• Hokkaido | 67 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Hokkaido | 67 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 67 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in Hokkaido! Information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable, and other hot spring inns and hotels in Hokkaido can be booked on 47Trip.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in "Hokkaido"
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2-111-3 Jozankeihigashi,Minamiku

  • A hot spring inn where you can enjoy the abundant Nature in Sapporo city

  • Jozankei View Hotel is a Jozankei Onsen inn, also known as the inner city of Sapporo. It is also easily accessible from central Sapporo. You can fully enjoy the rich hot spring benefits of the hotel's baths, including a large bath with a view of the magnificent Nature and open-air bath. Some rooms are larger than 10 tatami mats, making them ideal for family use. The inn is also proud of its meals, which are prepared using a variety of seafood from the sea and mountains of Hokkaido.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2024/1/19)

4-340-1 Jozankei Onsen Nishi, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi

  • This is a reasonably priced inn in Jozankei Onsen.

  • You can enjoy a Buffet-style meal with 60 different dishes. It is a long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) that opened 130 years ago. The rooms are basically Japanese-style rooms with baths and toilets. The large public bath has glass windows covering the entire wall, allowing you to enjoy the view of the fresh green mountains. There is a sauna, Lying-down bath, and a pool-style bathtub.

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/5/ 2)

Jozankei Onsen Higashi 3, Minami-ku

  • Affordable and homely hotel

  • This is one of the historic hotels in Jozankei Onsen. There is a free shuttle bus from Sapporo Station, so it is easy to access. There is a Buffet plan for both breakfast and dinner, which is very reasonable at around 10,000 yen per person. The homely hospitality is great, and there are facilities such as karaoke and table tennis, so it is also attractive for families to enjoy. Buffet has a wide variety of dishes, so you will be satisfied. This is a hotel that I would recommend.

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2022/5/13)

3-32 Jozankeionsen nishi, Minami-ku

  • Hokkaiden: Enjoy a luxurious Buffet of ingredients

  • ホテル鹿の湯は如何でしょうか。食事はバイキング形式で北海道の旬の食材を新鮮なまま頂けます。特に海の幸は絶品です。豊平川を眺められる露天風呂は広々しておりゆっくりできます。ナトリウム塩化物泉は疲労回復の効能があります。場所は札幌駅からじょうてつバス定山渓行で湯の町下車後徒歩3分です。

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/5/29)

3-239, Jyozankeionsen Higashi, Minami-ku

  • An open-air bath where you can enjoy the changing seasons and 100% natural hot spring

  • こちらのホテルの湯は源泉かけ流しの贅沢な湯です。大浴場の内湯は足触りも心地よいウッドフロア。風情あるインテリア空間です。岩造りの露天風呂は、目の前に木々の自然美が広がり清々しい気分で楽しむことができました。お料理は北海道ならではの山・海の幸を活かした会席で、品数が多く見た目も華やかです。お腹いっぱいいただけました。渓流沿いに佇み、ロビーラウンジからの眺めも最高。ゆっくりと過ごせるお洒落な宿でした。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 5)

173 Noboribetsuonsencho,Noboribetsuonsenshi

Jozankei Onsen Higashi 3-192, Minami-ku, Jozankei

  • A Jozankei inn with Buffet

  • This is a resort hotel in Jozankei Onsen where you can enjoy Buffet style meals. The meals have a wide variety of freshly made dishes, such as pasta, risotto, and Chinese food, and are highly recommended. There is also a dessert corner, which is a great place to enjoy after your meal. There is also an open-air bath where you can enjoy the view of nature, and the view is also great. Spa services are also available, and are highly recommended. The rooms are spacious and recommended for large families, allowing you to relax and unwind.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/3/ 3)


  • Not only the hot springs but the food is also excellent.

  • I recommend Jozankei Onsen Jozankei Daiichi Hotel Suizantei. It is a hot spring with 100% natural hot spring, so it should meet your needs. The inn offers a shuttle service from Sapporo city, so it is convenient. There are many different types of food, and I was impressed by how delicious they were as well as how beautiful they looked. I recommend it.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/11/21)

15-1 Tokachigawa-Onsenkita, Otofuke-cho,Kato-gun

  • A recommended inn with hot hot spring that 100% natural hot spring!

  • こちらのお宿は「源泉かけ流し」の温泉なので、おすすめいたします。「モール温泉」と呼ばれる十勝川温泉の湯は、世界でも珍しい貴重な温泉です。植物性のまろやかな泉質で「美人の湯」と呼ばれていますね。こちらのお宿では源泉かけ流しの大浴場や露天風呂で、そのお湯を満喫できます。ボディーシャワー・サウナ・ジャグジー・打たせ湯といった体がリフレッシュできる各種お風呂もありますよ。夕食は北のビュッフェをいただけます。料理長選りすぐりの和食・洋食・中華料理の数々約50品と種類豊富です。オープンキッチンの揚げたて天婦羅や、焼きたての北海道産牛が人気ですよ。コーラやウーロン茶、オレンジジュースなどのソフトドリンクも飲み放題です。朝食も和洋30品のバイキングです。朝食は洋食派という方にもパンを、和食派という方には定番の焼き魚や焼き海苔などが並ぶお食事です。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/17)

13, Aza Izumikawa, Rusutsu-mura, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido

  • Enjoy skiing to your heart's content from morning until night

  • There is a direct bus from Chitose Airport, and the hotel facilities and slopes are in good condition. There are Japanese, Western and Chinese meals available, and there is a large bath to relax in after skiing. There is also Rusutsu Tower, but please note that if you stay there, you cannot ski at night.

