• Gero Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 13 recommended places for 2024
  • Gero Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 13 recommended places for 2024

A ranking of 13 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Gero Onsen"! Reservations for hot spring inns and hotels related to "Gero Onsen" can be made on 47Trip, including facility information such as rooms with popular open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Gero Onsen"
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1811 Koden, Gero-shi

  • A hotel where you can see the night view and mountains from your room

  • From the rooms on the higher floors, you can see the night view of the hot spring town and the mountains of Gero. I think it would be a great atmosphere for couples to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The hot springs, known as "Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty)," make your skin smooth and silky, which is great for women. You can also enjoy the night view of the hot spring town from the open-air observation bath, so you can relax in it. Dinner is a buffet with all-you-can-eat Japanese, Western and Chinese cuisine, including churrasco, sushi, tempura, and local dishes, and it is very satisfying.

    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2021/7/ 1)

Koden 1605

  • 下呂温泉で湯めぐり手形の対象になっているご予算に合う宿です

  • 下呂温泉で日本三名泉「下呂の湯」を堪能できる宿です。こちらは高台に位置するので大浴場・レストランからも温泉街の素晴らしい景色を望めます。また女性に嬉しい柔らかく肌になじむ「美人の湯」のアルカリ性単純温泉を大浴場で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、和食に洋食・中華までバラエティー豊かなメニューをバイキング形式で食べられます。さらに種類豊富なソフトドリンクも飲み放題(無料)ですよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/9/23)

Yunoshima 535

  • A hotel with a lovely open-air bath

  • The dinner Buffet plan, using high-quality ingredients, is delicious and luxurious. It is also covered by Yumeguri-Tegata (the bathing ticket which can use for other hot spring facility), and in addition to the large public bath, the quaint and relaxing open-air bath is also popular. The hotel is lively and well-equipped. Furthermore, the hotel is conveniently located for strolling around the hot spring town. Please enjoy the high-quality hot spring water and the delicious all-you-can-eat Buffet.

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2022/2/13)

1781 Mori

  • The view and hot spring were wonderful

  • We had a wonderful view of the mountains from our Japanese-style room. open-air bath with the trees in front of you gave us the feeling of forest bathing, which was great. As it is part of the Oedo hot spring group, the buffet was very substantial. There was a wide variety of Japanese, Western, Chinese and sweets on the menu. The tempura was freshly fried in the live kitchen, and the steaks were also freshly grilled, which was very satisfying. Being able to choose the color of the yukata was also a nice service. There are also playful elements to this inn, so it's a fun place to stay.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2021/5/20)

1268 Koden

  • A special time spent at a member Ryokan (Japanese inn)

  • おすすめは、下呂温泉 水明館さんです。このお宿は加盟旅館の一つに含まれているのは勿論、お宿自体に4つの宿泊棟があり、そのうち3つの棟にはそれぞれの異なる特徴の温泉があるのが魅力ポイント♪山水閣の露天風呂に臨川閣の檜のお風呂、飛泉閣の展望大浴場など同じ施設内でも手軽な湯巡り体験が楽しめます。微かに硫黄の香りがするアルカリ性の単純温泉は肌に優しく、入浴後のお肌のツルツル感を強く実感出来るお勧めの温泉宿です。

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2021/9/14)

758-15 Yunoshima, Gero-shi

  • 下呂温泉街の中心にあるカップルや女性に人気の宿

  • Gero Royal Hotel Gattei boasts hot spring a large bath with a view, a hinoki cypress bath open-air bath, a garden with six hot water pots open-air bath, and two footbaths, etc. The ladies plan offers a free rental colored yukata, from which you can choose your favorite colored yukata from dozens of patterns. The meal plan also includes room service for kaiseki (a traditional Japanese multiple course meal) cuisine that makes the most of Hida beef and other seasonal Hida ingredients. The price is still less than 15,000 yen per night, so we recommend this hotel. Also, this hotel is eligible for the Yumeguri Teppo, but if you want to enter hot spring from another hotel, it is limited to 7:30-8:30, so I think you can enjoy the popular hot spring more slowly if you stay at this hotel.

