• 兵庫県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ74選
  • 兵庫県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ74選

「兵庫県」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル74件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「兵庫県」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Hyogo Prefecture"
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1654-1 Arima-cho,Kita-ku

  • 一万円台でも楽しめるリーズナブルな素泊まりプラン

  • おすすめは「有馬温泉 銀水荘 兆楽」です。同じ宿内で「金泉」と「銀泉」という異なる泉質を一度に楽しめる有馬温泉群の中では希少性もある素敵な温泉宿です。ハイグレードなホテルですが、手軽に利用して貰えるリーズナブルな素泊まりプランも充実♪櫟林の野趣溢れる雰囲気の中で入る露天風呂はとりわけ心地良く、温泉に含まれたラドンで身体の疲れも心地良くほぐされる癒しを感じる事が出来ます。少し離れた別棟ではジャグジーや蒸し風呂も堪能出来る、有馬に来たら訪れたいお勧めの温泉宿です。

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2021/8/20)

1296, Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • It's close to the station and very convenient for sightseeing.

  • If you are in Arima Onsen, how about "Arima Gyoen"? It is a hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) located a 5-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station. There are many hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn), shops, and convenience stores in the surrounding area, and it is also close to the outlet mall, so it is very convenient for sightseeing. Meals are served in the restaurant, with a menu using seasonal ingredients.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 4)

1304-1, Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • The stay-at-home plan is a great option, with breakfast and dinner served in your room and a carefully selected kaiseki dinner!

  • The rooms with open-air baths vary in price depending on the room grade, but the lowest price is 70,000 yen per person, but it is a room on the top floor with an excellent view, and the open-air bath is of course a Gin-yu hot spring. The meal is a carefully selected kaiseki course, cooked in the kitchen on the same floor and brought to the room while it is still hot. The food is as extravagant as possible, including Kobe beef fillet and sirloin steak, abalone, sea urchin, and other appetizers, as well as Akashi sea bream and live sashimi of tuna. The breakfast is so luxurious that it could be mistaken for dinner. The bath in the room is of course good, but the inn's observation large bath is on the same floor, so it is easy to get to. The bath has a spacious indoor bath (Ginsen) with Breathtaking view view below, an open-air bath where you can taste Kinsen and Ginsen, and a sauna is also attached. By the way, there is also a wonderful large bath in the basement. If you have time, I recommend going there. There is an indoor bath and an open-air bath with a completely different atmosphere from the 9th floor.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/2/ 8)

495 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

1617-1 Arimacho, Kita

  • A hotel that exceeds expectations

  • This is one of the more affordable hotels in Arima Onsen. Despite the low price, the breakfast and dinner meals are very delicious. It's not luxurious, but the relaxing rooms and clean large public baths are the secret to its popularity. The parking lot is large and easy to park in, and it's also convenient to access. We recommend this hotel as it will exceed your expectations.

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2021/9/17)

808 Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • 外国人も気軽に泊まれるベッド付き客室のある宿です

  • 有馬温泉でシモンズのベッドを採用した和洋室がある宿です。また温泉を中低温サウナを備えた大浴場「瑞泉」「爽泉」や「銀泉」(ラドン泉)の内鍵式の無料貸切露天風呂・「金泉」を貸切で堪能できる貸切家族風呂「寿泉」(有料)で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、神戸牛や三田牛、丹波松茸、松葉蟹、天然とらふぐなど厳選食材を産地より直接取り寄せ調理した会席料理が食べられますよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/17)

1670-5 Utsugidani

  • An inn just a 5-minute walk from the center of hot spring town

  • Merveille Arima is conveniently located just a two-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station, and a five-minute walk from the center of hot spring town. There are manju shops and cafes lined up, making it a great place to eat while walking around. The hotel has a large public bath (with sauna) where you can enter both the "Kinsen" and "Ginsen" springs, as well as open-air bath, so you can fully enjoy hot spring atmosphere. For dinner, you can enjoy a kaiseki course made with local ingredients, including delicious Kobe beef. From autumn, there are plans available where you can eat crab sukiyaki, crab hotpot, and fugu hotpot.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/23)

351 Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • Room with open-air bath "Kinsen"

  • If you are looking for an inn with an open-air bath and in-room dining in Arima Onsen, I recommend this inn. It is a spacious, clean, and elegant inn, and the open-air "Kinsen" bath is in the room, so it is great to be able to take a bath in the hot spring whenever you want without worrying about the people around you. Dinner is also served in the room. You will definitely be satisfied.

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2023/5/11)

Kita-ku Arima-cho 406-3

  • Assuming you're traveling alone, you can stay at an inn with six different types of saunas and baths for just 20,000 yen!

