• 山梨県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ41選
  • 山梨県|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ41選

「山梨県」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル41件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「山梨県」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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5-6-1 Shinnishihara, Fujiyoshida-shi

  • 富士急ハイランド近くのホテル

  • 富士急ハイランドのオフィシャルホテルでアクセスのよい「ハイランドリゾート&スパ」さんがお勧めです。こちらにお泊まりになれば、富士急ハイランドへの優先入場権などもついてきます。温泉が楽しめるのも嬉しいポイントですね。

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/12/21)

97 Isawacho hatta

4020-2 Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun,

  • 富士河口湖温泉のカップルにおすすめの宿!

  • 湖南荘はお泊りデートを楽しめるカップル向きのお宿なので、おすすめいたします!露天風呂付きの客室も貸切温泉もあります。ご要望の予算、ちょっとリッチな30,000円位のプランもありますよ。お食事は四季折々の旬の味覚でおもてなし、お部屋食で楽しめますよ。富士山を見ながら楽しむことができる温泉が、一番のおすすめポイントです。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2022/6/18)

4025 Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun

  • レイクビューが素敵な貸切風呂のあるホテル

  • レイクビューで、ちょっと贅沢な露天風呂付の和室プランなどがございます。富士山が見えるお部屋もありますよ。地下には広い大浴場やサウナもありますし、さらに7階(最上階)にある展望大浴場と貸切風呂からは河口湖を一望できます。また湯上り処からは富士山を眺められるのも嬉しいです。夕食はお部屋または個室でいただけますし、景観も良く、リーズナブルな旅館としてもおすすめいたします。

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2022/5/31)


  • 貸切風呂がある富士河口湖温泉の宿

  • 河口湖温泉で露天風呂付きの客室があるお宿で、カップルでのプライベートな入浴利用ができますので、おすすめです。大浴場のほか、共有の貸切風呂もあります。富士山を眺められる景観抜群の宿で、楽しめると思います。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/6/ 3)

1-14-3 Chuo

1182 Asakawa, Fujikawaaguchiko-cho, Minamitsuru-gun

  • 高級宿で贅沢なひと時をどうぞ。

  • 「楽游」は夏休みを利用した、カップルでリッチに宿泊に適した宿で、ご希望どおり客室露天風呂が楽しめ、富士河口湖の落ち着きのある雰囲気を楽しみながら温泉でまったりできます。夕食は板長がおすすめする旬の食材の料理となり、本格的で贅沢な食材を使った美味しい料理が満喫できます。宿はハイクラスで、カップルがデートに使うのにピッタリのグレード感があり、それでいて予算で収まるのでおすすめです。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2022/8/ 6)

187-3, Yoshiwara, Kami-ishimori

6713-103 Funatsu

  • 富士山を眺望できる露天風呂付のお部屋があります

  • 河口湖温泉にお越しでしたら「大池ホテル」は如何でしょうか。煉瓦色の建物が印象的な和モダンな温泉のある宿です。客室には富士山を眺望できる露天風呂付のお部屋や、風情ある庭園貸切の露天風呂を用意しています。夕食に山梨の旬の食材と新鮮な魚介を使った和食膳が味わえる、スタンダードな2食付きプランがおすすめです。客室も和室10畳+広縁に露天風呂が付いた、とても広いお部屋で過ごせます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2023/1/ 8)

Tsumashina-98 Minaminagano, Nagano

  • You can enjoy the hot springs in your room

  • The large open-air bath has a very calming atmosphere, allowing you to enjoy the snowy scenery at your leisure. This is a recommended location for a base for sightseeing in Shiga Kogen and Togakushi. There are various types of indoor baths, including a standing bath, a jacuzzi, Finnish-style and Korean-style saunas, and a cold bath. Other options include Korean scrubs and body care courses. Most of the guest rooms are Japanese-style, and there is an observation bath with natural hot spring water, where you can enjoy the hot spring. For dinner, you can enjoy a kaiseki course meal in your room.

