• 鉄道|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ11選
  • 鉄道|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ11選

「鉄道」でおすすめなホテル・旅館11件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「鉄道」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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1-2-4meieki, Nakamura-ku

  • Recommended hotels for families

  • The hotel is conveniently located about a 5-minute walk from JR Nagoya Station, making it convenient for sightseeing at the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park. Many of the guests are families, so it is recommended for those with small children. You can relax in the clean rooms.

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/25)

1-13-7 Noritake, Nakamura-ku,

  • A hotel near Nagoya Station offers a free co-sleeping service

  • ビジネスホテルですが、お子様歓迎のホテルで小学生以下のお子様の添い寝は無料でお財布にも優しいです。名古屋駅からリニア・鉄道館までも電車で行けますので前泊にもうってつけです。朝食も宿泊費に含まれていますので、朝はゆっくりビュッフェスタイルのお食事をいただけてお子様も大満足できます。

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/10/14)

1-51 Nawacho, Tokai City

  • Hotels recommended for those traveling by car

  • If you are going by car, it may be better to stay at a hotel in Tokai City with a parking lot rather than in Nagoya City. This hotel is a business hotel, so you may not expect much in terms of facilities, but if you are just going to stay, it is enough. There are also twin rooms.

    teraos's answer (Posted on:2016/8/16)

2-4-17 Tenma

  • Convenient for parking

  • There is a parking lot attached to the hotel, and even if it is full, they will guide you to a nearby parking lot, so it is easy to get around by car. Twin rooms are also fine for sleeping together. Breakfast is available for guests, but it would be nice to enjoy a Nagoya morning meal at a coffee shop in front of the station. There are also delicious restaurants on the way to the station.

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2015/3/18)

4-11-27 Meieki, Nakamura-ku

  • A hotel with a large public bath near Nagoya Station

  • How about the Mitsui Garden Hotel Nagoya Premier near Nagoya Station? It's easily accessible, so it's less stressful for your children to travel. There is also a large public bath exclusively for guests staying at the hotel. The view is also special, with a panoramic view of Nagoya city. The breakfast is also delicious, so it's a recommended hotel.

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/4/ 9)

3-16-16 Aoi, Higashi-ku,

  • A conveniently located hotel in Nagoya city

  • リニア・鉄道館へは名古屋市内から電車で乗り継いで行けるので、市内のホテルで前泊されるといいと思います。こちらのホテルはJR千草駅からすぐにあるホテルです。綺麗で比較的にしっかりしている造りなので、お部屋もそれほど音漏れしないと思います。上階の端の方のお部屋を選べば少しは快適になると思うので、事前予約されるといいですね。禁煙の場合も事前確認されると安心できます。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2015/3/12)

1-2-7 Sakae, Naka-ku

  • Budget hotels

  • リニア鉄道館へ行かれるのであれば、こちらのホテルがお勧めです。前泊の利用であれば名古屋駅からアクセスが便利で、駅近にあり予算での宿泊ができます。お子様が2名まで添い寝無料となり、間取りも31平米と狭くはなくて心地よかったです。ケトルにドリップ式コーヒーや緑茶サービスもありうれしいアメニティです。車なら駐車場もあるので便利です。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2018/5/30)

1-9 Maehama-dori, Minami-ku

  • This is the closest city hotel to Nagoya Port.

  • We recommend Nagoya Kasadera Washington Hotel Plaza as a hotel in the south of Nagoya that is easily accessible by car. The hotel is adjacent to JR Kasadera Station, but is also easily accessible from the Nagoya Expressway and National Route 23, and has a large adjacent parking lot. It is also convenient because it has good access to Nagoya Port and Kinjo Pier. Many hotels in Nagoya City are located north of Kanayama Station, so if you are going by car, it may be more convenient to stay in the surrounding areas of Tokai City, Obu City, Chiryu City, or Kariya City that are easily accessible from the Expressway IC or National Route 23.

    yazawa's answer (Posted on:2018/11/25)

4-6-25 Kanayama, Naka-ku

  • In front of Kanayama Station

  • I'll be taking the Aonami Line, so I'll be staying in front of the station, but it's difficult to sleep together at the business hotel in front of Nagoya Station (it's cramped), so how about a hotel in front of Kanayama Station, one stop away from Nagoya Station? I think you can sleep in a twin room if you want to sleep together. Since it's a hotel, it's better soundproofed than Ryokan (Japanese inn). You may not be able to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, but you can enjoy Buffet, so I recommend it.

    はてなはて's answer (Posted on:2015/3/17)

1-1-4, Meieki, Nakamura-ku

  • The hotel is located above Nagoya Station, so it's convenient.

  • 「リニア・鉄道館へのアクセスが良いホテル」をご希望でしたら、名古屋駅に直結しているこの「名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル」を候補の一つとしてご検討されてはいかがかと思います。ロケーション的にはどこへ行くにも便利です。ホテルからの眺めも良くて、リーズナブルな料金だと思います。

    miyosiko's answer (Posted on:2017/3/23)

1-1-1 Kanayama-cho, Naka-ku, Aichi

  • Train view plans are available.

  • リニア・鉄道館が目的ということは電車がお好きですね。こちらのホテルはトレインビュープランがありおすすめです。名鉄の電車が思う存分楽しめます。ANAホテルですが、最寄り駅が名古屋の一駅先の金山駅なので料金もリーズナブルです。展望レストランからの夜景は圧巻ですよ。近辺に飲食店も多数あり、なにかと便利です。接客や客室は高級ホテルそのもの。満足いく宿泊になると思います。

    センノシド's answer (Posted on:2017/12/31)
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