• Ginzan Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 4 recommended places for 2024
  • Ginzan Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 4 recommended places for 2024

A ranking of 4 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Ginzan Onsen"! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, etc. To book hot spring inns and hotels related to "Ginzan Onsen", please use 47Trip.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Ginzan Onsen"
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85 Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • 銀山温泉で美味しい料理を楽しめるおすすめの宿です

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) is located at the entrance to Ginzan Onsen, which exudes a Taisho-era romantic atmosphere. You can see beautiful autumn foliage from the semi-open-air Lying-down bath in these rooms. You can also enjoy the hot springs from the open-air baths and indoor baths, where you can see fresh greenery in spring, autumn leaves in autumn, and snowy scenery in winter. There is also a bedrock bath facility called "Tershanal" where you can take your time to warm up. As for food, you can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal ingredients from the local Yamagata area. The additional dish, Obanazawa beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot), is particularly delicious.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/10/21)

417 Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • Seasonal meals featuring Japanese Black beef

  • I recommend this inn, which exudes a Taisho-era romantic atmosphere. You can enjoy seasonal cuisine, with the main dish being Japanese black beef that melts in your mouth. In addition to the food, hot spring here is a Directly flowing from the source hot spring, so you can feel luxurious.

    junjun's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 8)

443 Shinpata, Ginzan, Obanazawa-shi

  • Delicious food with simple flavors

  • This is an inn with delicious food, where you can enjoy elegant and simple dishes using river fish, vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, etc. There is also sashimi and One person hotpots, which use a lot of seafood from Tohoku, and we enjoyed the extraordinary flavors. hot spring are divided into five different private baths, each with its own unique atmosphere, and you can enjoy a private space. You can enjoy the type of bath you like, whenever you like, as many times as you like. All of the guest rooms face the silver mine side, and offer a panoramic view of hot spring town.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2019/10/22)

522 Nakayama, Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • We recommend the luxurious plan where you can enjoy Obanazawa beef and abalone.

  • 地場産の野菜や山の幸、庄内の新鮮な魚介類を使った創作会席料理が美味しい旅館です。自家製の手打ち蕎麦も出してくれますよ。尾花沢牛とアワビが味わえる贅沢なプランもあります。銀山温泉の高台に建つ宿なので、全客室から眺望のよい山の風景が楽しめます。大浴場と露天風呂から見える景色も素晴らしいですよ。銀山温泉街の中心地からは少し離れているのですが、夜の温泉街への無料送迎サービスがあるので、温泉街の大正ロマンの雰囲気を味わうことができます。

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/2/ 5)
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