• Dogo Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 24 recommended inns for 2024
  • Dogo Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 24 recommended inns for 2024

A ranking of 24 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Dogo Onsen"! Reservations for hot spring inns and hotels related to "Dogo Onsen" can be made on 47Trip, including facility information such as rooms with popular open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Dogo Onsen"
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1-33 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • This is an inn with Japanese-style rooms in Dogo.

  • This is a Japanese-style hot spring inn located in the central area of Dogo Onsen town, and has Japanese-style rooms, so even foreigners can experience Japanese culture. The baths are equipped with an open-air bath and sauna, and the facilities are well-equipped. You can enjoy Ehime-only gourmet food such as sashimi and sea bream rice made with seafood from the Seto Inland Sea, so be sure to check it out.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/7/13)

20-8 Dogo Yunomachi

  • A rare Japanese-style inn where men and women can rent colorful yukatas

  • While most colored yukata rentals are only available to women, this hot spring inn is unusual in that it also has men's yukata available. The "Miraku-ryu yukata" provided here is a separate top and bottom, so it's easy to put on, and they also rent retro coats for cold days. You can also rent colored tabi socks, which are a stylish touch that will make walking outside a fun experience. For women in particular, walking outside can be a pain if the yukata comes undone, so this is a highly recommended rental. A detachable collar and obiage are also included, so your outfit won't look like it's been rented. The hot springs in the building are also open and spacious, so this inn is guaranteed to have a satisfying hot spring date!

    えんがわ's answer (Posted on:2019/9/29)

Dogo Yuzuki-cho 4-4

  • 道後温泉で絶景が楽しめるおすすめの宿です

  • This inn is conveniently located just a one-minute walk from Dogo Onsen and boasts Breathtaking view from its open-air bath. You can also enjoy the hot springs from Dogo's first open-air rooftop bath and large observation bath, which offer spectacular views of Matsuyama Castle to the south and Mt. Ishizuchi to the north. As for meals, you can enjoy a carefully selected kaiseki course that matches Setouchi with high-quality ingredients such as Iyo beef and Matsuyama chicken. In particular, the Iyo beef sashimi and foie gras Rossini with truffle-flavored egg and early mandarin crepes flambé are superb.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/ 6)

2-8-9,Kamiichi, Matsuyama, Ehime

  • A Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) with hot springs that foreigners will love

  • 道後温泉で外国人の友達が喜ぶ和風の温泉旅館をお探しでしたら、こちらの宿はいかがでしょう。こちらの夕食は瀬戸内の魚介類や野菜を中心にした和懐石が食べられます。そして温泉は低張性弱アルカリ性泉で関節痛や神経痛に効くと言われています。是非お勧めします。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/13)

7-26, Dogotakocho

  • 道後温泉を代表する宿です

  • 道後温泉を代表する宿です。カップルでも十分楽しめます。私は家族3人でお世話になりました。3人共、今回の旅については、大満足で楽しい旅となりました。施設や食事についても大満足でしたが、宿泊先のホテルの関係者の方々の温かい心に接する事が一番の思い出となりました。色浴衣の貸出もありました。

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 2)

06-21 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • Recommended accommodation for couples

  • This inn offers a bedrock bath for two people and a rental service for colorful yukata robes. The open-air bath and indoor bath are spacious, and the location is great, so it was very relaxing. There was also a multi-course meal plan that focused on Ehime's local cuisine. Please enjoy your trip to Ehime to the fullest.

    ぷりん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 2)

4-16 Dogo Yuzukicho, Matsuyama-shi

  • A modern inn with a Japanese atmosphere

  • カップルで道後温泉をお楽しみになるのでしたら、こちらの「ホテル葛城 Spa Resort 道後」をご宿泊先の候補としてお考えになられてはいかがでしょう。館内の温泉やお風呂も充実していますが、湯巡りなどにも最適な立地です。彩り鮮やかな浴衣の貸し出しサービスもありますよ。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2019/9/29)

267 Sue-machi, Matsuyama-shi

  • A relaxing inn with a view of the deep green mountains from the guest rooms

  • This is an inn where you can feel the nature of the four seasons. You can see the deep green of the mountains and flowers from the guest rooms, and you can spend a very quiet and luxurious time. If you splurge a little and stay in a room with an open-air bath, you can enjoy the hot springs while looking out at the majestic nature as much as you like, whenever you like.

    吉吉's answer (Posted on:2019/7/14)

Dogoyuzukicho 4-16

  • Relax in a cute yukata and enjoy a foot bath in your room.

  • Hana Yuzuki is a room with a retro pop impression. There are also rooms with foot baths, where you can relax in a foot bath for two after changing into a yukata. The main building is a three-story wooden Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) founded in 1894, and is a sight to behold. The bathhouse, which is modeled after the Asuka period, gives the feel of ancient times, and you may feel as if you have traveled back in time.

