• married couple | 111 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • married couple | 111 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 135 hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended for married couple! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels for married couple, including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns for married couple
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323 Tamatsukuri, Tamayu-cho, Matsue-shi

  • A hotel with an indoor bath in Tamatsukuri Onsen and close to tourist attractions

  • There are special rooms here with indoor open-air baths. These rooms are "Kotobuki no Ma" and "Tokiwa no Ma", and are located in a corner of Emperor Showa's mountain villa, Gozasho, where you can enjoy a private open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring. There is also Japan's largest Mixed-Gender Hot Springs open-air bath, "Ryugu no Yu", so please enjoy it. This is a very tasteful hot spring inn, so we are sure you will like it.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2019/9/21)

3-2-14 Kogan-dori, Suwa-shi

1215-2 Tamatsukuri, Tamayu-cho, Matsue-shi

  • A Japanese-style inn with a pleasant indoor bath in Tamatsukuri Onsen.

  • 敷地内から湧き出る自家源泉が自慢の和風温泉旅館です。こちらなら玉湯川前にある宿で宍道湖まで車で11分など観光拠点にも便利です。またカルシウム・ナトリウム塩化物泉の100%天然のかけ流し温泉を自然を感じる露天風呂「千福の湯」「薬師の湯」や大浴場「千福の湯」「薬師の湯」で楽しめます。さらに夫婦で楽しめる貸切家族風呂(檜内風呂など)は和風の情緒満点です。そして食事ですが、島根和牛など地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理が食べられます。特に朝食で食べる宍道湖名物「しじみ汁」は絶品ですよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2023/6/12)

11-32 Mizuguchicho

  • This is a hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Atami with a cypress bath.

  • 総檜風呂が館内にあります。毎日、お湯を張り替えていますので清潔です。また貸切風呂もあり、夫婦2人だけで温泉を楽しめますよ。食事のメインは、海の幸です。伊勢海老をはじめ、サザエの壺焼き・焼いた鮑などが楽しめます。

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/6/ 2)

5. Minami

Tamatsukuri Onsen, Tamayucho, Matsue

Noguchi-Motomachi 2-18

  • A special Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a bath 100% natural hot spring

  • If you're visiting Beppu Onsen, I recommend "Sennari." This is a special Ryokan (Japanese inn) that only accepts 8 groups per day. It's conveniently located near the station. The bath is 100% natural hot spring a small open-air bath, it has a great atmosphere. There are plans for meals such as Seki horse mackerel and Bungo beef, so you can choose whichever you like.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/11/22)

173 Noboribetsuonsencho,Noboribetsuonsenshi

44-2 Tamayu-cho, Tamatsukuri, Matsue-shi

7-1 Hayashigaoka-machi, Atami-shi

  • A bathtub made entirely of cypress wood for a highly relaxing experience

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Atami Onsen where you can enjoy a cypress bath, I recommend Atami Onsen Taikanso. This inn is associated with Yokoyama Taikan, a master of Japanese painting, and boasts a magnificent garden, two hot springs, and an abundant supply of hot water. There are three large baths with different styles, each with an open-air bath. One of them is the Hinoki no Yu, a bathtub made entirely of cypress. It is a warm bath with a great relaxing effect. There is also a jet bath and sauna room. There is a fee for the private open-air bath, but you can enjoy the hot spring for two while looking out at the sea for 45 minutes. Dinner is a Kyoto-style kaiseki meal made with fresh seafood from Atami, and there is also a plan where you can have it served in your room.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/10/15)

100-1 Miyanoshita, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun

monjyu 310

5644 Manganji

  • A reasonably priced, relaxing inn in Kurokawa Onsen.

  • This hotel in Kurokawa Onsen boasts Breathtaking view from a plateau 920 meters above sea level. The lobby here offers a panoramic view of the Senomoto Plateau and the Five Peaks of Aso. You can also enjoy the natural hot springs in the open-air bath "Breathtaking view Hana no Yu," which offers a sense of openness overlooking the majestic Aso grasslands, the large glass-fronted observation bath "Senshin no Yu," and the private baths "Gokaku" and "Momiji." As for meals, you can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with ingredients from Kumamoto and Aso.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/9/26)

1300-34 Gora, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun

  • hot spring inn located 1 minute walk from Gora Station

  • This hotel is a one-minute walk from Gora Station on the Hakone Tozan Railway. All rooms at this inn have an Directly flowing from the source-air open-air bath. The baths in the rooms are not hot spring, but the large public bath and private baths are available for soaking in hot spring that flow directly from the source. For meals, you can enjoy hot pots made with seasonal ingredients, Japanese food meals, or sushi kaiseki meals. As it is located near Gora Station, it is highly recommended as it is convenient to access Tourist attractions in the area.

    おじさん's answer (Posted on:2016/1/ 8)

Monju 471


16. Sanpei-so

1-7 Minaguchichō, Atami

  • A beautiful Japanese garden

  • お部屋からは四季折々に景色を変える和風庭園がご覧いただけます。庭園には草履をはいてすぐに出られます。お部屋には檜風呂もあり、こちらはもちろん温泉です。お風呂も景色も独り占めで、とても癒されると思います。お食事は朝、夕ともにお部屋でお召し上がりいただけるので、夫婦水入らずの時をすごせそうです。

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    帽子屋's answer (Posted on:2019/4/24)

58-10 Yumoto

  • When it comes to luxury in Naruko, Yumoto Kissho is the place to go.

  • 鳴子温泉の一番高い位置にある吉祥さん。離れの特別室には源泉かけ流しのお風呂が完備。貸し切り風呂は4つあり空いていればいつでも入れるシステム。ご夫婦で気兼ねなく温泉をゆっくりと楽しむことができます。食事は食事会場で。食事会場もテーブルごとに仕切られていて周りを気にすることなく食事できます。記念日等の対応もしてくれましたので予約時に相談されても良いかと思います。

    ゆぅ's answer (Posted on:2022/7/29)

4 kumi, Myoban, Beppu-shi

  • This is a popular inn so make your reservation early.

  • If you want traditional, natural 100% natural hot spring, the Myoban Onsen or Kannawa Onsen areas are a good choice. In the Myoban area, which is famous for its deposits, you will be satisfied with any of the inns, but this inn in particular is so popular that it is difficult to get a reservation. It is in a historic building with a great view, so its popularity is understandable.

    のふのふ's answer (Posted on:2021/12/ 1)

6392-2 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun

4201 Azumi, Matsumoto-shi

  • Shirahone Onsen Inn: Enjoy outdoor baths even in winter

  • 天然温泉100%源泉かけ流しの濁り湯の温泉は大浴場と露天風呂があり、露天風呂は冬でも入浴可能で雪景色を眺めながら雪見風呂を楽しめます。貸し切りの家族風呂もあるので夫婦水入らずでゆったりと温泉に浸かれます。客室は落ち着いた雰囲気の和室で夫婦でゆっくり寛げます。露天風呂付き客室もあるのでこちらもおすすめです。

    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2024/1/18)

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