• Kurokawa Onsen | Top 10 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Kurokawa Onsen | Top 10 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

Ranking of popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Kurokawa Onsen! We introduce the inns you should stay at at least once in Kurokawa Onsen, selected by word of mouth, along with recommended points.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Kurokawa Onsen"
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6690 manganji,Minamiogunimachi,aso distrikuto,kumamoto,869-2402

  • 黒川温泉で馬刺しを味わいたいならこの宿

  • 黒川温泉で馬刺しに力を入れている宿といえば「和風旅館 美里」ではないでしょうか。お肉大好きという若旦那が腕を振るう料理は熊本名物の馬刺をたっぷりいただけますし。これも熊本名物の肥後牛も出してくれるので食べ比べも面白いかもしれません。

    くりくり's answer (Posted on:2019/4/13)

Manganji 6608

  • It is surrounded by nature and the air is clean.

  • 黒川温泉でしたら、「新明館」はいかがでしょうか。自然に囲まれ、空気がきれいな黒川温泉街にある旅館です。露天風呂や洞窟温泉があり、ちょっと面白い味わいがあります。料理も会席料理で一品一品が工夫され、美味しく頂けます。ご希望の馬刺しもありおすすめです。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 4)

6431 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun

  • A quiet inn surrounded by Nature

  • This is an inn where you can spend a quiet time surrounded by trees. The horse sashimi served on the menu is meltingly soft and delicious. We enjoyed plenty of delicious local ingredients such as salt-grilled yamame trout and river trout carpaccio. The rustic open open-air bath is also the best.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 3)

6392-2 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun

  • A hot spring inn where you can enjoy raw horse meat

  • Yamamizuki offers a special horse sashimi plan, so you can enjoy authentic and delicious horse sashimi. You can also enjoy creative banquet cuisine that makes use of seasonal ingredients. You can also enjoy open-air bath and large public bath with carefully selected running water, and relax in a relaxing room. You can relax both body and mind, and it will surely be a wonderful memory.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/12)

Manganji 6546

  • Enjoy horse sashimi at a historic inn

  • こちらのお宿なら、熊本名物の馬刺しを頂くことができますよ。黒川温泉で一番古い宿ですので、情緒を感じながら馬刺し料理を楽しんではいかがでしょうか。馬刺しはヘルシーで体に優しいので、日々の疲れをリセットできそうですね。

    kaori's answer (Posted on:2019/4/12)

5644 Manganji

  • A hotel that boasts open-air bath overlooking the Aso mountains

  • 目の前に阿蘇の山々を望む絶景露天風呂が自慢です。夜には満点の星空が広がり、解放感が味わえます。黒川温泉街まで30分間隔でシャトルバスが運行しており、湯めぐりパス付のプランで色々なお湯が楽しめます。食事は馬刺しをはじめ地元の食材を味わえます。

    カイカイ's answer (Posted on:2019/4/13)

7. Fujiya

Manganji 6541

  • A Japanese-modern inn with a relaxing atmosphere and impressive beams

  • 黒川温泉にある温泉旅館です。全8室のこぢんまりとした宿で、黒川温泉の中心地にあるので、湯めぐりや観光にも便利な立地でおすすめです。館内は立派な梁のみえる和モダンで落ち着いた雰囲気で、リラックスして過ごせます。熊本名物馬刺しも味わえます。

    おるる's answer (Posted on:2020/11/15)

Manganji 6755-1

  • A charming inn surrounded by quiet mountains

  • hot spring Away from the city and surrounded by quiet mountains, this is an inn with an emotional atmosphere. You can fully enjoy the richness of nature at open-air bath, where you can enjoy a variety of atmospheric large open-air baths and calm bathtubs with an emphasis on elegance. The restaurant offers a variety of elegant and creative Japanese kaiseki cuisine using local ingredients and beautiful seasonal colors, which is very luxurious.

    kaori's answer (Posted on:2019/4/12)

Manganji 6697

  • An inn where you can eat grilled Higo beef and raw horse meat for dinner

  • At Fumoto Ryokan (Japanese inn), you can eat grilled Higo beef and horse meat sashimi for dinner. It's a very filling country dish and is very delicious. There are 15 baths of 13 different types in the inn, so you can Visiting hot springs of the hot springs that 100% natural hot spring. The tasteful wooden indoor bath and the rustic open-air bath are very beautiful. There are also private baths, so you can enjoy a private bath. You can enjoy a retro atmosphere in the rooms and inside the inn.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/28)

Kurokawaonsen, minamioguni-cyo,Aso-gun

  • Affordable and high-quality accommodation

  • プラン込みではなく別注となりますが、馬刺しを事前オーダーすることができます。四季替わりの創作会席料理は量より質といった印象で、とても味わい深いですよ。野天風呂は緑に囲まれた開放感が気持ちよく、まさに熊本の自然を感じるお風呂という感じです。はじめての黒川温泉とのことなので、ぜひおすすめしたいお宿です。

    えんがわ's answer (Posted on:2019/9/19)
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