    うみねこ's answer (Posted on:2016/2/15)

3-9-1, Inaho,

  • Cheap and easy access to Otaru's sightseeing attractions

  • You can walk to Otaru Canal, Kitaichi Glass, and the brick streetscape from Otaru Station, so I recommend the Dormy Inn in front of the station. The facilities are beautiful, so I think you'll be very satisfied even if solo travel. As someone from Sapporo, I highly recommend sightseeing in Otaru, but I also hope you'll explore Sapporo as well.

    かじゅある's answer (Posted on:2016/2/13)

Higashiyama Onsen

  • 北海道ニセコでスキー体験

  • As expected of a Hilton brand, the hotel facilities are excellent and the food is also good. Also, open-air bath in winter is especially recommended. For skiing, Niseko is the best. The Higashiyama ski resort is right in front of the hotel, and you can also go to the neighboring Hirafu ski resort from the top of the lift.

    フジサン's answer (Posted on:2016/3/14)

7-banchi, Horobinai, Chitose-shi

  • This is an inn located in the nature of Lake Shikotsu.

  • Located in the middle of the natural surroundings of Lake Shikotsu, this is Ryokan (Japanese inn) run by the Japan Society for the Preservation of Secret Hot Springs, which has been in operation since 1915. The natural open-air bath on the lakeside is a place where you can truly enjoy the feeling of being in a secret hot spring. You can enjoy a panoramic view of the natural surroundings of Lake Shikotsu while soaking in the bath. It's a great place to relax with the whole family.

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/2/22)

3-5-14 Inaho, Otaru-shi

  • The hotel is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Otaru Station

  • It is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Otaru Station. The area in front of Otaru Station is quite lively, so this hotel offers Accommodation only only plan (no meals) from around 5,000 yen, so you can just stay the night and eat outside. The town has many slopes, but there are also delicious sushi restaurants, so you can enjoy it even by yourself!

    美味しいもの大好きさん's answer (Posted on:2016/2/ 5)

353 Nishi 4-Chome, Jozankei Onsen, Minami-Ku,

  • Jozankei Onsen Onsen inn with a free shuttle bus that runs once a day

  • This inn in Jozankei Onsen has a free shuttle bus that runs once a day. The shuttle bus leaves from Sapporo city. The inn has a folk art feel and a nostalgic atmosphere. There is Japanese hearth inside, which creates a great atmosphere. The large bath and open-air bath are both spacious and open. The mist sauna and bedrock bath are also great points.

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/9/17)

Nsekohirafu, Kucchan-cho, Abuta-gun

  • Located next to the ski resort, the rooms have open-air bath baths so you can relax in them.

  • ニセコグランヒラフのスキー場横にあり、スキー場までのアクセスが抜群です。部屋は露天風呂つき客室もあり、ゆっくりお風呂に浸かれるのが魅力です。ご飯はバイキングですが北海道の幸がふんだんに使われているので美味しいです。ホテル近くにはオーストラリア人の経営するバーもあり、日本ではない気分も味わえます。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

29 Noboribetsu

55 Noboribetsu-onsen, Noboribetsu

  • 露天風呂でちょっと一杯できる、北海道のホテルです

  • 登別温泉は北海道の中でも有名かと思いますが、こちらでは大浴場は広々としていますし、お湯の質も良くてリラックスできますのでおすすめです。他の宿ではなかなか体験できない、露天風呂でのお酒やソフトドリンクをいただけるサービスもあります。リラックスできるのはもちろんのこと、お食事も部屋食でも取ることができて豪華なものになっています。施設内には卓球やゲームコーナーもあるので、子供も飽きずに楽しめます。

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/27)

19. Sounkaku

Sounkyo, Kamikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun

  • 北海道ならではの勝手丼が食べれます

  • 旭川駅まで往復の送迎バスが出ています。私が宿泊したツインルームは和室で、窓際にテーブルと椅子があるという典型的な旅館の造りでしたが寝床は布団ではなくベッドでした。露天風呂は豪雪地帯ということもあるのか屋根付きで、雪見風呂もできそうです。夕食・朝食共にビュッフェで、朝食では北海道ならではの勝手丼をいくら山盛りでいただきました。

    ずんたこす's answer (Posted on:2024/3/11)

14-2 Tokachigawaonsenminami, Kato-gun otofukecho

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