• 熱海温泉|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ26選
  • 熱海温泉|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ26選

「熱海温泉」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル26件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「熱海温泉」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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8-3 Sakimi-cho, Atami-shi

  • Relax in the fragrant cypress bath

  • We recommend Oedo Onsen Monogatari Atami Onsen Kosai-no-yu bath, where you can enjoy the presence of light, the large bath with the scent of cypress, and the rustic open-air rock bath. This is a recommended hot spring inn with a high level of delicious Buffet cuisine that incorporates seasonal seafood and a sense of the season.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2021/11/ 6)

Wadahamaminamicho 3-9

  • Up to 10 people can stay.

  • The room type is decided upon, and the size and whether or not it has a view will vary depending on the room. The bath in the room may be a shower booth type without a bathtub. However, there are Roman baths that can accommodate 300 people at the same time, open-air baths, and private baths so everyone can enjoy them. Enjoy the atmosphere of ancient Rome in the Roman baths. The inn has four hot springs, making it one of the most abundant hot springs in Atami.

    一郎ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 5)

11-32 Mizuguchicho

  • This is a hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Atami with a cypress bath.

  • There is a cypress bath in the building. The water is replaced every day, so it is clean. There is also a private bath, so married couple can enjoy the hot springs just the two of them. The main dish is seafood. You can enjoy spiny lobster, grilled turban shells, grilled abalone, and more.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/6/ 2)

4-16 Tahara-honcho, Atami-shi

190-1 Izusan

  • Buffet with 80 different items for dinner and 50 different items for breakfast is available, and colorful yukata robes are available for free rental!

  • There are two large public baths, and both the indoor and open-air bath offer a wonderful view of the vast ocean of Sagami Bay. There is also a sauna, so you can fully relax. There is free table tennis, colorful yukata rentals, and karaoke and massage machines are available for a fee. For dinner, there is often an open kitchen, so you can eat tempura and steak while they are still hot. There are also many desserts and soft drinks. Breakfast is a Japanese and Western Buffet, and the katte-don, boiled whitebait, and seafood are irresistible. You can never have enough rice.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/9/ 6)

7-1 Hayashigaoka-machi, Atami-shi

  • A bathtub made entirely of cypress wood for a highly relaxing experience

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Atami Onsen where you can enjoy a cypress bath, I recommend Atami Onsen Taikanso. This inn is associated with Yokoyama Taikan, a master of Japanese painting, and boasts a magnificent garden, two hot springs, and an abundant supply of hot water. There are three large baths with different styles, each with an open-air bath. One of them is the Hinoki no Yu, a bathtub made entirely of cypress. It is a warm bath with a great relaxing effect. There is also a jet bath and sauna room. There is a fee for the private open-air bath, but you can enjoy the hot spring for two while looking out at the sea for 45 minutes. Dinner is a Kyoto-style kaiseki meal made with fresh seafood from Atami, and there is also a plan where you can have it served in your room.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/10/15)

Ginza-cho 1-16

  • A hot spring inn in Atami where you can enjoy plentiful hot spring and delicious cuisine

  • Atami New Fujiya Hotel is an Atami Onsen Onsen inn that has two large public baths with different hot spring sources, where you can enjoy Visiting hot springs in the baths. It also has spacious rooms where you can relax, making it the perfect hot spring inn for a girls' trip with a friend. The meals, which are made with an abundance of fresh seafood and local ingredients from Shizuoka Prefecture, are also very popular. The food is served in a buffet format, so you can enjoy as much as you like, and you can also eat as many sweets as you like, which are popular with women.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2023/1/30)

1-7 Minaguchichō, Atami

  • A beautiful Japanese garden

  • From your room you can see a Japanese-style garden that changes with the seasons. You can enter the garden in no time by putting on sandals. The room also has a cypress bath, which is of course a hot spring. You will have the bath and the view all to yourself, which is very relaxing. Both breakfast and dinner are served in the room, so it seems like a great place married couple to spend some quality time together.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    帽子屋's answer (Posted on:2019/4/24)


  • A lodging where eight students can enjoy Atami Onsen to the fullest

  • If you are looking for a place to stay in Atami Onsen where 8 people can stay together, we recommend Atami Korakuen Hotel. The Tower Building has an 18-tatami Japanese-style room, so 8 students can stay together. The hotel has an open-air bath with a great view, so you can enjoy the ocean view while soaking in the hot spring. For dinner, you can enjoy their signature Japanese kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with carefully selected fresh ingredients and seafood.

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/19)

10-33 Showa-cho, Atami-shi

  • Affordable accommodation for 8 people

  • For 8 people, there are two adjoining rooms, one 10 tatami mats and the other 6 tatami mats. In addition to the indoor bath, the large communal bath also has a rock-made open-air bath, which was very pleasant. Dinner is a rich buffet with both Japanese and Western dishes, including a large selection of delicious seafood unique to Atami. There are also karaoke rooms, ping pong tables and other entertainment options within the building, making for a fulfilling trip.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/25)

1472-1 Shimotaga, Atami-shi

  • Enjoy cypress with all five senses

  • This inn has a private cypress bath that can be used free of charge, and the view of the ocean from there is extremely relaxing. The natural Directly flowing from the source observation bath, with the scent of cypress, was refreshing to the fullest with all five senses. This inn is recommended not only for its baths but also for its food, and offers a wide variety of plans such as spiny lobster and golden-eyed snapper.

