• 海の幸|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ35選
  • 海の幸|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ35選

「海の幸」でおすすめなホテル・旅館35件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「海の幸」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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1241-5 Kotohira-cho, Nakatado-gun

  • 瀬戸内の幸を堪能できる宿。

  • こんぴらさんの参道の出発点にあるお宿です。お食事は、土地がら瀬戸内の海の幸が中心です。鯛やヒラメのお造りがメインです。香川県特産のオリーブ牛は、肉質が柔らかく噛むほどにオリーブの香りが口のなかに広がります。

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/10/26)


  • 食事をお部屋でいただけるプランが有ります。

  • こんぴら温泉湯元八千代は食事をお部屋でいただけるプランが有ります。旅館の従業員さんの接客が大変良かったです。又、朝御飯の鯛の干物が、すごく美味しかったです。露天風呂から見る景色も綺麗でした。こんぴらさんへのアクセスも抜群です。

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/4/27)

725, Kenbutsu, Tateyama-shi

  • Food is recommended

  • This is a tourist hotel surrounded by the lush nature of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture. As it is part of the National Vacation Village Group, we recommend it for its reasonable accommodation prices. You can enjoy delicious seafood made with local ingredients.

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/8/18)

537-26 Chaya Futamimachi Hamachiyokan

1035 Hamajima, Hamajimacho, Shima City, Mie Prefecture, 517-0404

3-5-55 Jinkyu, Ise-shi, Mie Prefecture

8-3 Sakimi-cho, Atami-shi

  • recommendation

  • I recommend "Oedo Oedo Onsen Monogatari." It's a hot spring inn with good access, located within 10 minutes of JR Atami Station. There is also an open-air bath with a view of the ocean. The selling point here is the creative buffet dinner. There is a wide variety and it's delicious. They show you how the food is made in the live kitchen and serve it fresh. I recommend it.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2016/4/ 6)

713-1 Kawanishi, Kotohiracho

  • 食事が美味しく、多彩なお湯が楽しめる老舗旅館

  • 敷島館の建物は明治時代の建築であり、とても格調の高さを感じます。良さを残したまま、和モダンできれいにリニューアルされています。部屋は純和風でなく、和洋折衷のスタイルですが、バリアフリーですし、広くてゆったりとくつろげます。露天風呂以外にも、4つの貸切露天風呂があり何時でも利用できます。また、食事はお部屋でなく、専用個室またはお食事処になりますが、感染への配慮は十分されていますので安心です。夕食も美味しく、また朝食には地元のさぬきうどんまで付いていて楽しめます。

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2004/2/20)

969-1 Naramoto, Higashiizu-cho, Kamo-gun

  • イチゴ狩り・海の幸・温泉、欲張りなアナタへは熱川温泉をおすすめします

  • If you are planning on visiting strawberry picking, seafood, or hot springs, there are separate recommendations for each, but if you want to do it all, Atagawa Onsen is the best place to do it. There is a free shuttle from Izu Atagawa Station to "Ichigo Land Nakanishi." There are many hot spring inns within walking distance of Izu Atagawa Station in Atagawa Onsen, and the public inn is the most reasonable. You can enjoy the hot spring water from 100% natural hot spring and seafood.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

10. Kazumi

1206 Osatsu-cho, Toba-shi

  • The food is outstandingly delicious!

  • It's a slightly higher level Ryokan (Japanese inn) than a minshuku, but the food is outstandingly delicious (especially the seafood), there is a large communal bath and an open-air bath with a view, and there is also a private bath (free on a first-come, first-served basis), so I think it would be a satisfying place to go with an elderly mother. There is also the sea nearby, so it would be nice to take a short walk, and there is also Shinmei Shrine (Ishigami-san), a recently popular sacred places.

    ハル's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

11. Asahikan

228 Chaya, Futami-cho, Ise-shi

  • The food, cuisine and building are all charming.

