• 鬼怒川温泉|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ28選
  • 鬼怒川温泉|口コミで人気の温泉宿・旅館!2024年のおすすめ28選

「鬼怒川温泉」でおすすめな温泉宿・旅館・ホテル28件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室や卓球台などの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な温泉宿など「鬼怒川温泉」に関する温泉宿・ホテルの予約は47Tripで。

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21. Tsuganoki

Kinugawaonsen Ohara 1438-1

Kinugawaonsen Taki 483

1437-1 Ohara, Kinugawaonsen

  • There are plenty of toys and rental equipment available too.

  • If you're in Kinugawa Onsen, how about staying at Hotel Sunshine Kinugawa? This is a scenic hot spring hotel where you can view the Kinugawa River and beautiful mountains. There are rooms to suit a variety of needs, and a kids' room, so you can feel safe staying with children. There are also plenty of toys and rental equipment. There is also a private bath, so even those with small children can take their time and relax in the hot springs. There are also plenty of experience programs available, such as Mashiko ware painting and sashiko painting, which will become a memorable experience for your trip.

    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 6)

530 Kinugawa Onsen Taki, Nikko

  • You can enjoy it without worrying about children.

  • Although it is not an empty inn, it is recommended as it is a place where you can enjoy your stay without worrying about children. Dinner is served buffet style with plenty of local specialties, sweets, fruits, and other menu that children will like. In addition to the spacious large hot spring, there is also a private open-air bath, so you can enjoy hot spring with your children without any worries. You can apply for a private bath at reception desk on the day of check-in. This private bath is located a 3-minute walk from the inn, so you can enjoy hot spring time in Nature. Shampoo and other items are not available, so you can only wash in the large bath, but it is worth going. The building is large, so we enjoyed walking around the building with our children who were tired of staying in the room.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 2)

Kinugawa Onsen Ohara 1060

1060 Ohara Kinugawaonsen

27. Isshinkan

Kinugawa Onsen Taki 542-3

  • エステも体験できる鬼怒川の宿です。

  • 栃木の鬼怒川温泉にある温泉旅館で、お部屋から川を眺望できる、レイクビューで眺めがよくおすすめです。お食事には、栃木ならではの、栃木和牛などのグルメをいただけ、おすすめです。内湯、露天風呂のほか、温泉プールもあるのでお子様にも楽しんでいただけると思います。エステもあるので、ご同伴の方の利用にもおすすめです。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2020/1/31)

Kitahama 3-2-18

  • 昭和5年建築の趣ある静寂な宿

  • こちらは昭和5年に別荘として建てられたものを宿として利用するようになりました。約600坪の広大な敷地に佇み、お庭も四季折々の風情を楽しめる場所として、心和む光景があります。大浴場には露天風呂があり、内湯でも露天でも自然美を楽しむことができます。部屋も、これまた素晴らしく、昔ながらの造りで、まるでタイムスリップしたかのようです。お料理は、朝食のみなので、夕食は外で郷土の味をお楽しみください。朝食は、地元食材を生かした美味しい里山料理で、器も洒落ています。別府駅から歩いてすぐなので、気軽に足を運べる宿でした。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/1/ 5)
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