    からす's answer (Posted on:2019/7/ 1)

5-32 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • 道後温泉で外国人が喜ぶ和風の温泉旅館

  • We recommend Hotel Tsubakikan. It is a Japanese-style hotel with a retro Meiji era feel. For dinner, you can enjoy a buffet in an open kitchen style. You can enjoy seafood dishes and grilled turban shells. Breakfast is also a buffet with a wide variety of dishes. Please enjoy it together with the pleasant hot spring.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 5)

1-13 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • Overlooking the hot spring town of Dogo

  • 道後山の手ホテルは、道後温泉お温泉街を見渡す高台にあり、遠くには奥道後の山々も望む絶景を楽しめます。建物は英国を思い起こさせるレトロモダンな雰囲気で、それでいてお風呂は伝統ある道後温泉の佇まいを継承した和風の温泉。ミスマッチ感も情緒として感じられる温泉ホテルです。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/5/22)

2-27 Dogosagidanicho

  • If you want to experience Japanese culture, we recommend this inn.

  • This is a high-quality inn where you can relax and unwind. There are only a few guest rooms, so it is quiet and you will be treated with care. The hospitality of traditional Ryokan (Japanese inn) remains intact, so you can enjoy the goodness of Japan. The open-air bath made of rocks is also the best. The hospitality of matcha green tea when you arrive at the inn is also a nice service.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 1)

Dogosagidani-cho 1-1

  • Open-air bath Breathtaking view on the top floor

  • Speaking of great views, Hotel Koyakuen Haruka is the place to go. This hotel opened in 2019, so it's relatively new, but it's one that's garnering a lot of attention. You can listen to live piano music in the lounge bar at night. Both breakfast and dinner are buffet style, with a wide selection of seafood from the Seto Inland Sea. The beds here are made by Serta, and are a little harder than regular beds, but very comfortable. The best part is Breathtaking view of Matsuyama city from the open-air bath. Highly recommended.

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2020/4/23)

14. Dogo Miyu

2-20 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • A lodging for adults with a modern Japanese atmosphere

  • 道後温泉駅から徒歩5分で、アクセスがよいホテルです。全30室の客室すべてに温泉露天風呂が備え付けられています。高い階に泊まると、なかなか見晴らしがよく、夜景が美しいですよ。最上階には松山城と城下町を一望できる展望風呂と露天風呂があり、気持ちよく温泉が楽しめます。湯上りにはスカイラウンジや屋上テラスでのんびりしながら体のほてりを冷ますことができます。夕食は瀬戸内の山海の幸を使った会席料理で、美味しい鯛料理が食べられます。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/2/24)

1-1 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • Universally supported

  • ホテル古湧園 遥さんで過ごすのはいかがでしょうか。宿泊者専用のエレベーターで道後温泉本館や道後ハイカラ通りまで徒歩1分くらいで行けてとても近いです。こちらのホテルでは車椅子対応の貸切風呂やユニバーサル対応の部屋などバリアフリーの配慮もしているため、年配の方も過ごしやすいホテルです。大浴場は広々として松山市内を一望できます。

    こま's answer (Posted on:2024/6/19)

4-4 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • A Japanese-style inn quietly nestled in hot spring town

  • 別邸朧月夜は、道後温泉の中心である道後温泉本館から徒歩3分ほどで着きます。温泉街の中ほどにありながら、まるでそこだけ別空間であるかのようにひっそりと佇む、美しい和モダンな温泉宿です。純和風旅館の優雅さと近代建築の快適さを併せ持ち、伝統的な和の美を感じながらも、機能的な設備で宿泊者を迎えてくれます。外国の方だけでなく、日本人でも和の旅情の良さを再認識させてくれる宿です。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/5/26)

  • An inn with a large public bath and sauna

  • This inn has Japanese-style rooms of 10 tatami mats and 15 tatami mats. There is also a sauna, which is popular with foreigners, attached to the large bath. The large bath is also made of stone and has a heavy atmosphere. open-air bath is surrounded by Nature, and it is a hot hot spring with a calm atmosphere.

    くりくり's answer (Posted on:2019/6/10)

18. DogoYaya

Dogo Takocho 6-1

  • The freshly picked local vegetable salad for breakfast was excellent.

  • The breakfast was delicious, with plenty of fresh local vegetables and fruits. It was interesting to have a faucet serving Pon Juice at the front desk. Also, the rental of Imabari towels for hot spring was very convenient. The room was clean and comfortable, and I was able to spend a comfortable night in Dogo.

    ぴぴ's answer (Posted on:2015/11/18)

Dogohimezuka 112-1

  • The night view from the open-air bath is Breathtaking view!

  • 男女別に道後温泉ではかなり広い大浴場と露天風呂が有り、露天風呂からの眺めは遠く松山城を望め、眼下には温泉街を一望出来る。特に夜景は松山城はライトアップされ、温泉街は宝石のような輝きを放つ。サウナも大浴場に併設されていて、サウナは0:00に終わり、朝は6:00からになるが、風呂は1:00〜3:00の清掃時間以外は夜通し入浴出来る。食事は朝夕食バイキング、湯快リゾートお得意のバイキング料理は種類も多く、味も良い。デザートやソフトドリンクも多い。二日続いても飽きる事は無いだろう。娯楽施設も卓球、カラオケ、ゲームコーナー等有り、マッサージ機も有る。

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/6/28)

300-1 Suemachi

  • An inn surrounded by the mountains of Oku-Dogo

  • This hotel is located in Okudogo and is recommended for those who want to enjoy the scenery. It is surrounded by mountains and the view from the restaurant is amazing. The rooms with open-air bath have balconies. The fence is a bit of a nuisance, but the view from open-air bath is beautiful, with a view of the deep green mountains.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2019/7/27)

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