• Kinosaki Onsen | Top 30 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Kinosaki Onsen | Top 30 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of the 30 most popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in Kinosaki Onsen! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels in Kinosaki Onsen, including information on facilities such as rooms with popular open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Kinosaki Onsen"
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495 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

453 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • Tajimaya has three free private baths

  • 但馬屋は外観は黒を基調として、町屋造りをイメージした城崎温泉の中でも存在感のある造りにしております。3つの無料貸切風呂「きららの湯」「竹葉の湯」「花玄の湯」3つの貸切風呂は、全て無料でご利用いただけます。予約制ではございませんので、空いておりましたら何度でもご利用頂けます。大正15年に建築された木造三階の建物に、土壁・古木・竹・炭などをふんだんに使用し、『癒し』をテーマにシックでモダンな、そして遊び心をたっぷり詰め込んだ非日常な空間づくりにこだわっています。

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 5)

570-4 Imazu, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • The nostalgic massage machine in the lobby exudes rustic spring inn atmosphere.

  • Not only the exterior, but the massage machines at the entrance to the lobby are of a nostalgic type, giving off a Showa-era vibe. Also, when you enter the room, you'll find a rotary dial phone, which is no longer seen these days, so you can fully enjoy the Showa-era atmosphere. If you're looking for a rustic spring inn, we recommend "Korakuen"!

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 8)

4. Mitsuwa

220 Kinosakichoyushima, Toyooka-shi

  • 城崎温泉でひなびた雰囲気

  • This place has a rustic atmosphere, is small and calm, and is always kept neat and tidy. The plan with one night stay and two meals is reasonable, and you can enjoy the Tajima beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)-shabu plan, sea bream plan, and nodoguro plan. The hot spring is a rustic bath, and you can enjoy it in a homely atmosphere.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/3/ 4)

844 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) that welcomes babies and has free private baths!

  • This is Ryokan (Japanese inn) that welcomes babies and has three types of free private baths. The large public bath is also covered with tatami mats, so babies can bathe safely without worrying about getting hurt. There are also plenty of baby rental items, including bath chairs, tableware, picture books, and other great services.

    アコ★'s answer (Posted on:2019/2/14)

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 643

  • There is a yukata dressing service where you can choose from 100 yukatas.

  • A hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a great location near Ichinoyu. If you want to enjoy a yukata date, it's good to have a place that offers a dressing service. There are 100 outfits to choose from, so I'm sure your girlfriend will be smiling from the moment she chooses. Also, it was nice to be able to drink the local beer directly from the inn.

    夜景100選を巡っている旅人's answer (Posted on:2020/10/12)

487 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka

  • Relax and enjoy a stay at an inn that is a registered tangible cultural property

  • おすすめは、城崎温泉にある三木屋さん。300年の歴史のある木造建築の優しい風情に心が和む素敵な温泉宿です。志賀直哉にゆかりのあるお宿としても有名ですが、綺麗な庭園を愛でながら入るつつじの湯、ひいらぎの湯は忙しない時の流れを忘れてリラックス出来ます。このお宿には家族風呂があり、予約不要で空いていれば家族で鍵を掛けて、占用状態で利用出来るのでお子さんと一緒に存分に温泉を楽しむにもおすすめですよ♪

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2020/8/15)


  • A traditional Japanese inn from the good old days

  • Nishimuraya was founded in the Edo Ansei period and has been a popular traditional Japanese Ryokan (Japanese inn) ever since. The Japanese garden with its serene atmosphere and the many furnishings incorporating good old Japanese traditions are sure to satisfy your grandmother. Enjoy the taste of the four seasons of Tajima at dinner time.

    りっちゃん's answer (Posted on:2019/2/ 6)

108 Kinosakichō Yushima, Toyooka

Kinosakicho Yushima 606

  • A traditional inn with a Showa retro atmosphere

  • 城崎温泉駅から温泉街の中を歩いて10分ほど。温泉街の中心を流れる大谿川沿いに建つ趣きのある建物が特徴の旅館です。部屋数はわずか5つ。ですから、昔ながらの決め細やかなおもてなしを受けることが出来ます。お部屋はもちろん和室で、昭和中ごろにタイムスリップしたかのような気持ちにさせてくれます。宿泊プランには外湯めぐり券が付きますので、のんびりと温泉街を散策しながら外湯をお楽しみください。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/10)

373 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • A long-established inn where you can experience the atmosphere of a traditional hot spring

