• Wakura Onsen | Top 8 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Wakura Onsen | Top 8 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 8 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in "Wakura Onsen"! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, etc. To book hot spring inns and hotels in "Wakura Onsen", please use 47Trip.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Wakura Onsen"
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Wakura machi Yobu 91-1

  • Breakfast and dinner Buffet, and a Korean fair in winter with all-you-can-drink soft drinks!

  • A weekday stay for one night with two meals costs less than 10,000 yen One person. Kinpaso is run by Yukai Resort, so it has the best value for money nationwide (mainly in Western Japan). There are separate large indoor and open-air bath baths for men and women, as well as an infinity observation open-air bath and a sauna attached to the large bath. All baths are open 24 hours a day, except during cleaning times. Meals are served as a breakfast and dinner Buffet, with Japanese, Western and Chinese cuisine for dinner, and in winter there is a Korean fair with a slightly larger selection of Korean food. There is also a dessert Buffet, with plenty of fruit and cakes. Soft drinks are also all-you-can-drink. In the morning, the Japanese and Western Buffet is so good that you'll find yourself eating so much that you'll wonder what you were doing eating like crazy the night before, as you continue eating from the morning onwards.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/11/ 8)

96 Yobu, Wakura-machi, Nanao-shi

  • 和倉温泉でカラオケを楽しめる宿

  • Niji to Umi has an open-air bath and a large public bath with a great view. You can enjoy the ocean view while soaking in the hot water, and relax both your body and mind. You can enjoy fresh seafood dishes at the buffet, and you can also enjoy karaoke if you wish. I'm sure it will be a fun memory for your family.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/24)

80 Yobu, Wakura-cho, Nanao

  • 和倉温泉にあるカラオケつきの宿です。

  • 和倉温泉でカラオケのできる宿で、館内にあるカラオケバーやクラブで好きな曲をお酒とともに楽しめ、おすすめです。温泉の露天風呂からは七尾湾を眺望でき、海と夕焼けのコントラストも絶景で眺めがよくおすすめです。お食事には寒ぶりなど能登の新鮮な海の幸がたくさんでおすすめです。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/2/23)

4. Tadaya

3-29 Okuhara-machi, Nanao-shi

  • Guests can enjoy a karaoke room and a private open-air bath.

  • This inn has a karaoke room, so I recommend it. After enjoying the Wakura hot springs and a meal, you can enjoy karaoke with your family. There is a private open-air bath with a view of the ocean. I recommend it because you can enjoy the hot springs with just your family without worrying about others.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 3)

1-14 Kashima, Ishizaki-machi, Nanao-shi

  • Buffet cuisine with plenty of local ingredients

  • 和倉温泉でしたら、「のと楽」はいかがでしょうか。和倉温泉街にあり、七尾湾を眺めながら湯っ足りパークで足湯に浸かったりと、そぞろ歩きが楽しめます。館内でも、七尾湾に面したガラス張りのラウンジでゆったりしたりエステでリフレッシュしたりして過ごせます。客室は和室、洋室、和洋室を用意。ジャグジー付きの客室、露天風呂付きの客室、展望風呂付き客室もあります。能登の地元食材たっぷりのバイキング料理や、海に面した眺望自慢の露天風呂なども、贅沢な気分を味わえます。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/28)

45 Yo, Wakura-machi, Nanao-shi

  • It's a small inn, but it has a karaoke room.

  • Ryotei Hamanasu is a cozy inn with a total of 11 rooms, but it has a karaoke room. The innkeeper is a fisherman, so you can enjoy Japanese food kaiseki meals using fresh fish caught that morning in Wakura Bay. Dinner is served in your room. You can enjoy open-air bath in the inn and hot spring in 100% natural hot spring.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/11/ 1)

3-1 Wakura-machi, Nanao-shi

  • We recommend the family plan that includes a karaoke room.

  • 和倉温泉 ゆけむりの宿美湾荘にはカラオケルームが付いていてご家族でワイワイ楽しめます。お料理は夕朝食とも部屋出しで日本海の海の幸をふんだんに活かした会席料理、品数は11〜12品で大満足。朝食はヘルシーで人気の郷土料理「すいぜん」や海藻サラダ、温泉玉子も付いた和定食を部屋で用意してくれます。

    Fumi_3's answer (Posted on:2019/3/ 5)

Ra-1 Yaguradani, Shikamachi, Hakui-gun

  • Buffet where you can fully enjoy Noto

  • I would like to introduce a recommended hotel where you can enjoy your trip to the fullest at a reasonable price. It is the Royal Hotel, Noto. This hotel is famous for its Buffet where you can fully enjoy the taste of Noto, and I'm sure you and your friend will be satisfied.

    コート's answer (Posted on:2019/4/26)
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