• カップル|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ18選
  • カップル|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ18選

「カップル」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル18件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「カップル」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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1306 Onoaida, Yakushimacho, Kumagegun

  • The largest hotel on Yakushima

  • I went to Yakushima 10 years ago. It is the largest hotel in Yakushima and has a 33,000m2 garden. When you enter the hotel, you are greeted by a huge Yakusugi tree that reaches up to the second floor. I don't know if it's still there, but when I went to Yakusugi Land by bus, I was surprised that the guests of Iwasaki Hotel were allowed to board even when it wasn't a bus stop, and when we came across a deer in the mountains on the way, the bus stopped and we had time to take photos. It was a wonderful trip.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)


Onoaida 136-2

  • Hotels with good quality hot spring

  • This is a hotel where you can enjoy hot spring. It's the best way to enjoy hot spring while watching the sunset! You can see the ocean from the bath. hot spring are rich in ingredients, and as soon as you enter, they softly cling to your skin, and are very smooth, like lotion! They are colorless, but the water quality is different.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

464-214 Kusatsu Shirane, Kusatsu-cho, Agatsuma-gun

  • A quiet inn on a hill away from hot spring town

  • Although it is far from hot spring town, how about Yuyado Tokinoniwa, a quiet inn built on a hill? The rooms have an open open-air bath and you can eat meals in your room. They also offer plans that include a complimentary glass of beer after the bath and anniversary plans, so it is perfect for celebrations. Another nice point is that check-out is a little late at 11:00.

    ゆぅ's answer (Posted on:2021/5/ 7)

2395 Kawaguchi, Minamitsuru-gun, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Yamanashi-Prefecture


  • A long-established inn founded 137 years ago, with a charming gate that gives off a sense of history

  • こちらのお宿は草津のシンボル湯畑のすぐ目の前で、明治10年創業以来草津温泉最古といわれる白旗源泉と、昔ながらの伝統を守り続けてきた老舗宿です。客室は和モダンな家具を設えたデザイナーズルームで3種類の貸切露天風呂は気持ちがよく癒されました。

    ぷりん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/17)

788-110 Anbo

  • A hotel in Yakushima with ocean views from the rooms

  • It's conveniently located just 8 minutes by car from Yakushima Airport. It's perfect for hiking to Jomon Sugi and Shiratani Unsuikyo. The rooms are very clean and comfortable, and the price is reasonable. There are convenience stores, supermarkets, and restaurants within walking distance, so it's very convenient.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

433-1, Agatsuma-gun

  • 河原源泉と万代鉱源泉の2つの湯を楽しめる宿

  • こちらには露天風呂付客室があり、夕食をお部屋でゆっくりといただくことができました。お部屋の露天風呂はいつでも自由に気兼ねなく入ることができるのが一番の魅力。風情ある造りで贅沢なひとときでした。大浴場の露天風呂も広く、こちらも自然美を眺めながら至福のひとときを味わいました。豊富な中から選べる色浴衣サービスも嬉しいポイントです。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 5)


  • 草津温泉の湯畑が間近で見られる部屋でゆっくる食事がとれる宿

  • ホテル、とありますが江戸時代から300年続く老舗宿です。草津のシンボルである湯畑を部屋から見ることができます。夜のライトアップした湯畑は結構綺麗です。お食事には上州牛のすき焼きを味わうことができ、アルコール含めたワンドリンクも付いてきます。草津温泉の6つある源泉のうち、2つを引いていた源泉かけ流しです。露天風呂もあるので、外の風を感じながら草津温泉を満喫できます。またレイトチェックアウト(11時)もあるので、朝ゆっくりしたい場合はぜひ利用したい宿です。

    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2022/11/25)

324-25 Koseda, Yakushima cho

  • You can see the planes from the hotel

  • It's only a one-minute walk from Yakushima Airport, so it's convenient as a base for visiting the ancient cedar trees. It's not as luxurious as a resort hotel, but the rooms are clean and there is a bathing facility in front of the hotel where you can enjoy hot spring. The accommodation fee is quite cheap, although it only has a self-service breakfast service. For dinner, if you contact the owner in advance, they will take you to a nearby restaurant.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Miyanoura 1208-9

  • There is a life-size model of the Wilson stump in the shape of a love heart.

  • Please make wonderful memories together while looking at the magnificent view overlooking the sea. We recommend it because the food is delicious and the staff are friendly. The environment is well-maintained, it is close to Miyanoura Port and the ferry terminal. The souvenir shop has a wide selection of local specialties, so you can get everything you need.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

12. Ubuya

10 Asakawa, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun

Nagata 290-1

  • A hotel where you can enjoy the sunset from the beach

  • The hotel is located next to the beach, so the view is great. Especially in the evening, you can see the beautiful sunset over the sea, which is very attractive. If you go with partner, I'm sure you'll have a romantic and wonderful time. The hotel is also beautiful, and you can enjoy food made with plenty of local ingredients and local sake, so I'm sure women will be pleased.

    マナ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

465-4 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • 露天風呂付きの客室でゆったりと

  • 草津温泉で露天風呂付きの客室と、部屋食が両立する旅館はありませんでした。しかし、露天風呂付きの客室でおすすめしたいのがこのお宿。優しい色彩のお部屋でゆったりと、彼女とお二人で、くつろぐことができますよ!また食事は個室もあるそうなのでリクエストしてゆっくり過ごしてください。

    wnwn's answer (Posted on:2019/2/14)

Anbo 45

  • A convenient pension as a base for sightseeing in Yakushima

  • How about this stylish Yakushima Pension? It's in Awa, a convenient base for sightseeing in Yakushima, including climbing Jomon Cedar. The owner was nice, the room was clean, and the bath was relaxing. Meals include breakfast and free drinks, and lunch boxes can also be arranged. Dinner is not provided, but there are places to eat nearby, and if you are a little independent guest cottages, the owner will drive you to and from the accommodation if you contact them in advance.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1360-83 Yamanaka, Yamanakako-mura, Minamitsuru-gun,Yamanashi Prefecture

  • 展望露天風呂からも絶景を楽しめる

  • ここは食べずして景色だけ見ていれば満腹感を得られるホテルですが、山梨側の富士山は賛否両論です。静岡県側から見るより、建物からでも一望出来る山梨県からの富士山の方がその醍醐味は味わえると思います。お部屋には露天風呂がないですが山中湖と富士山を一望できます。温泉はホテルの展望露天風呂で富士山と山中湖を一望でき、ゆっくりと浸かることができます。

    SUU's answer (Posted on:2016/2/13)


  • Enjoy Ryokan (Japanese inn)-style kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )in your room

  • 草津温泉で、お部屋でお食事を頂けるお宿をお探しということで、「金みどり」ホテルがおすすめです。食事はお部屋か個室となります。夕食は旬の食材にこだわった旅館風会席料理となり、地元群馬の味を、しっかりと味わうことが出来ます。離れには貸切露天風呂があるのでおすすめです!

    Euc's answer (Posted on:2019/2/18)
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