• History | Top 16 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • History | Top 16 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 16 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for their "history"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels related to "history," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns with "history"
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  • The oldest wooden hot spring inn in Japan!

  • Shima Onsen in Gunma Prefecture is located near the end of a road. It is quiet and has a nice atmosphere, as if you are in another world, cut off from the rest of the world. Among them, this inn has a long history. The "main building" was built in 1691, and the old-fashioned wooden architecture somehow evokes a sense of nostalgia, overwhelming you no matter where you look, from the exterior to the interior. As for the hot springs, "Genroku no Yu" is a bathhouse with a high ceiling and a slightly Western-style "high-collar" feel that you won't find anywhere else. Even just looking around is sure to be enjoyable for history buffs, isn't it?

    げろんぱげろげろ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


  • The open-air bath at Karinyu is the best

  • I recommend Karinyu in Okukinu Onsen. We went there with the family. It's secluded and quiet, the cloudy water is great, and the service at the inn is also good. There are several types of hot springs, and the open-air bath in the middle of nature, full of Japanese atmosphere, was open and relaxing. The various meals were also delicious. It's a little independent guest cottages, but it was very relaxing. I'd like to stay at this inn again.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

  • Gunma's Oigami Onsen is a great place to relax

  • Oigami Onsen itself has a very retro atmosphere, and it feels like a hot spring village. Gorokaku is a purely Japanese-style building. At the time you specify when making a reservation, the landlady and other staff will come to greet you. The corridors are covered with tatami mats, clean, and very comfortable. There are several types of hot springs. There is an open-air bath, but depending on the time of day, it may be women-only or Mixed-Gender Hot Springs. The indoor baths are separated by gender, and you can also enjoy a rose bath. There is also a retro morning market nearby, which is held every day. It was fun to borrow geta and walk around in a yukata. The food was brought to our room and the staff explained the dishes to us. The futon was laid out while we were in the bath. It was a very caring and relaxing inn.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

2202 Hirao, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun

  • Apparently it was the model for that movie?!

  • It's Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a very unique atmosphere. I heard that it was the model for a Ghibli movie. The inside of the Ryokan (Japanese inn) is like a maze. It was fun to explore the hot springs scattered around the inn. The area around Kanaguya-ya also had the atmosphere of a traditional hot spring town, which is rare these days. I think it's a place where you can relax in a yukata and geta.

    いもいも's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1624-1 Inatori, Higashiizu-cho, Kamo-gun

  • Ginzan Onsen is truly retro

  • The multi-storey buildings lined up along the river are very tasteful. The hot spring town is especially atmospheric and enjoyable in the snowy scenery. Please check out their website. The retro buildings have regulations that prohibit cars from entering, so you can enjoy the atmosphere of the past. The open-air bath with ocean view and the large communal bath are also very relaxing, so this is definitely a recommended Ryokan (Japanese inn).

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

88 Tonosawa, Hakone-machi, Ashigarasimo-gun

  • 箱根湯本にある歴史ある旅館

  • 全てがレトロな旅館です。ステンドガラスとモザイクタイルの大正風呂があります。歴史を感じる館内でとても素敵です。タイムスリップしたみたいです。売店、ロビーも日本の昔懐かしい感じがあります。大広間も見学する価値ありです。ぜひこちらの旅館に宿泊してみてください。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

396-20 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

  • It is a hot spring with a lovely, relaxing atmosphere.

  • 歴史もあり、従業員の方も大変素晴らしい。和室のお部屋はレトロです。古くても、美しく磨き上げられた机や床の間はすばらしいです。お風呂は何種類もの浴場があり、岩風呂も釜風呂もおすすめです。外の空気を感じながらいろいろなお湯を堪能できます。お料理も美味しく、充実したときを過ごせると思います。ぜひ楽しんでください。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

11 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture

  • 檜造りで歴史を感じさせる、伊香保温泉にある優しい旅館

  • きらびやかな豪華さはありませんが、歴史を感じさせる旅館です。決して伝統に甘えることなく、従業員の方も温かく親切で、応対は丁寧です。また、建物は古いですが掃除は行き届いていて違和感はありません。伊香保の石段の周辺がレトロですが、まさにこの横手館と石段街とあわさって、レトロの粋です。

