• Visiting hot springs | Top 11 Hot Spring Inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) Recommended by User Reviews for 2024
  • Visiting hot springs | Top 11 Hot Spring Inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) Recommended by User Reviews for 2024

A ranking of 11 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for "hot Visiting hot springs"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels related to "Visiting hot springs," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns for "Visiting hot springs"
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Nishihongo 1-5-30


  • 下田温泉の湯めぐりに適している

  • こちらの宿は下田温泉駅から徒歩13分のところにあり、湯めぐりに最適な場所に位置しています。周囲の温泉へアクセスするための拠点になり、湯めぐりでオーシャンビューの露天風呂などを楽しめます。宿は仲間内やグループでの利用に適していて便利でした。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 9)

  • Shimoda hot spring recommended inns for hot water tour in Shimoda

  • This is a very reasonable hot spring inn. You can enjoy 100% natural hot spring spring water, and it's convenient to stay here and take your time to bathe in the hot springs. You can enjoy hot spring to your heart's content. You can also enjoy dishes made with fresh seafood, and it's very reasonable, costing less than 10,000 yen. I'm sure it will be a good memory.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/2/22)

Nagaoka 989-10

  • The rooms are relaxing spaces with a modern Japanese feel.

  • I stayed here for about 10 minutes by bus from Izunagaoka Station. There is an aquarium and a flower park nearby, so it was a convenient location for sightseeing. There are many hot spring in the hotel, so I felt like I got a good deal by being able to enjoy various hot spring.

    ぽいぽい's answer (Posted on:2019/8/29)

633 Kakisaki, Shimoda-shi

  • Have fun in the Kakizaki area

  • In the Kakizaki area, there are several hot spring facilities at inns that are open for day use, and this is one of them. It's fun to use this inn as a base to enjoy the hot springs at nearby inns. As it is located on a hill by the sea, the views are excellent, and Breathtaking view spreads out before your eyes. The open-air bath in a tub and the open-air bath made of stone are also very tasteful and wonderful. The indoor bath is also spacious and gives a sense of openness. We were also treated to a delicious kaiseki meal filled with seasonal seafood.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/9/ 7)

6-12 Takegahama, Shimoda-shi

  • It's highly recommended as it's easily accessible, just a 5-minute walk from Izukyu-Shimoda Station!

  • こちらのお宿は伊豆急下田駅から徒歩5分とアクセス便利なので、おすすめいたします。湯めぐりの拠点としても便利な立地ですね。お食事は夕食、朝食ともにバイキングスタイルです。今が旬のサンマやシャケを取り入れたお料理が並びます。夕食時には生ビールなどのアルコール類も含む飲み放題が付きます。食べ放題、飲み放題で伊東園価格のリーズナブルなお宿で、コスパが高くおすすめいたします。もちろん館内で温泉も楽しめます。大浴場や露天風呂でゆっくり寛げますよ。無料ンレンタサイクルもあり、市内観光に利用すると便利ですね。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/9/ 1)

348-7 Kisami, Shimoda-shi

  • A lodging where you can gaze out at the sea and enjoy the tranquility

  • Access to the hotel is about 7 minutes by car from Shimoda Station, or there is a shuttle bus, so access should be no problem. From the hotel, you can enjoy various activities such as swimming, fishing, canoeing, diving, golf, etc. There is also an aquarium and an art museum nearby, so you will have a fulfilling trip.

    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/8/27)


  • A hot hot spring inn with a great view of Oura Bay

  • 下田海浜ホテルは、すぐ目の前に海が広がり、海側のお部屋からは絶好のオーシャンビューもお楽しみいただける下田温泉の宿。下田駅からのアクセス良しの宿ですので、近隣の湯めぐりにも便利な立地。また、静岡県の地元食材を活かした美味しいお食事も評判。10畳以上の広い客室もあり、お友達とご一緒でのご旅行にも最適です。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2022/9/23)

Rendaiji Onsen 1

  • Refresh yourself in hot spring with abundant water

  • If you are visiting Shimoda hot spring, I recommend "Seiryuso". It is an inn with good access, just a 5-minute walk from Rendaiji Station. hot spring are drawn from three sources, so there is an abundance of water. The large public bath and open-air bath are both spacious and comfortable. The surrounding area is surrounded by greenery, giving it a very charming feel. Shimoda Station is the next station, and it is convenient for sightseeing.

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/2/26)

2048,Kisami, Shimoda

  • Shimoda's pleasant hot spring

  • The nearest station is Shimoda Station. It was very helpful that there was a bus that picked up and dropped off at the station according to the train schedule. There are many attractions nearby, such as an aquarium, a folk art museum, and a museum, and the location was convenient, so it was nice to be able to visit not only hot spring but also various other things.

    wnwn's answer (Posted on:2019/8/27)


  • The comfort of being right in front of Shirahama Beach

  • We recommend Hotel Izukyu, where you can enjoy the largest open-air bath in the Izu region, "Ryujin no Yu." This inn has two different spring qualities, and the "Rendaiji no Yu" that you can enjoy in the large bath has a different comfort to the weak alkaline sulfate spring. The view from the rooms is clear and comfortable, making this a recommended hotel for relaxing after a day of hot spring touring.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2019/9/22)
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