• Saga Prefecture | Top 3 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Saga Prefecture | Top 3 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of the top 3 hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in "Saga Prefecture"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels in "Saga Prefecture," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Saga Prefecture"
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7399 Takeo, Takeo-cho, Takeo-shi

  • A high-quality Ryokan (Japanese inn) founded in 1905

  • If you're looking for a high-end Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Takeo Onsen, I recommend Kaiseki-yado Ogiya. It's a 12-minute walk from JR Takeo Onsen Station. This is a long-established, elegant, high-quality Ryokan (Japanese inn) that was founded in 1905. The guest rooms range from Sukiya-style Japanese-style rooms to Scandinavian-style Western-style rooms. There are also rooms with open-air baths where you can relax. The kaiseki cuisine is famous and has been featured in various media and won an award from the Michelin Guide.

    Rainbow 4169's answer (Posted on:2019/9/28)

Simojyuku 2276-1

  • A traditional, long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) with 100 years of history

  • 嬉野温泉の中では創業100年の歴史があるので、昔から愛された老舗旅館です。大正時代に創業した風情や趣きがしっかりと残されています。温泉は数カ所ありますが、露天風呂はかなり広さがあります。川のせせらぎを聴きながら入る温泉は素晴らしいです。大自然の中で温泉に入れる幸せ感はこの宿ならではの環境です。お料理は会席料理ですが、佐賀県の地産地消の食材を活かしながら料理長が丁寧に作ってくれます。やはり佐賀県と言えば、佐賀牛で舌の上で甘さを感じながらトロける食感は絶品です。佐賀県の地酒も合います。スタッフの方々のおもてなしも素晴らしい宿なので、宿泊中は気持ち良く過ごせます。

    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2023/6/29)


  • An easily accessible hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a nice retro atmosphere

  • Located about a 10-minute walk from JR Takeo Onsen Station, this is a recommended hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn). You can relax in the retro atmosphere of the building and rooms. You can enjoy delicious dishes made with seasonal ingredients, including Saga beef.

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 3)
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