• Alcohol | 13 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Alcohol | 13 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 13 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for "alcohol"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels related to "alcohol," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns for "alcohol"
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263-2 Ryotsuminato, Sado City

288-2 Aikawakabuse, Sado-shi

49-1 Yumoto, Matsunoyama, Tokamachi-shi

  • An inn where you can enjoy local sake, including sake tasting comparisons

  • 新潟は酒どころなので、地酒を用意している宿は多いのですが、特にここは種類が多いのでおすすめです。日本酒「越の初梅」などお酒が多種にあり楽しめますよ。お料理は地元食材を生かした美味しい郷土料理がいただけました。お酒が進む内容でしたよ。露天風呂は庭園をながめなら、のんびり入れますし、客室も自然の大パノラマが楽しめ、とても素敵な宿でした。

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/12/23)

1043 Yahiko, Yahiko-mura, Nishikanbara-gun

  • A hotel serving local sake and traditional cuisine, perfect for family trips

  • This inn is located just 30 seconds walk from Yahiko Station on the JR Yahiko Line. It's not flashy, but it's a small Japanese-style hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) that takes pride in its cuisine. They have a wide selection of local sake from Niigata, a sake-producing region. You're guaranteed to drink until you're full of seasonal fish and produce caught in the Sea of Japan. The next morning, you'll be ready to go for a stroll around Yahiko Shrine with delicious koshihikari rice and a hearty breakfast. You might even get change from 20,000 yen.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

552-4 Tsukioka Onsen, Shibata-shi

7-1574 Nishiboridori, Chuo-ku

91-1 Iwamuro Onsen, Nishikan-ku

1-1 Sasaguchi, Chuo-ku

  • Conveniently located directly connected to the south exit of Niigata Station

  • 新潟駅南口直結でとても便利なホテルです。新潟で宿泊する際は必ずここ。ごはんがおいしいんですよ。駅中にある越後のお酒ミュージアム「ぽんしゅ館」はおすすめです。新潟のお酒のほとんどがあるんじゃないかと思うほどお酒がいっぱいあります。また、ご近所にある「葱坊主」というごはん屋さんもおすすめ。お酒もつまみもおいしいお店です。

    まき's answer (Posted on:2015/10/29)

548-1 Aikawa Oura, Sado-city

453 Tsukioka Onsen

278-2 Tsukioka Onsen


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