• Beautiful skin | 16 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Beautiful skin | 16 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 16 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for "beautiful skin"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels related to "beautiful skin," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns for "beautiful skin"
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1826 Nanasawa, Atsugi-shi

  • 人気な美肌の湯です。

  • Located in Nanasawa Onsen in Atsugi City, this is a relaxing inn where you can take your time and relax. The hot spring is definitely recommended. It has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Hot Springs in Japan and Top Nine Hot Springs for Beautiful Skin," and you'll be amazed at how viscous the hot spring is. And you'll be amazed again at how smooth your skin feels after bathing. Although I only stayed one night, I bathed many times during my stay. The meals they serve are made with seasonal ingredients, so I think it's perfect for those who want to take care of their inner health. Of course, the staff were also very kind, and I was able to relax both my body and mind.

    仏16's answer (Posted on:2016/9/ 2)

44-2 Tamayu-cho, Tamatsukuri, Matsue-shi

  • We recommend Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty), Tamatsukuri Onsen.

  • How about visiting Tamatsukuri Onsen in Izumo, a land of mythology famous for its hot Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty)? We recommend the "Kumo Tamatsukuri Onsen Shiraishi-ya." This is a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) that was founded in 1716. They offer free rental of floral yukata robes and aroma oil beauty treatments.

    るき's answer (Posted on:2016/11/ 3)

331 Tamatsukuri, Tamayu-cho, Matsue-shi

  • This is a hot spring in an area with many beautiful women.

  • As you may know, Shimane Prefecture is traditionally a region with many beautiful women. How about visiting Tamatsukuri Onsen, famous for Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty)? We recommend the Tamatsukuri Grand Hotel Choseikan, which has a mysterious open-air bath decorated with agate.

    なな's answer (Posted on:2016/10/26)

38 Ryujin, Ryujin-mura, Tanabe-shi

  • I recommend Ryujin Onsen!

  • 美肌の湯として有名な温泉は日本各地に色々あるので悩むところです。私は和歌山県にある龍神温泉がいいかなと思います。その温泉地で「下御殿」という宿はおすすめです。龍神街道の道の駅の近くの温泉ですのでお車で行かれるといいと思います。炭酸水素温泉らしく、肌にも健康にも良さそうです。

    teraos's answer (Posted on:2017/5/25)

20-9 Naruko Onsen Hoshinuma, Osaki-shi

  • The hot springs here make your skin smooth.

  • This inn is famous for its eel baths. As the name suggests, there is a hot spring famous for making your skin as smooth as an eel's. The water feels like a beauty essence, and you can feel the change as soon as you get out of the bath. I highly recommend it as it makes your whole body smooth and shiny. Please use it as a reference.

    タックダック's answer (Posted on:2017/3/22)

Higashikata 12126-12

  • How about Ibusuki Onsen?

  • How about visiting Ibusuki Onsen in Kagoshima Prefecture? We recommend the Ibusuki Hakusuikan Inn. It has a natural sand bath, which is rare even in the world. It will remove waste products from your body and leave your skin silky smooth. The large indoor bath also has a charm that evokes the Edo period.

    あぶ's answer (Posted on:2016/11/15)

5296-1 Kitsuregawa, Sakura

  • 日本三大美肌の湯をおすすめします

  • 栃木県のほぼど真ん中。「日本三大美肌の湯」と言われている良泉です。大浴場には大浴槽、超音波、寝湯、打たせ湯、歩行湯など5つの浴槽と露天風呂があります。貸切の家族風呂も露天風呂と内湯があるのでゆっくり日頃の疲れをいやせます。

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 7)

1322-1 Tagami, Tagami-cho, Minamikanbara-gun

  • I recommend it because the water is good.

  • Conveniently located just 15 minutes by bus from Matsumoto Station, it was quiet and filled with the atmosphere of a hot spring. The food was also great value for money, featuring Shinshu specialties. The hot spring water was amazing. I felt the hot spring ingredients so much that it was hard to lather the soap, and I ended up taking a bath three times during my stay. I highly recommend it for skin care.

    あっきー's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 2)

379 Kou Oaza-Iwayagawachi Ureshinomachi, Ureshino City

  • It is one of Japan's three major "Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty)."

  • Saga's Ureshino Onsen is a sodium bicarbonate spring that is said to be good for the skin. It is said to be one of Japan's three great Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty), along with Hinokami Onsen in Shimane Prefecture and Kiryugawa Onsen in Tochigi Prefecture. Ureshino is also famous for its tea, so you can enjoy gourmet food that makes use of tea.

