• 草津・尻焼・花敷|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ16選
  • 草津・尻焼・花敷|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ16選

「草津・尻焼・花敷」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル16件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「草津・尻焼・花敷」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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464-214 Kusatsu Shirane, Kusatsu-cho, Agatsuma-gun

  • A quiet inn on a hill away from hot spring town

  • Although it is far from hot spring town, how about Yuyado Tokinoniwa, a quiet inn built on a hill? The rooms have an open open-air bath and you can eat meals in your room. They also offer plans that include a complimentary glass of beer after the bath and anniversary plans, so it is perfect for celebrations. Another nice point is that check-out is a little late at 11:00.

    ゆぅ's answer (Posted on:2021/5/ 7)

465-4 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • Barrier-free accommodation in Kusatsu

  • This inn in Kusatsu Onsen has barrier-free rooms that are easy for wheelchair users to use. There is a wheelchair ramp, so you can enter the room in your wheelchair. In the large public bath, natural hot spring water from the source flows in a continuous stream. The meals use many Gunma flavors, such as Joshu beef, locally handmade tofu, and locally grown vegetables.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2020/8/27)

433-1, Agatsuma-gun

  • A hot spring inn perfect for girls' trips in Kusatsu

  • You can rent colorful yukata here, choose from a variety of colors and patterns, and stroll around the hotel and hot spring town in them. The atmosphere of the inn is perfect for women, and I enjoyed the gentle warmth of the wood used throughout the building. There are Japanese-style and Western-style rooms, and both have recommended interiors.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/2/21)


  • 草津温泉の湯畑が間近で見られる部屋でゆっくる食事がとれる宿

  • ホテル、とありますが江戸時代から300年続く老舗宿です。草津のシンボルである湯畑を部屋から見ることができます。夜のライトアップした湯畑は結構綺麗です。お食事には上州牛のすき焼きを味わうことができ、アルコール含めたワンドリンクも付いてきます。草津温泉の6つある源泉のうち、2つを引いていた源泉かけ流しです。露天風呂もあるので、外の風を感じながら草津温泉を満喫できます。またレイトチェックアウト(11時)もあるので、朝ゆっくりしたい場合はぜひ利用したい宿です。

    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2022/11/25)

kusatsu 464-1051

  • This is a recommended inn that focuses on barrier-free access.

  • This inn has wheelchair accessible rooms, so we recommend it. Wheelchairs are available, and wheelchairs and barrier-free toilets are available for rental. There are handrails in the bathtub, so you can bathe with peace of mind. This inn offers the large communal bath and open-air bath, where you can enjoy the hot spring waters of Kusatsu, which originate from the Bandai mine, 100% natural hot spring. There are also rooms with semi-open-air baths and private baths, so we recommend using these, as you can enjoy the hot springs at your own pace with your family without worrying about the eyes of others. Both dinner and breakfast are Buffet. Dinner is Buffet with over 50 types of Japanese, Western and Chinese dishes, so you can eat as much as you like of whatever you like. It also includes an all-you-can-drink option for 90 minutes, including beer. This inn is committed to barrier-free access, so we recommend it.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 6)


  • A long-established inn founded 137 years ago, with a charming gate that gives off a sense of history

  • こちらのお宿は草津のシンボル湯畑のすぐ目の前で、明治10年創業以来草津温泉最古といわれる白旗源泉と、昔ながらの伝統を守り続けてきた老舗宿です。客室は和モダンな家具を設えたデザイナーズルームで3種類の貸切露天風呂は気持ちがよく癒されました。

    ぷりん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/17)


  • Yukata rental available! A recommended accommodation for exploring Kusatsu

  • There is a rental service for colorful yukata, so you can stroll around the hot spring town in a yukata. The bath is spacious and you can enjoy the Kusatsu hot springs at your leisure. There are also other nice facilities such as a bedrock bath. The food is also delicious, as they are conscious of using local ingredients.

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/8/30)

70-1, Kusatsu, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun, Gunma

  • A spa hotel where you can have lots of fun

  • Yukata are available for a fee, but there are many colors of obi to choose from, so just choosing is really fun and exciting. The hotel has a heated pool, table tennis, and even billiards, so you can play and sweat, then take a bath in the hot spring and relax in your room, which is a great way to spend your time. There are Japanese-style and Western-style rooms, so you can choose depending on the occasion, which is a nice point.

    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/2/21)

Kusatsu 39-12

  • There is a plan where you can choose the color of your yukata, and it is only a 3-minute walk to the Yubatake.

  • 「お宿 ゆきずみ」には選べる色浴衣のプランがあります。草津温泉バスターミナルの目の前にある宿で、湯畑まで歩いて3分の好立地にあるので、浴衣に身を包み散策に出かけられますよ。比較的新しいモダンな宿で、全7室の客室はすべておしゃれなデザインルームになっています。館内には湯畑源泉かけ流しで、24時間入れるお風呂があります。夕食は付きませんが、隣接する食事処を紹介してもらえます。朝食は部屋出ししてくれますよ。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/10/11)

Kusatsu 482

  • Reasonably priced, great food and great hot springs

  • You can choose between Japanese-style and Western-style rooms. The inn has a traditional Ryokan (Japanese inn) feel. You can use the large public bath, open-air bath, and private bath for free! Meals are served in the large hall and are luxurious, using seasonal and local ingredients. The women chose to wear colorful yukata. I think this is an inn where you can enjoy both the hot springs and the food at an affordable price.

    澤口's answer (Posted on:2019/2/23)

618, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun Gumma ken


  • Located near the Yubatake hot springs, this lodge is friendly to senior citizen

  • 草津温泉の中心にある湯畑まで徒歩で4分ほどと、観光や温泉街の散策などにも絶好の場所にあるホテルです。玄関は車で横付け可能で、入口にはスロープもありますので車椅子での移動も容易。もちろん館内も各所がバリアフリー対応で、貸出用の車椅子もあります。大浴場には手すりもあり、足腰の弱い方でも利用しやすくなっています。高齢者対応の食事も提供していただけますので、高齢の方の宿泊には最適ではないでしょうか。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/ 6)


  • Enjoy Ryokan (Japanese inn)-style kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )in your room

  • 草津温泉で、お部屋でお食事を頂けるお宿をお探しということで、「金みどり」ホテルがおすすめです。食事はお部屋か個室となります。夕食は旬の食材にこだわった旅館風会席料理となり、地元群馬の味を、しっかりと味わうことが出来ます。離れには貸切露天風呂があるのでおすすめです!

    Euc's answer (Posted on:2019/2/18)

479 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • A place where wheelchair access is not a problem.

  • The inn is wheelchair-accessible. The baths, called "open-air futatsuyu," are separated in the center and draw from the Nishi-no-kawara source and Higashino-Mandai source, respectively. You can easily experience the difference in spring quality. There are also private baths so you can enjoy hot spring at your own pace.

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/6/ 7)


  • Luxury at a resort hotel

  • It depends on the plan, but I rented a cute colored yukata here! I was able to walk around the hot spring town in a cute yukata, which became a good memory. The rooms are luxurious and perfect for a girls' trip. Since it's a hotel, there are many types of baths and you can also receive beauty treatments. If you're a gourmet, you can choose from buffets, French cuisine, Japanese cuisine, and more, so it feels luxurious.

    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/2/23)
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