    夏ミカン's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

4195 Azumi, Matsumoto-shi

  • Reasonably priced and tasteful accommodation

  • 別館は歴史有る建物で、室内に白骨温泉の地層が展示されていて一風変わった景色を見ることができます。設備は古いですが綺麗に掃除してあり、温泉も無料で貸切で利用できます。本館は高級宿なのですが、別館に宿泊すると無料で温泉を利用することが出来てとてもお得です。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Fukuokakuramoto Kuramoto 1-35

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a lovely hot spring and a retro atmosphere

  • Among the traditional Kamasaki Onsen, the one I would most highly recommend is the Mogamiya Ryokan (Japanese inn). It is a lovely inn with a purely Japanese wooden atmosphere. There are hearths, baskets, old tools and decorations here and there in the building, which will make you feel nostalgic. As for meals, you can sit at a table in a tatami room, and delicious dishes are brought out one after another. When I stayed there, it was a cold, snowy day (snow is also a good thing), and I had a cough, so the staff was concerned and asked me if I was cold and if I needed any cold medicine. The bath is not very large and does not look elegant, but it has a retro feel and the spring water is of good quality! The price is not expensive, about 10,000 yen (one night with two meals) even on weekends, and some plans are surprisingly cheap, making you think, "Wow, for this price?"

    よさ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1-125-2 Yumoto, Hananomaki

  • The building and garden are charming.

  • This is a hot spring resort from the good old days that was founded in 1927. There are about four facilities where you can stay, but the one that has the most retro atmosphere is "Kashoen". You can use the Visiting hot springs in all the buildings, so it's fun to go on a hot spring tour. Although reservations are required, there is a free shuttle bus from Shin-Hanamaki Station.

    tototo's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

6567 kurokawa, Manganji, Minamioguni

  • Escape from the everyday and spend a relaxing time in Yufuin

  • Yufuin is a great place. I went there on a family trip with my parents and children. Even before we went, I was looking forward to a very quaint inn in the middle of nature. We drove quietly along the mountain roads, and a calming building in the middle of deep nature caught our eye. It was evening, and the pleasant breeze, which I didn't expect in June, tickled my nose and seemed to teach me the scent of natural plants. At dinner, we enjoyed the aroma of bamboo while tasting our sake, which was warmed in a bamboo tube, and this is a memorable experience. It was moving to see fireflies flying around to welcome us when we went to the hot spring. Everything about Ryokan (Japanese inn) made us forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax. It was a memorable hot spring inn, and I definitely recommend it.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

13. Awanoyu

Azumi 4181

  • Enjoy Shirahone Onsen in a large open-air bath

  • I recommend Shirahone Onsen in Nagano Prefecture. Mixed-Gender Hot Springs open-air bath is cloudy and you can't see into the water, so it's great for the whole family. The scent of the hot spring wafts into the room, so it's not recommended for those who don't like the smell of sulfur, but the dinner is delicious and can be enjoyed by Japanese hearth, so it's perfect for the retro atmosphere.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

645 Yunoshima Gero

  • A retro Ryokan (Japanese inn) that is a registered tangible cultural property.

  • 昭和6年創業の下呂温泉を代表する老舗旅館です。本館は有形登録文化財で、創業当時の面影を残しています。木造3階建の建物は、周囲をうっそうとした林に囲まれ浪漫あふれる雰囲気です。お風呂も内湯はステンドグラスがレトロな雰囲気をだし、露天風呂は林に囲まれた落ち着いた環境にあります。歴史ある日本三名泉のひとつである下呂温泉の最もレトロな旅館です。

    のむた's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


  • I think it has a retro feel to it.

  • I recommend Lake Shikotsu in Hokkaido. It is a high-class hotel with a quiet atmosphere where adults can relax more than families with children. However, I don't recommend it in winter because the snowy roads are quite dangerous, but I think it's nice in winter too. Personally, I prefer the lush green Lake Shikotsu in summer. Lake Shikotsu Onsen is also very good, and how about relaxing after a long day of travel by enjoying music and tea while watching the sunset in the lovely salon on the second floor of the hotel...

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

21 Toyako-Onsen, Toyako-cho, Abuta-kun

  • A hotel with a panoramic view of Lake Toya and where you can watch fireworks

  • You can stay in the room where Emperor Showa stayed. It has been remodeled, but the retro feel is still there. (I think it's perfect for a family or small group of 5-6 people. Of course, that's if it's available!) You can also see a demonstration of how hot spring manju is baked in the hotel.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)
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