    かめや's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1607-28 Kawanakajima, Isawa-cho, Fuefuki-shi

  • 石和温泉とワインを同時に楽しめる

  • ホテル君佳に泊まるのはいかがでしょうか。ホテルには石和温泉の大浴場と露天風呂があって、美肌の湯ともいわれているので旅の疲れを取りつつ美容効果も期待できそうです。ホテルの周辺には観光ワイナリーとして人気の「モンデ酒造」や「葡萄工房 ワイングラス館」などワイン好きには嬉しい施設があります。他にもフルーツ狩りのスポットも近いので、是非行ってみてください。

    's answer (Posted on:2024/6/19)

4307 AZUMI

  • You might experience diamond dust in the open-air bath early in the morning

  • This hotel is located halfway up the slopes of Norikura Kogen Ski Resort, and since the surrounding temperature drops below freezing, you may be able to see diamond dust while taking a bath in the open-air bath early in the morning. We recommend this hotel to those who want to experience a fantastic atmosphere while warming their bodies in the hot springs.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

13. Yorozuya

3137 Hirao

  • This is a historic inn, and the baths are highly recommended.

  • It is a historic and prestigious Ryokan (Japanese inn). The rooms are spacious, and the open-air lobby has a luxurious feel. The wooden Momoyama bath is wonderful. The rock-made open-air bath is also very tasteful. In winter, you can bathe while watching the snowy scenery. This inn is also a registered tangible cultural property of the country. And yet, it is not too expensive, so I think it is a hidden hot spring. For food, you can enjoy the famous Shinshu beef. Please use this as a reference.

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1140 Mitomikawaura, Yamanashi-shi

  • The open-air hot springs along the valley are wonderful.

  • The open-air hot spring is located along the valley, and it's great to spend some time listening to the sound of the river. There is also an indoor bath, but the view is amazing. Yamagatakan, which is built along the valley, has a great view of the valley and the food was also satisfying. I have been there twice so far, attracted by the quality of the hot spring.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

5907 Toyosato, Koumi-machi, Saku-gun

  • You can enjoy skiing, tennis and hot springs.

  • Four adults can enjoy skiing and tennis in one room, relaxing in separate beds. There is also an open-air bath with natural hot spring water, perfect for after-skiing. The golf course is closed in winter, but there are three indoor tennis courts, so we recommend bringing your own racket and having fun.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

2202 Hirao, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun

  • Located in Yudanaka Shibu Onsen, it has the atmosphere of a hot spring town from the early Showa period.

  • Located in Yudanaka Shibu Onsen, the entire town is a retro hot spring town reminiscent of the early Showa period. This inn is also the model for the inn in Spirited Away. Nearby is Jigokudani Onsen, where monkeys bathe in the hot springs, and we recommend this inn for its winter snow scenery.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Shirakabako, Chino-shi

  • Snow viewing from the infinity open-air bath

  • I recommend Shirakaba Resort. The open-air bath at this hotel is an infinity hot spring that allows you to feel one with the scenery, and the snowy scenery is the best. The meals are served Buffet style, with a mix of Japanese, Western and Chinese sweets, all of which were delicious. There are also shops, a hot spring pool and other recreational facilities on-site, so everyone can enjoy themselves all day long.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1053 Kamiiwashita, Yamanashi-shi

19. Ubuya

10 Asakawa, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun

  • The hot springs are amazing and you can see Mt Fuji straight from your room.

  • The view of Mt. Fuji in winter is very good. This hotel is a 10-minute shuttle bus ride away from Kawaguchiko Station. The transportation is very convenient. The location is easy to get to. The food is delicious and the hot springs are the best. You can relax in the Fujikawaguchiko hot springs while overlooking Mt. Fuji. Best of all, you can look at Mt. Fuji right in front of you while relaxing in your room. It's soothing.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

5513 Kitayama, Chino-shi

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