ふれあいプログラムもあり楽しいですよ。

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/12/10)

5-27-27 Yunohama

  • 南国ムードを感じるお宿

  • 指宿温泉に行くには鹿児島空港から直通のバスが出ています。少し時間はかかりますが、迷うことなく現地に着きます。名物の天然砂蒸し風呂は、海岸の砂浜にあります。砂をかぶるユニークな入浴ですが、体が砂で汚れても気持ちよく洗うことのでき施設が近くにありますので安心です。さて、いぶすき秀水園は、プロが選ぶ日本の旅館100選で料理部門30年以上で連続1位獲得と言われている老舗の旅館です。私もこの宿に2泊しましたが料理は感動モノでした。少々高めの料金設定ですが、一生の思い出となること間違いなしです。

    トムとジェリー's answer (Posted on:2016/3/ 2)


  • 砂むし温泉までマイクロバスでの送迎がある

  • 海が見渡せる美しい風景。美人の湯といわれるコラーゲンの入った保湿効果満点の温泉に、海岸沿いの露天風呂もあります。名物の砂蒸し風呂までシャトルバスで送り迎えしてもらえるので便利です。夕食は季節の海の幸山の幸満載の和食御膳でした。朝食は和洋バイキングで指宿の旬の食材を使った料理を存分に味わえます。

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


  • 砂蒸し風呂と温泉があって食事もおいしい。眺めは絶景!

  • 砂蒸し風呂は宿泊費とは別料金になりますが、お部屋も広々つかえ、砂蒸し風呂以外にももちろんお風呂があります。砂蒸し風呂は記念写真も撮ってもらえ、いい思い出になるのではないでしょうか。食事の量も多いので、お子さんも満足できると思います。もちろん大人も楽しめます。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1 Aburanokoji-cho, Shiokoji-nishi, Aburanokoji-dori, Shimogyo-ku

  • A business hotel with a large open-air bath

  • It is located just a 6-minute walk from Kyoto Station, and Nishi Hongan-ji Temple and Higashi Hongan-ji Temple are also within walking distance. There is a large public bath and an open-air bath on the rooftop, so you can relax and soothe the fatigue of walking around Kyoto. The breakfast Buffet has a wide variety of dishes, and they also have a yuba (bean paste) making machine, which is unique to Kyoto, so you can enjoy delicious food.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

579-16, Higashishiokojicho, Kyoto Shi Shimogyo Ku, Kyoto, Japan

  • The hotel is conveniently located just a 1-minute walk from the main exit of JR Kyoto Station.

  • Kyoto is full of things to see, and there are tourist attractions everywhere. If you are planning a trip to visit shrines and temples, Kyoto Station is very convenient. Also, if you are looking for a cheap place to stay, Hotel Hokke Club Kyoto is the best choice. It is about a 1-minute walk from Kyoto Station, and there are izakayas and coffee shops inside the building.

    トムとジェリー's answer (Posted on:2016/3/ 4)

522 Shimohonnojimaecho, Teramachitoori Oikesagaru, Nakakyo-ku

  • School trip-like atmosphere

  • It's a hotel with a school trip atmosphere, but if you're going on a trip to see temples and shrines, this would be a good idea. I stayed here with a few friends and visited temples and shrines, and I recommend it because it's conveniently located for going anywhere. There are no baths in the rooms, so there is a large public bath. It was even more like a school trip and it was fun.

    まき's answer (Posted on:2015/10/15)

558-8 Koujicho, Higashi-shio, Shimogyo-ku

  • Conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Kyoto Station

  • Sightseeing in Kyoto involves a lot of walking, so I recommend staying at a hotel with a hot spring. This hotel is just a 3-minute walk from Kyoto Station, so it's conveniently close to the bus terminal. In addition to the large indoor bath, the hot spring also has an open-air bath, so you can relax in the water and it's perfect for relieving tired feet. The room was modern and clean, and the breakfast Buffet was delicious.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/1/ 5)

4-59 Fukakusa Nishiura-Cho, Fushimi-ku

  • Hotels near Fushimi Inari Shrine

  • Urban Hotel Kyoto is within 10 minutes by taxi from Kyoto Station Hachijo Exit. By train, it is two stops from Kyoto Station. This hotel is close to Fushimi Inari Shrine. It is a little independent guest cottages from the center of Kyoto, so you can relax and rest. Why not use it as a base for visiting shrines and temples? You can stay within your budget.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

538-1 Nakano cho, Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku

  • A hotel near Kawaramachi with convenient transportation

  • If you want to see a wide range of shrines and temples, I recommend the area along Kawaramachi from Sanjo to Shijo, which has good transport links. There are plenty of train and bus services, and it's the busiest area in Kyoto, so you'll have no shortage of food and ways to kill time. However, if you're coming by car, I wouldn't recommend this place, but if you're not, this is a good choice.

    kaba's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

31 Higashikujyo-nishisannoucho Minami-ku

  • The hotel is located in front of Kyoto Station.

  • This hotel is located in front of Kyoto Station. It takes about 1-2 minutes on foot from the Hachijo Exit. It is in a great location for sightseeing in Kyoto. The rooms are Western-style and are carefully cleaned. There are so many options for food nearby that it's hard to choose. Breakfast is Buffet style and is Western food. I think you will be satisfied with the content. It's also just right for your budget.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

4-1, Minami 2 jo Nishi 6 chome, Chuo-ku

  • Budget hotel with natural hot spring

  • It's relatively newer than other budget hotels, the rooms are clean, the futons are fluffy and comfortable, and I think it's a comfortable hotel to stay in. I recommend it because you can take a dip in the natural hot springs after getting tired from walking around the shrines and temples! For two people in one room, it will cost less than 8,000 yen per night, depending on the season.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

604 Manjuya-cho Sanjo-Sagaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku

  • Located in the center of Kyoto, the hotel also has a large natural hot spring bath on the top floor.

  • We stayed here for two nights on a family trip over New Year's last year. It is located in Karasuma-Sanjo in downtown Kyoto, and is close to both the Karasuma Line and the Tozai Line subways. There is a large natural hot spring bath on the top floor of the hotel, which is available for a fee, so you can relax and unwind. It was also relatively affordable.

    かずぽん's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Nakagyo-ku Horikawa-dori Nijojo-mae

  • If you're in Kyoto, we highly recommend a hotel near Nijo Castle!

  • The great thing about this hotel is that it has everything: a convenient location right in front of Nijo Castle, comfortable rooms, friendly staff, and delicious food. There are rooms with a view of Nijo Castle, which is beautifully lit up at night. I've stayed here a few times, and I'm sure it's a hotel that will satisfy both single travelers and families.

    西君's answer (Posted on:2016/2/15)

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