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/1/24)

Sakimico 6-1

  • It is a large, comfortable room consisting of two Western-style rooms.

  • If you are looking for a large room for 8 people in Atami Onsen, I recommend Atami Season Hotel. This large room uses two triple Western-style rooms. Each room is over 40 m2, so it is very spacious and comfortable. It is much more comfortable than staying in a regular Japanese-style room. Meals are served buffet style, and you can enjoy delicious original dishes. The price is also reasonable.

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 8)

2-19 Taharahonmachi Atami

  • 熱海温泉で8人宿泊できる大部屋の有る宿です

  • 熱海温泉で8人宿泊できる大部屋の有る宿をお探しでしたら、こちらの宿はいかがでしょうか。こちらはゆったり次の間付きで10畳+7.5畳など組み合わせしだいで10人以上でも大丈夫ですよ。また温泉は源泉温度78度の弱塩泉を大浴場と露天風呂で入れます。そして食事ですが、旬の食材をふんだんに使った和会席膳を食べられますよ。是非お勧めします。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/18)

1-2 Higashi-kaigancho

  • プライベートでヒノキ風呂満喫できました

  • こちらの貸切露天風呂はヒノキ風呂だったため、気兼ねなく景色もヒノキ風呂の温泉も満喫できました。目の前には海が広がり爽やかな光景です。料理は熱海ならではの魚介メインの会席です。金目鯛もあり豪華な内容でした。食事が部屋食だったので、お酒も気兼ねなくいただくことができ楽しいひと時を過ごせました。

    Questions answered: Which Atami Onsen experience?

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 8)

1993-250 Atami, Atami-shi

  • アカオビーチリゾートで屋外プールと海水浴が愉しめる温泉ホテル!

  • 錦ヶ浦の高台に建ち、相模湾の大パノラマを眺めることができるこちらのホテル。非日常空間で忙しい日常を忘れ、刻一刻と変わる海の景色やピアノやハープの生演奏、バラ風呂も愉しめる露天風呂など、本物の上質に触れることができます。また早朝にはホテルスタッフによる周辺のガイドツアーもありおすすめです。

    なーさ's answer (Posted on:2019/3/15)

  • 緑に囲まれた気持ちのいいホテル

  • 熱海温泉で食事と卓球を堪能されたいなら、「熱海 森の温泉ホテル」がいいと思います。熱海の山沿いにあり周りを緑に囲まれた気持ちのいいホテルです。こちらには卓球をはじめ、ビリヤード、ゲームコーナーなどの施設があります。囲碁、将棋の貸出、屋内温水プールなど施設が大変充実しています。食事はビュッフェ形式で美味しい料理がたくさん揃っています。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 6)

16-53 Nishiyama-cho, Atami-shi

  • There is a plan that includes an all-you-can-drink Buffet.

  • This inn offers a plan with a 30-item Buffet and all-you-can-drink plan. Not only alcohol but also soft drinks are all-you-can-drink. Breakfast includes Japanese food and croissants, but the ochazuke with sea bream broth is also delicious. The price is less than 10,000 yen for two meals, but the service of cute colorful yukata is not available.

    味噌かつ's answer (Posted on:2019/6/14)

5-13 Showa-cho, Atami-shi

  • 定員8名までの客室がある!グループ専用客室のある旅館

  • 8名まで宿泊可能なグループ専用客室のある、こちらの旅館はいかがですか。2間続きで20畳以上の広さがあるので、ゆったり過ごせます。夕食、朝食ともに部屋食で、人目を気にせずに賑やかに食事ができる点もおすすめポイントです。

    AHA's answer (Posted on:2019/3/21)

1484-19, Shimotaga, Atami-shi

  • 8名まで泊まれる海一望のテラス付き大部屋があります

  • 「海辺の宿 長濱苑」には8名まで泊まれるテラス付き大部屋があります。海が一望でき、二間続きで、広くてくつろげる和室です。夕食は地元の海鮮が満載の会席料理で、伊勢エビ・アワビ・サザエの浜焼きや舟盛が付くプランもありますよ。館内には内湯と露天風呂がある他、海が一望できる貸切の露天風呂も3つあります。伊豆多賀駅から歩いて7分ですが、熱海駅からバスで来ることもできます。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/10/12)

Higashi Kaigancho 9-11

  • 8人一緒の部屋でもOK!熱海駅から徒歩5分の好立地な旅館!

  • 「さくらや旅館」は熱海駅から徒歩5分で電車で熱海に行くにはとっても便利な場所にあります。しかも、8人が同じ部屋に泊まれる部屋として、12畳と10畳の和室にソファー付きの洋間があるゆったりとした部屋があるので、8人が泊まっても窮屈にはならないで泊まれると思います。お風呂も充実していて露天風呂やサウナもあり温泉も楽しめたり、麻雀ルームがあったりするのでグループで一緒に泊まるならこちらの宿をオススメします。

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/11/29)

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