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/7/ 4)

260-1 Yunoshima

  • 山形屋から、下呂温泉で温泉めぐりを楽しめます

  • 女子2人旅で下呂温泉を楽しむなら、「山形屋」をおすすめします。こちらは江戸時代の文化元年より、絶えることなく営業されている老舗旅館です。山形屋は、湯めぐり手形対象旅館に加盟されています。館内には広々とした大浴場と露天風呂があり、飛騨川のせせらぎや飛騨の山々を眺めながら温泉に入れます。色浴衣の貸し出しサービスがあるので、インスタ映えする写真が撮れます。夕食は、飛騨地方の旬の食材を中心に仕立てた会席料理を味わえます。宿から温泉街まで徒歩2分ですので、観光・温泉めぐりにも最適です。

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/24)

570, Yunoshima, Gero-shi

  • 彼女が喜ぶこと間違いなし「下呂温泉 小川屋」さん

  • カップルにおすすめなのは下呂温泉、「小川屋」さんです。何といってもバラ風呂がおすすめですよ。女性なら誰しもが喜ぶ演出ではないでしょうか。食事は朝食にビュッフェを選ぶことができます。質、量ともに満足していただけると思います。

    ゆぅ's answer (Posted on:2021/3/12)

544, Yunoshima

  • 下呂温泉でビュッフェ料理の楽しめるお勧めの宿

  • Here you can enjoy the buffet meals you request. Although you will be dining at a sister hotel, you can enjoy a wide variety of Japanese, Western and Chinese cuisine. There is also an all-you-can-drink option, and an all-you-can-eat crab option. In the open-open-air bath, you can enjoy the starry sky while soaking in the hot water. You will be able to refresh both your body and mind, and I'm sure it will become a wonderful memory.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/1/28)

1550 Koden

  • Conveniently located for Visiting hot springs, you can enjoy Hida beef at a reasonable price

  • Minori-so is an inn that is eligible for Yumeguri-Tegata (the bathing ticket which can use for other hot spring facility), and is located a 7-minute walk from Gero Station, making it a convenient base for exploring. The hot springs in the inn are 100% natural and can be used 24 hours a day. There is a large public bath with a great view and a private bath, and you can also use the baths at the sister hotel, Hotel Kusakabe Almeria. Dinner is a creative kaiseki meal made with local seasonal ingredients, and you can eat plenty of Hida beef. It is a very cost-effective inn, so I recommend it.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/ 5)

1098 Kouden

  • At night, you can enjoy the night view of hot spring town.

  • 下呂温泉でしたら、「竹翠亭」はいかがでしょうか。下呂駅から徒歩5分ほどの場所に位置するこちらのお宿は、総部屋数18室ですがとても立派なお宿です。客室は、一般客室・特別室・夕霧の間の3タイプあり、すべて和室タイプです。夕霧の間のみ6名まで宿泊できる和洋室になっており、檜風呂がお部屋についています。すべての客室が明るく広々としているので、とてもゆったりとくつろぐことができます。壁一面が窓ガラスになっている大浴場は、最高の見晴らし。お昼には緑豊かな山々を望み、夜には温泉街の夜景を楽しむことができます。他には檜家族風呂があり、貸切で利用できるのでカップルやファミリーに人気です。そしてお食事は、名物飛騨牛をはじめ旬の食材を使った会席料理をいただくことができます。ボリュームたっぷりの内容と、見た目の美しさにお食事の時間も楽しくなりそうです。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/14)

190-1 Yunoshima, Gero

1070-1 Chidori Cho

  • Enjoy a buffet of snow crab and Hida beef, and open-air bath with a beautiful view

  • We offer a buffet dinner where you can enjoy snow crab, Hida beef steamed in magnolia leaves, and roast beef, as well as a healthy breakfast buffet with Hida Takayama local cuisine and homemade bread. As we are located on a high ground in Hida, you can get a panoramic view of the night view of Hida city from open-air bath. You can enjoy a beautiful and tranquil view.

    アヤリリス's answer (Posted on:2019/8/18)
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