  • 「ゆとうや旅館」は城崎温泉駅から歩いて10分の温泉街のど真ん中にあり、外湯めぐりにも便利な宿です。2,000坪の日本庭園を有し、建物が国の登録有形文化財になっていて、昔ながらの温泉情緒が味わえる老舗宿です。館内にはガラス張りで風情のある内湯大浴場と貸切露天風呂があり、庭園を眺めながら温泉に浸かれます。夕食は地産地消の会席料理で、但馬牛や、冬には蟹が美味しいです。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/11/19)

199 Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka-shi

  • Private baths that are safe for families with small children

  • The indoor bath at the inn "Ookawa" is available for private use, so family can relax in the bath, and the water is deep enough that even small children can feel safe. The room has a relaxing atmosphere, making it the perfect space for families with children, and we were able to enjoy ourselves without worrying about the people around us. The food is high-quality local specialties, such as Tajima beef, crab, and abalone.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/2/27)

835 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • A quiet inn near the Maruyama River

  • This is a quiet inn near the Maruyama River. There is a private open-air bath with a Japanese atmosphere, so you can enjoy hot spring with your family. You can enjoy Tajima beef and seasonal flavors that are unique to Tajima. In winter, crab is delicious. There is a wide selection of colorful yukatas, which is a great service for mothers. Enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable trip in a calm Japanese-style room.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 7)

279 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • This is a long-established inn founded in 1865, with a charming sukiya-style building.

  • 「新かめや」は城崎温泉駅から歩いて7分の好立地にあり、家庭的なサービスが受けられる宿です。慶応元年創業の老舗宿で、数寄屋造りの建物に風情があります。全12室の客室は落ち着いた和室で、くつろげる雰囲気です。館内には24時間利用できる大小2つの温泉風呂があり、貸切で入れます。冬期には夕食時にカニが食べられますし、平日限定のお得なカニ会席プランもあるので、おすすめですよ。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/10/15)

246, Kinosakichoyushima, Toyooka-shi

  • There is a private bath where you can enjoy a view of the garden.

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Kinosaki hot spring, we recommend "Okesho." This inn faces the Otani River, a feature of Kinosaki, and is highly recommended for its atmosphere. It also has a private bath where you can enjoy the view of the small garden, so it is recommended for family trips. It also offers a rental service for colorful yukata, making it a recommended inn for walking around the town.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2019/7/22)

1232 Kinosakicho Momoshima

1011, Kinosakicho Yushima

  • A retro inn with a hint of Taisho-era romance

  • 城崎温泉でレトロな宿をお探しなら、「深山楽亭」がいいと思います。玄関やロビーが大正時代にいるかのような感じでレトロな雰囲気です。4つの大浴場があり中でも檜造り大浴場はとても広く城崎屈指の広さを誇ります。落ち着いた和室でゆっくりくつろげます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 7)

18. Ichidaya

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 810

  • If it's crab season, we definitely recommend Ryokan (Japanese inn) that focuses on food!

  • 冬に城崎温泉に行くなら新鮮な美味しいカニが楽しめますから、料理重視の旅館が絶対オススメだと思います。なぜなら、同じ宿泊料金でも、新鮮で美味しいカニがたくさん食べられますからね。そういう意味では、ここ「いちだや」は、厳選・但馬牛や、たっぷり海の幸、津居山ガニなどが美味しく召し上がれますよ。カップルや女性に人気の和モダン空間で、2つのゆったりとした陶器の貸切り風呂はアジアンな雰囲気。評判のお料理は朝夕お部屋出しと満足度は高いと思います。

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/6/27)

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 573

  • A traditional Japanese inn where you can experience hot spring atmosphere of Kinosaki.

  • 「つちや旅館」は城崎温泉駅から歩いて15分の、城崎ロープウェイのすぐ近くにある、全10室の純和風旅館です。客室は清潔感のある和室で、アットホームな雰囲気で、温泉情緒が感じられます。館内の温泉浴場は貸切風呂として利用でき、プライベートな入浴が可能です。色浴衣の貸し出しサービスがあるので、インスタ映えする写真が撮れますよ。外湯めぐりに便利な立地にある宿なので、浴衣を着て出かけてみるのもよいでしょう。夕食と朝食は部屋食で、夕食には地元の旬の山海の幸を使った会席料理が食べられます。但馬牛のしゃぶしゃぶや、冬には蟹すきが美味しいです。蟹のフルコースプランもありますよ。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/11/15)

636-1 Yusshima, Kinosaki

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