• 熊本県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ26選
  • 熊本県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ26選

「熊本県」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル26件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「熊本県」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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  • 赤牛と馬肉がいただけます。

  • 朝食はミニ会席です。カツオと昆布で味付けされたホールトマトにズワイガニや車エビが添えられています。馬肉のにぎり、赤牛の小サイズの丼などがいただけます。料理は全て美味しくて、宿のこだわりを感じます。館内は和モダンな感じで、湯上がり処のソファが襖で区切られています。温泉も畳風呂でとても良かったです。

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/9/13)

702 Munakata-dori, Yamaga-shi

  • 熊本・山鹿温泉の日帰りプランがあるお宿!

  • 「熊本旬彩の宿ゆとりろ山鹿」はランチ付きの日帰りプランがあるお宿なので、おすすめいたします!ランチは豚ロース陶板焼などが出てくるおいしい和食御膳をいただくことができます。ワンドリンクのサービスも付いていました。温泉は全国的に珍しい、天然ラドンを含んだアルカリ性のなめらかなお湯を楽しめます。露天風呂や大浴場でのんびりできます。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2022/10/ 3)

1-1 Kawasaki, Tamana-shi

  • スタイリッシュな現代建築の建物が印象的なホテル

  • 玉名温泉にお越しでしたら「尚玄山荘」はいかがでしょうか。スタイリッシュな現代建築の建物が印象的なホテルで周囲には1350坪の見事な日本庭園があります。夕食は有明海の鮮魚や熊本の馬肉など地元食材を使った会席料理が味わえ、朝食は大豆をすりつぶして調理した玉名地域独自の「ごじる」や熊本南関特産の「南関あげ」などが美味しく頂けます。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2023/9/13)

5644 Manganji

  • A reasonably priced, relaxing inn in Kurokawa Onsen.

  • This hotel in Kurokawa Onsen boasts Breathtaking view from a plateau 920 meters above sea level. The lobby here offers a panoramic view of the Senomoto Plateau and the Five Peaks of Aso. You can also enjoy the natural hot springs in the open-air bath "Breathtaking view Hana no Yu," which offers a sense of openness overlooking the majestic Aso grasslands, the large glass-fronted observation bath "Senshin no Yu," and the private baths "Gokaku" and "Momiji." As for meals, you can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with ingredients from Kumamoto and Aso.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/9/26)

6690 manganji,Minamiogunimachi,aso distrikuto,kumamoto,869-2402

  • Reasonably priced Kurokawa Onsen

  • If you want to stay at Kurokawa Onsen for a reasonable price, and enjoy delicious food, then let that luxurious feeling come to full bloom here. This is a great deal for an 8-tatami Japanese-style room, with an emphasis on quality over quantity. Meals are "Misato Kaiseki" and are served in your room. The dishes are made with fresh local ingredients and are elegantly seasoned. You can also enjoy the specialty "horse sashimi" and "Misato's classic chawanmushi." For the bath, enjoy the mysterious sulfur spring "Misato no Yu," which changes color depending on the time of day.

    一郎ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 7)

Manganji 6608

  • 自然に囲まれ、空気がきれいです。

  • 黒川温泉でしたら、「新明館」はいかがでしょうか。自然に囲まれ、空気がきれいな黒川温泉街にある旅館です。露天風呂や洞窟温泉があり、ちょっと面白い味わいがあります。料理も会席料理で一品一品が工夫され、美味しく頂けます。ご希望の馬刺しもありおすすめです。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 4)

6392-2 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun

Manganji 6546

  • An inn where you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of Kurokawa

  • This inn is a long-established establishment that has been in business since the end of the Edo period, and it is a quaint inn that gives you a sense of history and allows you to experience the essence of Kurokawa Onsen. The large public bath was also tasteful, and I was able to relax in it. The indoor and outdoor baths were so beautiful that I didn't want to leave. The room was relaxing, and the view of the trees from the window was wonderful. The food was steamed in a bamboo steamer using local meat and vegetables, and had an elegant taste. The other dishes also used plenty of local vegetables, and were very satisfying. The staff were very considerate, and it was a comfortable inn.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 8)

Manganji 6697

  • I think this is a very cost-effective accommodation in Kurokawa.

  • If you are visiting Kurokawa Onsen, why not try Fumoto Ryokan (Japanese inn)? This inn is located in the center of the hot spring town, making it convenient for sightseeing and strolling, and has a wide variety of hot springs, with 13 types and 15 baths. The open-air baths in particular are very tasteful and amazing. Private baths are also available for free, making it ideal for married couple. The standard rate for two meals is about 20,000 yen per person, so I think it is very cost-effective. You can relax in a spacious 45 square meter Japanese and Western room with an open-air bath.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2021/4/ 9)

6601-4 Manganji, Minamioguni, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-2402

  • Located in the center of hot spring town, it is convenient for walking

  • Located in the center of Kurokawa Onsen town, it is convenient for visiting the open-Japanese and Western room baths using Yumeguri-Tegata (the bathing ticket which can use for other hot spring facility) (a pass to visit hot springs), or for strolling around the hot spring town. It is popular with a wide range of age groups as it offers a variety of rooms, including traditional Japanese-style rooms and modern Japanese-Western style rooms. What's great is that even the accommodation plan with two meals included is relatively reasonable for Kurokawa Onsen.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2019/9/29)

6431 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun

  • 大自然に包まれた静寂の宿

  • ここは木々に囲まれ静かに過ごすことができる宿です。料理にでてきるい馬刺しはとろける柔らかさで極上の美味しさ。山女の塩焼きや川鱒のカルパッチョなど美味しい地元食材をたっぷりといただきました。野趣あふれる露天風呂も最高です。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 3)

Manganji 6612-1

  • An inn where 100% natural hot spring without adding water or heating

  • The good thing about Nanjoen is 100% natural hot spring and of high quality, with no heating or dilution. Bathing while watching the sunset is wonderful. The staff here are all very kind and attentive. The rooms are spacious and comfortable. The terrace with Japanese hearth was also wonderful. The location is convenient for touring hot springs.

