• Ikaho Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 19 recommended places for 2024
  • Ikaho Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 19 recommended places for 2024

A ranking of 19 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Ikaho Onsen"! Reservations for hot spring inns and hotels related to "Ikaho Onsen" can be made on 47Trip, including facility information such as rooms with popular open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Ikaho Onsen"
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396-20 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

  • An English-speaking inn with a variety of fun baths

  • This is an inn with a variety of fun baths, and they also offer English support. For people from English-speaking countries, it may be difficult to use the large public baths alone, but there are indoor and outdoor family baths (private baths are available for a fee), so you can use those instead. The twin rooms are spacious, and there is a wide selection of food, so I think this is a good inn to guide customers from overseas.

    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 4)

557-34 Ikahocho, Shibukawa-shi,

  • This is a lodge that offers full service.

  • 伊香保温泉で英語対応してくれるお宿でしたら、こちらをおすすめします。外国人観光客が多く居る伊香保温泉ですので、何の心配もありませんよ。困っている外国人が居たら、進んで声を掛けてくれるので皆喜んでいます。

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2022/12/22)

557-32 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

592-1 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

  • A child-friendly hotel

  • Japanese-style hotels where you can stay with your children have spacious rooms and buffet-style meals with a luxurious lineup, so they are recommended. There are also plenty of gorgeous menu that are popular with everyone, such as sushi and tempura. There are also baby baths available for rental in hot spring, so even children can soak in them.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/10)

135 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-city

  • Although the quality is not high, you can still communicate with foreigners who speak English.

  • 一時はインバウンド対応で外人対策をしていたので、英語対応の接客マニュアルは持っている。温泉地としては、国内有数の観光地、全く問題無い。建物も日本建築の登録文化財になるところも多いので、是非来て欲しいものだ。風呂は21もの湯舟が有り、伊香保温泉自慢の黄金の湯を掛け流しで楽しめる。ミストサウナ、ドライサウナ、露天水風呂、露天風呂、マッサージバス等様々な風呂が有る。また、有料だがゲルマニウムの岩盤浴も有る。食事は和食会席と朝食はバイキングでもちろん洋食も或る、郷土料理もふんだんに有る。

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/6/17)

210-2 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibugawa-shi

  • A large public bath where you can relax while gazing at Mount Haruna and Mount Akagi

  • 伊香保温泉でしたら、「旅館 さくらい」はいかがでしょうか。お風呂は濁り湯ではないですが、榛名山や赤城山を眺めながらのんびり入れる大浴場はなかなか良いですし、貸切風呂もあります。料金がリーズナブルな一方で、食事は盛りだくさんなのでおすすめです。英語対応できるスタッフの他、翻訳アプリなどを使って英語対応できるようどのスタッフが対応しても外国人客が困らないようにと、細かい心配りをされています

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 9)


  • 3 minutes walk to Ishidan-gai, where there are many old-fashioned shooting galleries where children can play.

  • 「森秋旅館」には数台のゲーム機が置いてあるゲームコーナーがあるのですが、あまり利用するお客さんもいないようで、人気はなさそうです。ただし、徒歩3分のところに温泉街の石段街があり、そこには射的やアナログゲームの置いてあるお店が結構あるので、伊香保温泉に遊びに来ているなら、石段街で子供たちと遊んだ方が楽しいと思います。「森秋旅館」を勧める理由は、小学生なら大人の20%の料金で泊まれるファミリープランというプランを用意していて、お子様と一緒に泊まる宿を探しているなら、とってもお得な宿となっているので、一度、チェックしてみることをオススメします。

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/7/30)

106 Ikaho, Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa-shi

  • Very good value for money and conveniently located for sightseeing

  • "Todoroki" is located in the center of Ikaho, and it is only a one-minute walk to the stone steps. There is a large public bath with sauna on the first floor, an open-air observation bath on the eighth floor, and a private bath, so you can enjoy a private bath with your family. Dinner and breakfast are Buffet with a live kitchen, and alcohol is available at dinner time. There are plenty of recreational facilities in the building, such as a game corner, table tennis, karaoke room, manga corner, and internet corner, so the whole family can enjoy themselves.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/27)

45 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa-shi

  • An inn where you can enjoy carefully selected local flavors

  • I'm not sure if they cater to foreigners, but since it's a large hotel, there's a good chance they do. The building is modern and Japanese-style, so I think foreigners will be very pleased. They serve both Japanese and Western food, so it's perfect for anyone.

    タケモトピアノ's answer (Posted on:2019/4/19)

550 ikaho

  • There are also recreational facilities so the whole family can enjoy themselves.

