• Noboribetsu Onsen | Top 8 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Noboribetsu Onsen | Top 8 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 8 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in "Noboribetsu Onsen"! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, etc. To book hot spring inns and hotels in "Noboribetsu Onsen", please use 47Trip.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Noboribetsu Onsen"
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173 Noboribetsuonsencho,Noboribetsuonsenshi

29 Noboribetsu

  • An inn where you can enjoy Sanpei soup and Chanchanyaki in your room

  • This hotel's Yuyu Shokusai/Hanazen plan allows you to enjoy dinner in your room, focusing on main dishes that feature seasonal local flavors, such as seafood hotpot Sanpei-jiru and seafood chanchan-yaki. There are also baths where you can enjoy four types of spring water: sulfur springs, salt springs, acidic iron springs, and mixed springs, so you can fully enjoy the hot springs of Noboribetsu.

    みおなおみ's answer (Posted on:2019/2/18)

7, Karurusucho

  • A hot spring inn that has protected the hot spring source and the surrounding environment for generations

  • Although it cannot be called local cuisine, the special meal that focuses on ingredients from Hokkaido is very popular. The large 300m2 bath boasts an abundant amount of hot water, and open-air bath is surrounded by the murmuring of the river and has a refreshing breeze from an altitude of 350m. You can enjoy baths at your preferred temperature, including hot baths, cold baths, and reclining baths.

    ケニー's answer (Posted on:2019/2/15)

Noboribetsu Onsen 31

  • You can dine in your room and enjoy the flavors of Hokkaido.

  • 登別温泉でお部屋食ができるこちらのお宿がおすすめです。他の人に邪魔されずにお2人だけでお部屋でお食事をいただくことができます。登別豚など地元の食材を活かした会席料理のお食事です。ご飯も北海道産のお米を使っています。北海道の味覚にこだわったお宿なのでおすすめいたします。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/28)


  • A hotel where you can enjoy seasonal Hokkaido cuisine in your room

  • 部屋食選択可能なホテルです。お食事はその季節で旬な道産食材を使ったお料理が多数出されます。メインのお料理とは違うのですがホテル特製の烏賊塩辛が凄く美味しくて癖になります。お部屋も広々10帖クラスが多いです。お風呂も素晴らしいのでゆっくり登別温泉を楽しめる宿となっております。

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2019/11/13)

134 Noboribetsuonsencho, Noboribetsushi

  • A warm and homely inn

  • This is a homely inn with few rooms, but the staff are attentive to our needs and provide warm hospitality. We enjoyed a leisurely banquet in our room, featuring seasonal flavors. There are several meal plans available, and I chose the Shiraoi beef teppanyaki plan. There were also other options, such as sashimi, which left us full. The water here is luxurious, 100% natural from the source. The enclosure around open-air bath is a little high, but if you look up you can see the beautiful greenery, and it was very pleasant to bathe.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 1)

55 Noboribetsu-onsen, Noboribetsu


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