    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2021/5/10)

13. Kafutei

Kikuka-machi Ikenaga 177

  • 熊本の創作会席と菊鹿温泉が楽しめる宿

  • 里山にひっそりとある旅館ですが、入口からその日本の旅館の風情が感じられる宿です。和モダンな雰囲気なので落ち着いてゆっくりと過ごしたい方には最適なお宿で、温泉もかなり有名です。湯質がトロトロしていてまろやか温泉とも言われている位で、この湯を求めてリピートする方も多いです。お肌がスベスベになり、髪質もサラサラになりますよ。女性は喜ばれると思います。お料理は熊本県の地産地消の会席料理で、普段では絶対に食べれない高級馬刺しやステーキ、海鮮やデザートまで素晴らしいお味でバランスが良く大満足されると思います。またお料理の説明もしっかりとしてくれるので一品一品旨味を噛み締めながら堪能できます。大自然の開放感と、熊本ならではの絶品会席料理、トロトロ温泉に一流のおもてなしが実現されたお宿なので、是非一度訪れて見てください。リーズナブルなのも素晴らしいです。

    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2022/9/27)

Hinagunaka Nishimachi 379

  • 半露天風呂付きの客室を利用できる宿

  • 源泉かけ流しの半露天風呂付きの客室を利用できるので、カップルで周りを気にすることなくゆったりと温泉に浸かれます。温泉は体の芯からぽかぽかに温まり、肌もツルツルになるので女性には嬉しいですね。部屋は4時間利用できるのでゆっくり過ごせます。昼食は伊勢海老の黄金焼きが付いた和食膳を味わえます。

    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2022/11/12)

Kurokawa Onsen 6630-1

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) located in the middle of nature at Kurokawa Onsen

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) is located in the middle of nature in Kurokawa Onsen. It is about a 5-minute walk from the center of Kurokawa Onsen, so it is recommended for those who want to relax in nature and those who want to enjoy the hot spring town. The hot spring is a sulfur spring that has a soft texture and a unique scent, so you can relax and relieve your body fatigue.

    おるる's answer (Posted on:2020/6/ 9)

4411-9 Hisaishi Minamiasomura

  • 熊本ならではの贅沢あか牛ランチ満喫

  • こちらは南阿蘇の温泉リゾートホテルです。あか牛の溶岩焼き御膳のランチを満喫してきました。熊本でしか味わえない貴重なあか牛は厚みがあるのにとろける柔らかさと濃い旨味に感激。大浴場の露天風呂は雄大な阿蘇の自然美を眺めながら、のんびりと満喫できました。13:00 ~ 17:00の間に客室利用ができるので、旅気分を存分に味わえます。タオルも貸してもらえるので手ぶらOKです。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/10/ 1)

17. Fujiya

Manganji 6541

  • 立派な梁のみえる和モダンで落ち着いた雰囲気の宿

  • 黒川温泉にある温泉旅館です。全8室のこぢんまりとした宿で、黒川温泉の中心地にあるので、湯めぐりや観光にも便利な立地でおすすめです。館内は立派な梁のみえる和モダンで落ち着いた雰囲気で、リラックスして過ごせます。熊本名物馬刺しも味わえます。

    おるる's answer (Posted on:2020/11/15)

572-7, 572-7 Ryūganji, Tamana, Kumamoto

  • 玉名温泉で、地元の食材を使った料理をいただけるお宿です。

  • 玉名温泉で、かけ流しの天然温泉を楽しめる宿で、御風呂は露天風呂もあり、開放感抜群でおすすめです。お食事には、馬刺しやからし蓮根など、熊本ならではのグルメをいただけ、おすすめです。朝食にも、地元の食材を使った料理をいただけ、楽しめると思います。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/7/19)

6567 kurokawa, Manganji, Minamioguni

  • I also enjoyed going on a hot spring tour with my family.

  • Located a little independent guest cottages from the center of Kurokawa Onsen, this is an inn where you can relax and unwind. The grounds are spacious and there are several baths, so I enjoyed bathing in the baths with my family. The food was plentiful and delicious, with some rare dishes. The rooms were elegant and comfortable.

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/4/22)

6961-1 Manganji, Oguni-machi

  • You can relax and unwind surrounded by the forest.

  • If you are visiting Kurokawa Onsen, we recommend Ryokan (Japanese inn) Sanga. It is a hidden inn surrounded by a quiet forest a little independent guest cottages from the hot spring town. The hot spring water is 100% natural hot spring, and you can enjoy two types: simple sulfur spring and sulfate spring. There are seven types of baths, which is surprisingly many, so you can enjoy the hot springs while feeling like you are bathing in different Visiting hot springs. In particular, the open-air bath for women only is built along the river, so you can refresh yourself while listening to the babbling of the river. After the hot spring, you can enjoy seasonal dishes made with local ingredients such as Aso's Akagyu beef and Kumamoto's specialty horse sashimi. The prices are also reasonable, with plans under 20,000 yen per person, so we recommend it.

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/4/13)

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