• Yufuin | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 51 recommended inns for 2024
  • Yufuin | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 51 recommended inns for 2024

A ranking of 51 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Yufuin"! Reservations for hot spring inns and hotels in "Yufuin" can be made on 47Trip, including facility information such as rooms with popular open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Yufuin"
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1009 Tsukawara, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • All guest rooms are independent guest cottages

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Yufuin Onsen that has a private bath, I recommend Yufunosho. All rooms here are independent guest cottages, so you can spend some time just for the two of you. The only hot springs available are those with indoor baths in the rooms or private hot springs. The private baths are amazing because you can soak in the water while gazing at the starry sky.

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2022/12/20)

644-3 Kawakita, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • 湯布院温泉で大学生の団体ツアーに人気の宿です

  • 湯布院温泉で全客室に源泉掛け流しの内湯がある素泊まり専門の宿です。大学生の団体ツアーに人気です。源泉掛け流しの温泉を、客室専用の岩風呂で楽しめます。食事ですが、宿では食べれないので近隣のお食事処利用になりますよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/17)

2652-2 Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • The locally produced breakfast is especially recommended

  • A modern Japanese hot spring inn where all the rooms are independent guest cottages detached buildings! We recommend Yufuin Bettei Itsuki. The surrounding area is quiet and it is a wonderful inn where you can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at the foot of Mt. Yufu. All the rooms are separate independent guest cottages with different concepts, so choosing the right room is the best part of the inn. The rooms also have private baths, so you can maintain a distance from other guests and enjoy a relaxing and private stay without worrying about your surroundings. The food is also delicious, and we especially recommend the Yufuin morning breakfast, which is made with ingredients from Yufuin.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2020/11/ 6)

1235 Kawakita, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • An inn where you can enjoy rooms with open-air bath and in-room dining

  • All rooms at Yufu no Sai YADOYA OHASHI are equipped with open-air bath of Directly flowing from the source. You can enjoy natural hot spring anytime you want. You can enjoy delicious dishes made from Japanese black beef and seasonal ingredients in the comfort of your room. I am sure you will forget your daily fatigue and relax your body and mind.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/7/21)

Kawakami 2900-5

  • Enjoy plenty of sightseeing in the heart of hot spring town

  • 由布院駅から数分。湯布院観光エリアの中心部にあるため散策に抜群の立地です。温泉大浴場は広々としており露天風呂も開放感たっぷりです。趣ある造りなのでとても気持ちが良いですし、夜にはきれいな星空が。夕食は黒毛和牛の贅沢しゃぶしゃぶを楽しみました。部屋からの眺望も抜群です。庭園には能舞台や水車小屋などがあり、こちらの眺めも抜群です。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 2)

1500 Kawakami

  • A hotel with a spacious and open private bath available free of charge

  • There is a spacious, open-air private bath that guests can use free of charge. The rooms have a calming atmosphere and are very relaxing. There are also independent guest cottages rooms with open-air baths. Meals include a kaiseki course with luxurious ingredients, hot pot dishes with shamo, Bungo beef steaks, and other delicious seasonal ingredients that fit your budget.

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/9/14)

  • Located in the center of hot spring town, you can take your time and relax.

  • This hotel is located in the center of Yufuin's hot spring town, making it convenient for strolling around hot spring town. The rooms are spacious with two rooms and have open-air bath in the room. The toilet was also clean and had a washlet (Japanese electric bidet toilet). For food, you can enjoy a steak kaiseki meal in the dining area. It was a relaxing atmosphere, so I was able to sit down and enjoy myself.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/1/13)

2633-1 Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • 湯布院観光に便利な名門老舗旅館

  • 金麟湖の湖畔に約1万坪の敷地を持ち、湯布院御三家の1つです。温泉ファンには憧れの老舗旅館として名高いのがこの「亀の井別荘」です。大自然の中でリフレッシュできること間違いなし、お食事は旬の会席料理を堪能し、景観の良い大浴場で体を癒してください。お料理は1つ1つの品が実に丁寧で味わい深いという印象です。私も仕事で利用したことがありますが、湯布院はリピート率が高い旅館の1つでした。是非いかがでしょうか。

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2022/9/28)

1097-1 Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • A luxurious and relaxing hot spring trip in a special room for two adults

  • ご夫婦で九州・大分県の湯布院温泉へ日頃の疲れを癒す贅沢な旅行をお考えでしたら、こちらのお宿をおすすめします。大人2名専用の特別室はと露天風呂付客室となっており、お食事も部屋食でプライベートを重視してゆっくりとした時間を過ごせます。お風呂は源泉かけ流しで、お部屋のお風呂以外も4つの湯処は貸切制になっておりますので、湯布院温泉のお湯を独占して堪能する贅沢な気分を味わえます。

    なち's answer (Posted on:2023/2/15)

662 Kawakita, Yufuin-cho,

  • A wonderful inn with rooms that have open-air bath

  • If you want to relax in a room with open-air bath, I recommend Yamamomiji! The rooms are also very Japanese-style and stylish. The detached open-air bath room has a very large open-air bath, so you can relax and enjoy the luxury. It would make a great gift for your husband.