  • Ginsen, called "Toyoju no Yu," is pumped into six baths, a full-body bath, Lying-down bath utase-yu(a stream of hot water falling down on your shoulders like a small waterfall), a bubble bath, a walking bath, and a pressure bath. There is also an infrared sauna. There are several kaiseki courses available, ranging from a course with Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)shabu-shabu as the main dish, to black-haired wagyu steak, black-haired Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot), and a course with spiny lobster as kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ). It is a 12-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station, and close to the hot spring town. I don't know how much you should pay, but the breakfast-only plan costs less than 10,000 yen, so in that case you could have dinner in the hot spring town.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/2/14)

  • リーズナブルに有馬温泉を堪能する

  • お部屋は和室と洋室とあり、選べるようになっています。シーンなどで決められるのが良いです。お風呂も宿内には大浴場と露天、本館にも温泉があって楽しめます。料金は素泊まりや朝食付きなら1万円以下で、夕食のコースにもよりますが1万円少しで宿泊できるのでツアーの工程などで変わってくるかと思いますが、安くて良い宿だと思います。

    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/3/31)

987 Arima-cho Kita-ku, Kobe-shi

  • 有馬温泉で1万円以下でも泊まれる宿です

  • 有馬温泉で総部屋数37室の館内湯巡りが人気の宿 です。こちらの有馬温泉でゆったり湯泊まり(食事なし)プランならご予算に合います。また温泉を屋上に位置する輝く星空を仰ぎながら入る天空露天風呂や国の特別天然記念物に指定されている貴重な石をくぐらせた北投石の湯・広々とした宿自慢の大浴場内湯・空気に触れて茶褐色に変色する金泉露天風呂で楽しめますよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/10/30)

12. Korakuen

570-4 Imazu, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • The nostalgic massage machine in the lobby exudes rustic spring inn atmosphere.

  • Not only the exterior, but the massage machines at the entrance to the lobby are of a nostalgic type, giving off a Showa-era vibe. Also, when you enter the room, you'll find a rotary dial phone, which is no longer seen these days, so you can fully enjoy the Showa-era atmosphere. If you're looking for a rustic spring inn, we recommend "Korakuen"!

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 8)

4509-87, Arinochokarato

  • 自家源泉の温泉と広い和洋室

  • 有馬温泉でお考えなら、「ゆうわ」がいいと思います。自家源泉の天然温泉があり、内湯やサウナを含む8つの風呂があります。外国の方がお泊まりということで、お部屋は洋室より比較的広く使える和洋室がおすすめです。ツインのベッドと和室で広々、ゆったりくつろげます。食事は神戸牛をつかったしゃぶしゃぶやすき焼きなどのプランが喜ばれると思います。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 5)

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 643


  • This is a lodging in Arima Onsen where you can enjoy a room with open-air bath bath and meals delivered to your room.

  • Arima Onsen The inn is located between Ochibayama and the Taki River, which boasts the best Nature. Here, there is a guest room "Kyokusui-tei" with a detached type open-air bath that is ideal for a secluded stay. In addition, Directly flowing from the source hot spring can be enjoyed in the open-air baths "Tamahoko-no-yu and Afuku-no-yu" and large baths "Kame-no-yu and Tsuru-no-yu" along the Taki River, even outside of guest rooms. And as for meals, you can have kaiseki cuisine using seafood and Kobe BEEF caught in the suburbs Hyogo in a room meal. Especially, the Kobe BEEF grilled dish and Akashi seafood grilled on a ceramic plate are exquisite.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/10)

318 Arimacho, Kitaku

1904 Arimacho, Kita-ku

  • This is recommended on weekdays.

  • "Arima Onsen Hyoe Koyokaku" has been around for a long time and is surprisingly made for the common people, so I recommend it on weekdays. The shop inside Ryokan (Japanese inn) is also well stocked, so I think it's quite fun. This is a great location in Arima, and it's fun to stroll through the shopping district.

    こまち's answer (Posted on:2021/1/11)

  • お部屋も綺麗で満足でした。コスパが素晴らしいです。

  • 素泊まり可能なので、予算内に納まります。駅から無料送迎バスがあります。徒歩も可能ですが。お風呂は綺麗に清掃され、かつ広々、そして、ボディソープ等も各種あり、とても良かったです。有馬の源泉を楽しめました。お部屋も綺麗で満足でした。コスパが素晴らしいです。

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/7/14)

  • リーズナブルな価格で宿泊できるお宿です。

  • 高級路線のお宿が多い有馬温泉で、リーズナブルな価格で宿泊できるこちらのお宿がおすすめです。1泊素泊まりで6000円台からの格安プランがありますよ。ここならご希望の1万円という予算内に収まりますね。有馬の「銀泉」単純ラドン泉のお湯を広々とした大浴場で堪能できます。 男湯・女湯ともに打たせ湯や気泡浴、サウナ、さらに東屋風の露天風呂もありますよ。充実した温泉施設で 良質のお湯を心行くまで楽しめるのでおすすめです。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 7)

453 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • Tajimaya has three free private baths

  • Tajimaya's exterior is based on black, and is designed to stand out among Kinosaki Onsen. The three private baths, "Kirara no Yu," "Takeba no Yu," and "Hanagen no Yu," are all free to use. There is no reservation system, so you can use them as many times as you like if they are available. Built in 1926, the three-story wooden building is made with plenty of earthen walls, old wood, bamboo, and charcoal, and is committed to creating an extraordinary space that is chic, modern, and full of playfulness, with a theme of "healing."

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 5)

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