• Jozankei Onsen | Top 12 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Jozankei Onsen | Top 12 hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 12 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Jozankei Onsen"! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, etc. To book hot spring inns and hotels related to "Jozankei Onsen", please use 47Trip.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Jozankei Onsen"
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2-111-3 Jozankeihigashi,Minamiku

4-340-1 Jozankei Onsen Nishi, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi

  • 定山渓温泉のリーズナブルな宿です。

  • You can enjoy a Buffet-style meal with 60 different dishes. It is a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) that opened 130 years ago. The rooms are basically Japanese-style rooms with baths and toilets. The large public bath has glass windows covering the entire wall, allowing you to enjoy the view of the fresh green mountains. There is a sauna, Lying-down bath, and a pool-style bathtub.

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/5/ 2)

3-32 Jozankeionsen nishi, Minami-ku

  • Hokkaiden: Enjoy a luxurious Buffet of ingredients

  • How about Hotel Shikanoyu? Meals are served Buffet style, so you can enjoy fresh seasonal ingredients from Hokkaido. The seafood is especially delicious. open-air bath overlooking the Toyohira River is spacious and relaxing. The sodium chloride spring is effective in relieving fatigue. To get there, take the Jotetsu Bus bound for Jozankei from Sapporo Station, get off at Yunomachi, and it's a 3-minute walk away.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/5/29)

Jozankei Onsen Higashi 3, Minami-ku

  • Affordable and homely hotel

  • 定山渓温泉の歴史のあるホテルの1つです。札幌駅から無料送迎バスがあるのでアクセスは便利です。朝夕ともにバイキングのプランかあり1人あたり1万円前後と大変リーズナブルです。アットホームなもてなしが嬉しいですし、カラオケや卓球等の施設かあり、家族で楽しめるのも魅力です。バイキングは種類が多く、ご満足いただけることでしょう。お奨めしたいホテルです。

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2022/5/13)

3-239, Jyozankeionsen Higashi, Minami-ku

  • An open-air bath where you can enjoy the changing seasons and 100% natural hot spring

  • The hot springs at this hotel are luxurious, 100% natural hot spring. The large indoor bath has a wooden floor that is pleasant to the touch. The interior space is very tasteful. The open-air rock bath was refreshing to enjoy, with the natural beauty of the trees spreading out before us. The food was a kaiseki course meal that made use of the bounty of the mountains and sea that is unique to Hokkaido, with a wide variety of dishes and a gorgeous appearance. We were full to the brim. Situated along a mountain stream, the view from the lobby lounge was also superb. This was a stylish inn where we could relax.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 5)

Jozankei Onsen Higashi 3-192, Minami-ku, Jozankei

  • A Jozankei inn with Buffet

  • 定山渓温泉でバイキング形式のお食事をいただけるリゾートホテルで、お食事にはパスタ、リゾット、中華など、できたてのメニューが豊富にあっておすすめです。食後にうれしいデザートコーナーも充実しており、おすすめです。自然を眺めながら入れる露天風呂もあり、景色がよくおすすめです。スパサービスもあり、おすすめ。お部屋は大家族にもおすすめの広いお部屋で、のんびりくつろげます。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/3/ 3)


  • Not only the hot springs but the food is also excellent.

  • 定山渓温泉 定山渓第一寶亭留 翠山亭をおすすめします。源泉かけ流しの温泉ですのでご希望に合うはずです。宿には札幌市内から送迎がありますので便利です。食事はいろいろ種類ありますが、おいしさだけでなく見た目にも美しく感動しました。おすすめです。

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/11/21)

353 Nishi 4-Chome, Jozankei Onsen, Minami-Ku,

  • 無料送迎バス毎日1便運行の定山渓温泉の宿

  • 無料送迎バス毎日1便運行の定山渓温泉の宿で。送迎バスは札幌市内から出ています。民芸調のどこか懐かしさを感じる雰囲気の宿です。中には囲炉裏があり雰囲気抜群です。大浴場も露天風呂も広くて開放感があります。ミストサウナや岩盤浴があるのも嬉しいポイントです。

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/9/17)


  • 送迎付きで定山渓温泉に泊まるのにおすすめの宿

  • 「翠山亭倶楽部定山渓」は、予約をすれば、札幌の大通公園の近くから無料の送迎バスが出ています。お風呂は、大浴場と露天風呂もありますが、お部屋の内風呂にも、源泉かけ流しの温泉が引いてあるので、定山渓温泉を心ゆくまで満喫できます。お部屋の数も14室なので、のんびりと滞在できます。

    モッティ's answer (Posted on:2022/3/16)

3-4 Jozankei Onsen-nishi, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi

  • Free shuttle from Sapporo Station

  • This inn offers free shuttle service from Sapporo Station and is a stylish Japanese-style inn perfect for girls trip, where you can enjoy delicate and elegant hospitality. Each dish is elegantly presented, and you can enjoy the careful cooking and creative flavoring. The facilities, from the rooms to the dining area and large public bath, all look beautiful.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/2/ 5)


  • The perfect hot spring inn for girls trip

  • hot spring spring inn in Jozankei is perfect for girls trip, with a well-equipped beauty salon and healthy meals to make you beautiful from the inside out. There is a free shuttle bus from Sapporo, so even those without a car can access it at a reasonable price. In addition to the large public bath, there are also plenty of hot hot spring facilities, such as an open-open-air bath surrounded by forest and a mist sauna that is good for your health.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/3/10)

3-32 Jozankeionsen nishi, Minami-ku

  • A traditional Japanese Ryokan (Japanese inn) that incorporates the best of Jozankei

  • There is a free shuttle bus service from the north exit of JR Sapporo Station, so please make a reservation in advance. You can enjoy a relaxing hot spring in the large public bath on the top floor or in open-air bath that resembles a Japanese garden. There is also a private bath, so you can enjoy hot spring just for the two of you and a female friend. You can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )that uses plenty of ingredients unique to Hokkaido.

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/8/18)
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