  • 伊香保温泉でしたら、「伊香保グランドホテル」はいかがでしょうか。天然温泉が楽しめるホテルで、お食事はバイキング形式で地物食材が多く使われており、おすすめです。カラオケやマージャンや卓球、ゲームコーナーなどの娯楽施設も整っていますのでご家族で楽しめます。

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 8)

11. Kounkan

175 Ikaho Ikahomachi

  • This is an inn where English is available.

  • 伊香保温泉で英語対応可のお宿ならこちらをお勧めします。100%天然温泉かけ流しの大浴場があり、ゆっくりのんびり温泉を満喫いただけます。お部屋にはベッドがあるプランもあるので、畳敷きで寝ることに慣れていない外国の方も安心して泊まれます。

    とっち's answer (Posted on:2019/4/22)

26-1 Nozoki, Yumoto, Akiu-machi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi

  • Have fun with UFO catchers

  • This inn has a variety of game machines, such as UFO catchers and shooting games, so you can have fun playing. You can also play in the game corner, but there is also an all-weather pool, so you can enjoy the pool even in winter. The large hot spring bath has a wide variety of indoor and open-air bath, so you can relax in a variety of baths. The food is a buffet with a wide variety of dishes that will delight children. There is also a wide selection of desserts.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 9)

13. Yokotekan

11 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture

  • Enjoy a relaxed stay with our family plan

  • Depending on the season and the plan you choose, you can use the private baths once for free, and you can enjoy your meals in a private room without any worries. It is conveniently located near the stone steps, which are the main sightseeing spot in Ikaho. The wooden building has a tasteful exterior. The interior of the building has a Taisho-era romantic atmosphere, and you can relax and unwind. Another recommended spot is the Ikaho Toy, Doll and Automobile Museum.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2020/11/25)

Ikahomachi 396-1

  • A family-friendly inn with plenty of services for children

  • This is Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a games corner and kids' corner that you can enjoy with your children. There are two adjoining Japanese-style rooms, so it is also suitable for large groups. In addition, they welcome babies' hot spring debuts, so I think it is a very child-friendly inn. Food can be served in the rooms, so it is also recommended for when you want to relax and dine with your family.

    良き人's answer (Posted on:2019/4/15)

15. Omori

Ikaho-machi Ikaho 58

  • There is an open-air bath on the rooftop with Breathtaking view.

  • "Wagokoro no Yado Omori" is recommended as it offers English language support. It is a long-established inn that was founded over 100 years ago, and you can enjoy a Japanese atmosphere in a lovely Japanese-style room or a Japanese-Japanese and Western room. There is an open-air bath on the rooftop with a magnificent Breathtaking view, and you can enjoy a drink while soaking in the tub. There is also a private open-air bath, so you can bathe in private. Dinner is kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with locally produced ingredients, and you can also drink delicious local sake.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/25)

131, Ikahomachi Ikaho

  • open-air bath with a view of the foothills of Joshu and the Ryukyu tatami bath are popular with foreigner too.

  • 「美松館」は、外国人も良く利用する人気の温泉宿です。伊香保温泉の観光シンボル「石段街」に徒歩3分と絶好のロケーションで、上州山麓が一望出来る展望露天風呂もあったりと、きっと満足できると思うので、こちらの宿が良いかと思います。

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 7)

403-125 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa

  • Separate guest room with open-open-air bath

  • I thoroughly enjoyed the kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ) cuisine, which was made with carefully selected ingredients. The vegetables were grown by a special farmer, and all of them had a strong flavor and were really delicious. I saw foreigner staff working there, so I don't think you'll have any problems speaking English.

    キャシー's answer (Posted on:2019/4/19)

164 Ikahomachi, Ikaho, Shibukawa

  • The room has a private open-air bath.

  • 新宿から伊香保温泉まで直行のバスが出ており、こちらを利用されると首都圏からのアクセスに便利です。お部屋は大きなダイニングテーブルのある和洋室がオススメで、木をたくさん使ったぬくもりある部屋です。広いので大家族様にもオススメです。部屋には専用の露天風呂がついていて、ご家族で楽しめます。露天風呂は、黄金の湯と白銀の湯という2種類の泉質のお湯があり、それぞれ別の浴槽で楽しめます。貸切風呂もありますよ。食事には群馬の榛名ポークや上州牛など、ご当地グルメを楽しめます。周辺には榛名湖や牧場、水沢うどんを楽しめる水沢観音などの観光地もあり、ぜひこちらも観光なさってください。

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/9/16)

48 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa

  • Kishigon Ryokan (Japanese inn) you'd want to stay at least once.

  • If you're looking for Ryokan (Japanese inn) near Ikaho, I recommend Kishigon Ryokan (Japanese inn). It was founded in 1576, during the Warring States period, the same year that Nobunaga built Azuchi Castle. The inn has 100% natural hot spring rooms. It's a historic Ryokan (Japanese inn) that you'll want to stay at at least once.

    Rainbow 4169's answer (Posted on:2018/6/29)
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