• Naruko Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 12 recommended places for 2024
  • Naruko Onsen | Popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 12 recommended places for 2024

A ranking of 12 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Naruko Onsen"! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, etc. To book hot spring inns and hotels related to "Naruko Onsen", please use 47Trip.

Recommended hot spring inns in "Naruko Onsen" ranking
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58-10 Yumoto

  • When it comes to luxury in Naruko, Yumoto Kissho is the place to go.

  • Kissho is located at the highest point in Naruko Onsen. The special room in independent guest cottages is equipped with a bath with 100% natural hot spring. There are four private baths, and if they are available, you can use them whenever they are available. married couple can relax and enjoy the hot springs without any worries. Meals are served in the dining area. The dining area is also partitioned by table, so you can eat without worrying about the people around you. They also cater for anniversaries, so it might be a good idea to ask about it when making a reservation.

    ゆぅ's answer (Posted on:2022/7/29)

84 Yumoto, Naruko Onsen, Osaki-shi

  • The building itself has value.

  • This is a two-story wooden inn that has been registered as a tangible cultural property. Meals are kaiseki cuisine, but you can choose the main ingredient. It is Sendai Kuroge Wagyu beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot), Aigamo wild vegetable miso hotpot, or white fish soy milk hotpot. There is a private open-air bath, so married couple can bathe alone.

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/11/ 7)

41 Yumoto, Naruko-cho, Tamatsukuri-gun

  • We have special rooms for anniversaries and memorable trips.

  • 「鳴子観光ホテル」は、JR鳴子温泉駅から徒歩2分のお宿です。温泉は、大浴場と露天風呂、3つの有料の貸切風呂で源泉かけ流しの鳴子温泉を心ゆくまで堪能できます。特別室に宿泊すれば、お食事は鳴子ダイニング蔵饗人でメインに仙台牛の鉄板焼きなどが味わえます。ちなみに特別室は、最上階にあり鳴子温泉街を一望できます。

    モッティ's answer (Posted on:2022/8/11)

Narukoonsen Onikōbe

  • Relax in style at this Swiss chalet-style resort hotel

  • This is a Swiss chalet-style hot spring resort hotel. We enjoyed the large public bath while gazing at the magnificent Nature beauty. You can experience a resort atmosphere that is a little different from hot spring town of Naruko. There are several types of rooms, but if you want to experience luxury, we recommend the suites surrounded by European furniture. At night, you can enjoy a star-filled sky. We recommend that you join a star night cruise. You can enjoy a wonderful stargazing experience.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2023/9/ 4)

  • 鳴子温泉でゆったりリフレッシュ

  • 人気温泉である鳴子温泉で貸し切り露天風呂が楽しめる温泉です。大規模なホテルとは異なり、ゆったりとした贅沢な時間を過ごすことが可能です!貸し切り露天風呂は他のお客さんを気にすることなく、存分に温泉を満喫できます。

    もりぞう's answer (Posted on:2022/9/ 5)

20-9 Naruko Onsen Hoshinuma, Osaki-shi

  • A luxury Ryokan (Japanese inn) popular with women for its "beautiful skin baths"

  • There are nine types of hot springs, including an open-air bath, and it is famous as a secret hot spring. The hot spring water, 100% natural hot spring, is said to be like lotion and is good for the skin, and is especially popular with women. The food is a delicious, voluminous Japanese banquet meal made with plenty of seasonal ingredients. married couple can enjoy a relaxing time here.

    あめあられ's answer (Posted on:2019/5/26)

36 Yumoto, Naruko Onsen, Osaki-shi

  • A hotel where you can enjoy hot springs

  • The hot spring water is free-flowing, and the baths are spacious and plentiful. The service is simple and refined. The best thing about the buffet dinner is that each dish is high quality and plentiful, and you'll be full while eating.

    栗原のたかちゃん's answer (Posted on:2022/1/ 5)

  • You can enjoy a relaxing bath

  • Unfortunately, we were unable to find a perfect five-star inn, but we have picked out an inn that is close to being five-star. The spring water is also known as Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty), so your wife will surely be pleased. The food is also attractive, with a healthy menu using mountain and sea delicacies.

    みこっち's answer (Posted on:2019/5/23)

55 Yumoto Naruko onsen

  • This is a luxurious inn with rooms that feature open-air bath.

  • 鳴子温泉で露天風呂付きの客室があるこちらのお宿がおすすめです。2019年4月にオープンお宿なので、比較的に新しく綺麗で静かな雰囲気の大人のお宿です。お二人水入らずで温泉を楽しめるので、日頃の感謝を伝えるいい機会になると思います。高級感たっぷりのお宿でおすすめいたします。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 4)

17 Kurumayu Narukoonsen

  • You'll feel great when you take a bath in the large open-air bath here.

  • 大江戸温泉鳴子温泉の幸雲閣をお勧めします。五つ星かどうかは微妙ですがここの大露天風呂が素晴らしいのでお勧めします。お風呂は広々としているので、密接にならず感染症の対策としても良さそうです。食事はバイキングなので自分たちのペースで食べられいいです。

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/10/24)

108-1 Kawaminami

  • If you are going with university students, this is the place to go.

  • If you're going to Yufuin hot spring, why not try Sansuikan? They offer lodging without Accommodation only, are easily accessible from the station, and have a wonderful open-air hot hot spring and sauna where you can bathe while looking out at Yufuin. They have rooms that can accommodate six people, and if you're splitting into two groups, they also have a reasonable Western-style room plan. The rooms are over 34 square meters and very spacious, so I think six people can gather and have a good time.

    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2022/2/12)

441-29 Kawakami

  • Accommodation in Yufuin where you can Accommodation only

  • This is an inexpensive inn that is convenient for Accommodation only in Yufuin. In addition to Japanese-style rooms, there are also Western-style rooms with bunk beds, making it recommended for group trips. hot spring are convenient because you can use them whenever you like 24 hours a day. The inn is located on a hilltop, so the views of the scenery and night view from the inn are beautiful and recommended.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/5/ 7)
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