    鉄仙's answer (Posted on:2016/1/ 6)

10. Ryokan

8967 Iriyamabe

  • Not only your skin but you can be beautiful from the inside out

  • This is a popular inn for women, where you can feel more beautiful in body and mind every time you visit. In addition to the usual hot springs where you can sit while bathing, there is also an unusual bath where you can bathe standing up. The standing baths are also great for relieving fatigue, and Breathtaking view of fresh greenery spreads out before your eyes. Just staring into the view is soothing. Of course, your skin will be silky smooth after you get out of the bath. You can enjoy macrobiotic dishes. The ingredients are excellent, so you can enjoy the taste of the vegetables themselves, and the food is artistically beautiful, so you will surely be satisfied. This is a recommended inn for women who want to be beautiful not only on the outside but also from the inside.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/7/28)

4035, Kitayama, Chino

  • Relax with the hot springs that are good for your skin and delicious food!

  • 武田信玄の隠れ湯とも言われる蓼科の温泉で、弱酸性低張低温泉で美肌によいそうです。加えて自然豊かな場所で、無料の貸切露天風呂からは山の緑と渓流が綺麗でストレス発散になります。大浴場は珍しい畳敷きのお座敷風呂で趣があって良いです。食事も工夫されていて凄く美味しくて、繰り返し行きたい宿です。宿の目の前に「星降るガーデン」という場所があって、自然を感じながらの散歩に最適です。のんびり過ごせば身も心も癒されると思います。

    さばにゃんこ's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 2)

645 Yunoshima Gero

  • How about a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Gero Onsen?

  • Gero Onsen is one of Japan's three most famous hot springs, along with Arima and Kusatsu, and is famous for its alkaline simple springs that leave your skin feeling silky smooth. Yunoshimakan is built on the side of a small hill overlooking the hot spring town of Gero, and the view from the garden-style open-air bath is wonderful. The building is ancient and has been designated a tangible cultural property. I think this is an inn that will heal your mind and body.

    のむた's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 4)

479 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • Not only the hot springs, but also the atmosphere is great.

  • 草津は美肌になる温泉の成分なので入って居ると肌がツルツルします。硫黄泉なのでちょっと臭いはありますけどとても良い泉質ですよ。ホテルは片岡鶴太郎さんがよく訪れるようです。作品も沢山、飾ってあったり隣には美術館があります。多分、草津ホテルを利用した方は無料だったかなぁ。今は有料になっているかも知れません。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 3)

1-18-15 Yunokawacho

  • 温泉でつるつる美肌になる!海の幸の食事で体も喜ぶ!

  • I recommend the Yunokawa Onsen in Hakodate, Hokkaido. The clear water leaves your skin smooth. You can enjoy the view of Hakodate while bathing in the hot springs, which is refreshing. You can also enjoy plenty of delicious seafood, so it feels like you'll beautify yourself from the inside out. In the same city, there is also a hot spring facility with brown water called Yachigashira Onsen, so why not try that as well?

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 7)


  • The hot spring water is gentle on the skin... you can experience smooth skin.

  • The hot spring waters of Kusatsu Onsen are said to be effective against skin diseases. At Hotel Ichii, you can bathe in the milky white waters of the Shirahata hot spring in the large public bath, and in the open-air bath, you can bathe in the clear waters of the mineral hot spring. After bathing, you will feel the smoothness of your skin. As it is an acidic spring, it may be good for acne, but if you have a serious skin disease, you may not be able to bathe in it. You can also bathe on a day trip. I recommend staying overnight, relaxing in the hot springs, and strolling around the Yubatake. You can also try a foot bath at the Yubatake. If you have time, it's a good idea to stretch your legs and go to the Yugama to relieve your fatigue. The cobalt blue Yugama is amazing. I had the hotel's buffet for breakfast and dinner, and it was delicious.

    りさりん's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 3)

682 Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-shimogun

  • It feels like coming back home.

  • The hotel was clean and we could walk around without shoes or slippers, so it was easy for my one-year-old child to walk around. We could relax with our child in the private bath. There were several kinds of chairs for children at the restaurant, which was nice. There was also a kids' room, so it was a great hotel for families with children. I'd like to go again. This time we stayed in Japanese and Western room, but it would have been nice if it was just a Japanese-style room and the price was a little cheaper.

    レ回's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 1)
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