    たーろーぼー's answer (Posted on:2019/5/25)

108-1 Kawaminami

  • 湯布院屈指の広い露天が魅力。

  • 湯布院温泉にお泊まりでしたら「ゆふいん山水館」がいいと思います。こちらには湯布院屈指の大きさを誇る2つのお風呂があります。何年か前に泊まったことがあります。特に露天風呂は自然と由布岳が調和して絶景でした。お部屋も和室でしたが、清潔感があり気持ちよく泊まれました。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/1/10)

2106-2 Kawakami, Yufuincho , Yufu, Oita 879-5102 Japan

  • There is a private open-air bath, and we also have colorful yukatas that your girlfriend will love.

  • 湯布院温泉の梅園には貸切の露天風呂があり、湯布院でも最大級の広さです。とてもゆったりできます。由布岳が見える素敵な共同の露天風呂や落ち着いた内風呂も素敵でゆっくり温泉三昧ができます。また、こちらの宿には女性にうれしい色浴衣のレンタルもあります。彼女さんが喜ぶのではないかと思います。

    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2022/2/11)

788-2 Kawakami

  • You can enjoy the hot 100% natural hot spring while looking out at Mount Yufu.

  • 「湯布院別荘 四季彩ホテル」には開放的な露天風呂があり、由布岳を眺めながら、源泉かけ流しの温泉が楽しめます。貸切の内湯も2つあるので、プライベートな入浴も可能ですよ。 客室は広い洋室で、ベッドのサイズがゆったりしています。窓から広がる湯の坪川沿いの自然豊かな景観に心が和みます。夕食には地元大分豊後の旬の食材を使った会席料理がいただけます。女性には色浴衣の貸し出しサービスがあるので、インスタ映えする記念写真が撮れます。由布院駅から無料で送迎してもらえるので、アクセスもよい宿です。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/11/19)

589 Yufuinchokawaminami, Yufu-shi

  • In-room dining and an open-air bath in the room

  • 「湯布院山荘 吾亦紅」は、大分自動車道の湯布院ICから車で約10分の宿です。食事は、プランにもよりますが2食共部屋食が出来て、夕食に豊後牛と黒豚のしゃぶしゃぶ等の創作和会席が、朝食に和食か特製のサンドイッチが味わえます。温泉は部屋の露天風呂と内風呂で、源泉かけ流しの由布院温泉を満喫できます。

    モッティ's answer (Posted on:2023/2/14)

814-1 Kawaminami, Yufu

  • Accommodation for 6 people at Yufuin Onsen

  • The independent guest cottages building at Tomiki no Yado has a room that can accommodate six people. It has an open-air bath, so you can bathe whenever you like. There is also a large, open-air bath, so you can enjoy the hot springs to the fullest. You can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal ingredients, and you can fully enjoy the resort atmosphere. I'm sure it will be a fun memory.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 8)

1556-2 Kawakami

  • An inn close to tourist spots such as Lake Kinrin

  • Since it is said to be a high-class inn, I recommend "Tabitei Tanokura". It is about a 5-minute drive from Yufuin Station and is conveniently located for sightseeing, close to popular tourist spots such as Lake Kinrin and Yunotsubo Kaido. The inn is built in a purely Japanese style, and all rooms have hot springs, with some rooms having their own private open-air bath. You can also have your meal in your room, which will ensure you have a wonderful time.

    こま's answer (Posted on:2024/6/19)

Yufuin, Kawakita 918-18

  • You can relax in the independent guest cottages room and private bath.

  • This inn has independent guest cottages rooms, so it is recommended for couples. It is good because you can relax in a private space without worrying about others. The inn has seven different types of open-air baths and indoor baths. All seven baths are private. You can relax in the independent guest cottages rooms and private baths.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/30)

1264-2 Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • A place where you can forget about time

  • The hospitality from the moment we arrived at the inn was excellent. Our guest room was a detached building, but our supervisor, Nakai-san, provided attentive service until we left. What impressed me was that he reflected our preferences, learned from a casual conversation, in the breakfast the next day. There are three rooms, each with open-air bath and an indoor bath. This is an inn where you can forget about time and spend your time whenever you like without worrying about being seen by others.

    みみみの耳's answer (Posted on:2022/3/16)

928 Kawakita, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • A Western-style building with a Japanese-style open-air bath

  • The building and interior are stylish Western-style, but the hot spring has a Japanese atmosphere with a rock bath. There are also three private open-air baths in the hotel. The spring quality is an alkaline simple spring that is expected to have skin-beautifying effects, so I'm sure your girlfriend will be pleased. You can spend a special day in a stylish Western-style room that is perfect for couples.

    かーめ's answer (Posted on:2019/7/22)

20. Yamadaya

2855-1, Kawakami, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi

  • The food is delicious.

  • Since it is a small Ryokan (Japanese inn), you won't have to move around the building much, and you can relax and enjoy a quiet stay. Dinner is served in the room, and breakfast is served in the hall. The rooms on the first floor have their own bath. I think the second floor is accessed by stairs, so depending on your age, the first floor might be better. The best thing about this inn is the delicious food.

    くるくる's answer (Posted on:2019/8/26)

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