• 大学生|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ15選
  • 大学生|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ15選

「大学生」でおすすめなホテル・旅館15件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「大学生」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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644-3 Kawakita, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • 湯布院温泉で大学生の団体ツアーに人気の宿です

  • This is a lodging facility in Yufuin Onsen where all rooms have indoor baths with natural hot spring water. It is popular with group tours of university students. You can enjoy the natural hot spring water in a rock bath exclusive to your room. As for meals, you cannot eat at the lodging facility, so you will have to use a nearby restaurant.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/18)

5, Ogimachi

  • 安くて鳥取駅から徒歩1分で立地も良いホテル

  • JR鳥取駅から歩いて1分程度の便利な立地にあり、鳥取砂丘への観光にも便利なホテルになります。全国展開しているチェーンのホテルなので、安心して宿泊することができます。清掃の行き届いた客室に、リーズナブルな宿泊価格がお勧めです。

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/6/11)

814-1 Kawaminami, Yufu

  • Accommodation for 6 people at Yufuin Onsen

  • The independent guest cottages building at Tomiki no Yado has a room that can accommodate six people. It has an open-air bath, so you can bathe whenever you like. There is also a large, open-air bath, so you can enjoy the hot springs to the fullest. You can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal ingredients, and you can fully enjoy the resort atmosphere. I'm sure it will be a fun memory.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 8)

Kawakami 2900-5

  • This inn has large Japanese-style rooms and offers overnight stays without meals.

  • This inn has large rooms that can accommodate up to 8 people, so we recommend it. The Japanese-style rooms are spacious, with 18 tatami mats, so it is recommended for groups. There are plans for rooms only. Since it is a room only plan, you can stay at a reasonable price. It is an inn that is easy for students to stay at. This inn has a wide range of hot spring facilities, including an open-air bath where you can enjoy the starry sky, a large bath, a sauna, and a jacuzzi that also has a massage effect. There is a free parking lot, so it is convenient and economical for those who travel by car. It is located 8 minutes by car from Yufuin IC, so it is easily accessible.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/10)

752 Sakae-machi, Tottori-shi

  • 鳥取駅近くの大浴場が付いてるビジネスホテル

  • 鳥取駅から徒歩数分にあるリーズナブルなビジネスホテルです。時期や条件にもよりますが、4000円以下で泊まることができます。リーズナブルですが、部屋も広く清潔で大浴場もあります。さらに駅周辺にも飲食店やコンビニがあって立地が良いため、食事処にこまることは有りません。鳥取砂丘へのアクセスも便利で近いです。

    けんさん's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

  • 朝食無料で天然温泉大浴場でゆっくりできる。

  • 「スーパーホテル鳥取駅北口」さんをご紹介したいと思います。こちらは鳥取駅からすぐの便利なロケーションにあり、鳥取砂丘へはバスで簡単にアクセスできますよ。天然温泉の大浴場があるので、パラグライダー体験のあとの疲れをゆっくり癒せますね。朝食が無料でついてくるのも嬉しいポイント。十分ご予算内におさまります。

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/11/13)

1-84 Tomiyasu, Tottori-shi

  • 駅から近く、温泉付き和の旅館

  • 鳥取駅から徒歩10分程度で、そんなに遠くありません。せっかく団体旅行なら、洋室よりも、温泉のある和の旅館の方がみんなで楽しめると思い、オススメします。鳥取砂丘まではバスと徒歩で35分くらいです。こちらの宿の料理は地産地消を意識した料理ばかりで、鳥取ならではの旬の味を楽しめます。温泉もにごり湯の内湯にゆったりと入れます。

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

295-1 Yunohira, Yufuin-cho

  • A relaxing and leisurely inn

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Yufuin Onsen that can accommodate large groups, we would like to introduce this place to you. The rooms are spacious and comfortable for large groups. You can also rent out the hot spring for your entire party, so it might be a good idea to have a good time there.

    masa友's answer (Posted on:2019/4/23)

Yufuincho Yunohira 263

  • It's a homely place and I recommend it.

  • The pride of this inn is the large cavern bath. The dim light and the sound of drops trickling down the rocks create a mystical atmosphere and make for a very pleasant space. Also, if you want to visit the outdoor Visiting hot springs, reception desk will give you a ticket for the Yuhira Onsen public bath, which is a great deal.

    misamisaki's answer (Posted on:2019/4/25)

1209-1 Kawakami Yufuin-cho

  • Students indulge in a little luxury

  • This is a place that is affordable for students, has a spacious independent guest cottages room, and has a tasteful appearance. The rooms are made of natural wood and have a fresh scent. The slightly solemn atmosphere creates a sense of luxury. I was able to stay overnight without meals, and the hot springs were very pleasant.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/1/25)

2655-3 Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-city

  • A hot spring inn where you can have fun and relax with friends

  • If you are in Yufuin Onsen, how about "Yufuin Tabi no Kura"? This hot spring inn has natural hot springs that 100% natural hot spring, and there are many things to see within the building, so you can enjoy a stay with friends. Tourist spots such as Lake Kinrin are within walking distance. There are spacious Japanese and Western room that can accommodate up to 6 people. You can stay cheaply without meals and you can bring your own food.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/16)

Kinugawa Onsen Ohara 1060

  • It is located opposite the hot spring area in front of the station.

  • I recommend Hotel Kinu. It is a small hot spring inn located opposite the station where the hot spring town is. The food is made with local ingredients and is very satisfying. You can eat as much rice as you want without any side dishes. There is also an open-air bath and it is a nice inn with a nice atmosphere.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 1)

102 Higashihonji-cho

  • 鳥取駅近くのホテルでサービスも良い

  • JR鳥取駅から徒歩約2分の駅近にあるこちらのホテルがお薦めです。ワシントングループですから客室の清潔度、サービス、設備等にも安心して利用できます。ホテル内に和食・中華のレストランがありますが、周辺にも飲食店が多く、また、ホテル1階にコンビ二があり、便利です。話題のすなば珈琲へも徒歩約2分で便利です。

    歴史大好き's answer (Posted on:2017/9/17)

1086-2 Kawakami, Yufu

  • There are rooms available for six people, and a cheap plan for six people is also available.

  • Enokiya Ryokan (Japanese inn) has rooms that can accommodate six people, and also offers a cheap plan for a stay without meals. The inn has an indoor bath and an open-air bath with paving stones that feel great on the soles of your feet. It is conveniently located a 13-minute walk from Yufuin Station, making it convenient for eating out. The inn also has an izakaya restaurant, so you can have a drink in the evening. Lake Kinrin and the Chagall Museum are a 7-minute walk from the inn, and the Yufuin Trick Art Labyrinth is just a short walk away, so it would be nice to go out with a group.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/23)

837-8 Kawaminami,Yufuin-chou,Yufu-shi

  • A popular hot spring inn with private baths

  • 蓮輪INNは、湯布院駅から歩いて10分ほどの場所にあり、一日5組限定でゆっくりとおくつろぎいただける由布院温泉の宿です。こちらでは離れの一戸建ての大部屋プランがありますので、6人ご一緒にお泊りいただけます。本館とは離れていて、まわりを気にせず多少は騒げますから、元気な大学生の旅行には最適。リーズナブルな素泊まりプランもありますので、お財布にもやさしい宿です。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 2)
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