  • 料理は海の幸をを使ってしてとてもおいしかった。さすが、海のそばだけのことはあると思いました。建物や食事をした広間は古めかしくて、歴史を感じさせられました。予算が高いので、二見浦であればここよりもっと高級な旅館でも泊まれると思います。ついでながら、二見浦で身を清めてからお伊勢参りをするのが、順序だそうです。二見浦から伊勢神宮までバスも出ています。

    Q太郎's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1075-113 Arashima-cho, Toba-shi

478-1 Toi, Izu-shi

  • Enjoy strawberry picking and hot springs

  • You can enjoy strawberry picking and hot springs, and the food is delicious. There is an open-air observation bath, the view is great, it is close to the sea and the river, and the service is good. The rooms are spacious and satisfying. The meals in the room are just the right amount and you can enjoy local food. The bath on the balcony is spacious and you can watch the sunset. The building is well-maintained and very comfortable.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Funadu 31-24

  • The seafood cuisine and the rock bath with 100% natural hot spring are great.

  • You can enjoy seafood dishes at a reasonable price. You can bathe in the rock bath with 100% natural hot spring 24 hours a day, and you can also enjoy hot spring eggs cooked in the hot spring. For dinner, you can enjoy luxurious seafood dishes. There is also a souvenir shop with a variety of seafood products, famous sweets, and folk crafts. There is an aquarium and a theme park called Shibamasa World in the surrounding area, so the whole family can enjoy it.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

15. Meijikan

Toi 2849-3

  • There are also accommodation items for children available.

  • This is a child-friendly hotel, and there are many rental items for children. The ocean is beautiful while relaxing in the lobby with freshly ground coffee. You can also drink coffee after check-out, so it's a good deal. (It's free coffee.) The Nishiizu Toi Onsen hot springs, where you can take a bath while looking at the ocean, are also great.

    やぎさん's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Matsuzaki-cho Ena 211-5

  • It's a chain hotel but I recommend it.

  • Although it is a chain hotel with branches all over the country, it offers many services that are great for families with children. Meals are served Buffet style, including alcohol. There are also free hot springs, bicycle rentals, tennis courts, fishing rods, table tennis, karaoke, go, and shogi. If you want to go sightseeing, how about a sightseeing boat in Dogashima or the monkey park in Hakatsuzaki?

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Yoshida 1178

  • The view from the bath is great. Mount Fuji is right in front of you.

  • This is an old Prince Hotel, and there are two types of meals: Buffet and a creative Japanese meal. I think you can use it without worrying even if you have children. You can choose between Buffet or Japanese food, so if you like sashimi, you might want to choose the Japanese meal. There is a "Niji no Sato" restaurant nearby, so I think your children will be satisfied. The hotel also has a hot spring, so you can take a relaxing bath while looking at Mt. Fuji. As for strawberry picking, the strawberries in Nirayama and Ema are large and delicious.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Oodaira 1529

  • Strawberry picking, sports and other family fun

  • After enjoying strawberry picking in Nagaoka and Nirayama, you can get there without spending a lot of time. It is convenient to get around by car, but public transportation and shuttle buses are also available. There is a large public bath and a heated pool, so the whole family can enjoy it. A recommended spot near the hotel is the Katsuragiyama ropeway.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Nagaoka 431-1

  • A relaxing inn that is friendly to people of all ages and genders

  • Located a little independent guest cottages from the bustling hot spring town, on a hill overlooking Mt. Fuji, the view is amazing. The hot spring is a weak alkaline simple spring. There are three types of open-air baths: a stone bath, a wooden warmth bath, and a rock bath. There are also private open-air baths, aromatherapy esthetics, and massages, so you can enjoy the hot springs to your heart's content and feel refreshed.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

1349-136 Futamicho Matsushita, Ise-shi

  • Make memories with an ocean view

  • 伊勢神宮から車で30分ほど、またJR二見浦駅からは宿の送迎もございます。各部屋からは伊勢湾を一望でき、思い出作りにぴったりです。また、伊勢二見では唯一天然温泉が湧き出る宿で、広々とした大浴場と露天風呂でも伊勢湾の景色を楽しみながら疲れも癒すことができます。食事も伊勢志摩の海の幸をふんだんに使った料理で美味しいです。ご予算と合うかご不明ですが、ぜひ泊まっていただきたい宿です。

    メキシコ's answer (Posted on:2016/8/15)

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