• Okinawa | 38 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Okinawa | 38 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 38 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels recommended in "Okinawa"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels in "Okinawa", including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot spring inns in "Okinawa"
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1018, Miyazato

938 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun

  • The Churaumi Aquarium is within walking distance.

  • 「センチュリオンホテルアンドリゾートヴィンテージ沖縄美ら海」さんをご紹介したいと思います。こちらは美ら海水族館へ徒歩でアクセスできる便利なロケーションにあるホテルです。那覇空港からは、やんばる急行バスでアクセスできますよ。ご予算6000円とのことですが、お一人なのか複数人いらっしゃるのか不明で何とも言えない部分もあります。しかし、こちらは時期にもよりますが朝食込みでお一人5000円台からありますよ。

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/11/ 7)

1575 Uza, Yomitan-son, Nakagami-gun

  • It's a casual hotel and popular with families.

  • This hotel is located at Zanpa Cape in Yomitan. There are many families, so I think the staff are used to it. It's not new, but the location is attractive because it's right across the road from the beach. Of course, there is a pool and a large public bath. If you have a rental car, it's easy to get to the supermarkets (Max Value and Kanehide), and during the summer season, they also have fireworks every other day.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/25)

2260 Seragaki Aza, Onna-Son

  • The service is excellent and the rooms are spacious with an ocean view.

  • The hotel is surrounded by the sea and is spacious and shaped like a ship. There is a wide variety of food options, and you won't get bored just walking around the hotel. The staff were especially wonderful, and we received attentive service down to the smallest details. It takes about an hour to get there from the airport, but the aquarium is just a short distance away.

    korako's answer (Posted on:2014/6/26)

1625 Arakawa, Ishigaki-shi

354-1 Maesato, Ishigaki

  • Resort Hotel in Ishigaki Island

  • 離島はどうでしょうか。沖縄の石垣島にある「ANAインターコンチネンタル石垣リゾート」さんがおすすめです。ホテルには初心者の方も安心して楽しめる体験ダイビングのプログラムがあります。他にもシュノーケルなどマリンアクティビティや、島めぐりといった石垣島ならではの体験ツアーもあります。石垣島の雄大な自然を満喫できます。

    るき's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 8)

1147-1 Bise, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun

  • 沖縄美ら海水族館までは徒歩で約5分と絶好の立地です。

  • 沖縄美ら海水族館までは徒歩で約5分と絶好の立地です。1泊朝食付きでも安めに泊まれる時期があるので、ご希望の予算に収まると思います。朝食は東シナ海を望む吹き抜けのレストラン「とれび庵」で和食や洋食、沖縄料理からなるバイキングスタイルのお食事です。宿泊者は利用無料のプールもあるので、のんびり寛ぐことができますよ。ここなら一番空いている朝一番の開園直後に入場できますね。割引チケットもフロントで販売しておりお得です。

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/6/ 2)

1-1-2 Matsuo, Naha-shi

  • A perfect hotel for sightseeing

  • 沖縄都市モノレール「ゆいレール」の県庁前駅から歩いて3分程度の便利な立地にあり、国際通りへの観光にもおすすめのホテルになります。清潔感のある客室で、バイキング式の朝食は沖縄の食材を使用した料理もあり美味しかったです。比較的に安く宿泊することができます。慶良間島などのダイビングスポットへのアクセスにも便利なホテルになります。

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 9)

1808 Kise, Nago-shi

  • Great access! Great service!

  • I recommend "The Busena Terrace" located almost halfway between the airport and the Churaumi Aquarium! If you have special meals for children, please ask in advance. They will surely be able to accommodate you. The indoor pool, which is open all year round, also has a pool for children.

    だいすけ0418's answer (Posted on:2016/6/20)

914, Shimojiaza-Yonaha

  • A hotel surrounded by abundant Nature

  • 沖縄県の宮古島の豊かな自然に囲まれている、リゾートテイスト溢れるホテルになります。ファミリー層のお客さんが多いので、小さなお子様連れにはおすすめになります。ダイビングやマリンスポーツなどのアクティビティ施設が充実しています。

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2017/7/ 3)

3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun

  • 沖縄は周回しやすいのでアクセス良いこちらのホテルをお勧めします

  • How about "Renaissance Resort Okinawa" located in the center of Naha, about 60 minutes by car or 70 minutes by airport limousine bus from Naha Airport? There is a private beach nearby, and you can enjoy over 50 types of marine activities. The hotel also offers trial diving, and beginners can enjoy diving courses. The rooms are clean and the beach is beautiful, so you will feel close to the sea and I recommend it.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/11)

501 Ishikawa-iha, Uruma-shi

  • サービスのクオリティが高い沖縄のリゾートです

  • 空港からだと1時間程度で到着します。部屋がフローリング敷きで明るく、広さも十分にあります。スパなどのサービス、ラウンジなども充実していて、リゾートを満喫できます。宿泊者は提携のホテルの施設や食事を利用することもできます。シャトルバスも出ており便利です。ホテルから美ら海水族館までは、沖縄自動車道で1時間程度です。安価な割りに施設が充実しており、オススメです。

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/29)

3-2-12, Hamasaki-cho, Ishigaki-shi

  • Enjoy a comfortable stay at a business hotel

  • We recommend Toyoko Inn Ishigakijima, which is easily accessible by car from New Ishigaki Airport, and is a business hotel where you can easily stay for multiple nights. The guest rooms are comfortable as they are in a major hotel, and you can stay in a spacious room. The view is great, and it's also nice that it's close to a shopping mall.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/27)

1203 Maeganeku, Kunigamigun Onnason

  • There is a private beach

  • 「仲間三人と三泊四日で沖縄旅行」とのご計画であれば、この「ザ・ムーンビーチ ミュージアムリゾート(ホテルムーンビーチ)」はいかがかでしょうか。那覇空港から車で約60分の場所にあるリゾートホテルです。空港リムジンバスで行くこともできます。このホテルにはプライベートビーチがあり、様々なマリンスポーツができます。ダイビングも初心者から上級者までレベルに合わせて体験できるコースが用意されているので、安心して沖縄のきれいな海を思いっきり楽しめます。

    miyosiko's answer (Posted on:2017/4/12)

1496 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun

  • 沖縄北部観光に最適の立地(リッチな!)ホテルです

  • 空港からは少し遠いのですが、国道58号線沿いの大型リゾートホテルです。これまでに2回ほど宿泊で利用しましたが、家族に好評のホテルです。北部観光の時はここって決めています。那覇市内では、「沖縄かりゆし琉球ホテルナハ」が国際通りにも近くて、交通に便利、手頃な料金でお薦めかなと思います。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/25)

8-1, Misaki-cho

3-2-1 Nishi, Naha-shi

  • This hotel has a comfortable hot spring pool and a luxurious feel.

  • It may be far from the Churaumi Aquarium, but there are indoor and outdoor pools, and the hot springs are one of the attractions. I think it is also convenient for shopping. If you have small children, you will probably need to travel by car, but this is a recommended hotel. Breakfast is also buffet style, so it may be good for children (we went with two elementary school children).

    トムヤン 君's answer (Posted on:2014/6/28)

600 Gima, Yomitan-son, Nakagami-gun

  • 沖縄でプライベートビーチを楽しむならおすすめ

  • Although it is a little far from the airport, it is a private beach that can only be used by hotel guests, so it is not crowded and even small children can swim safely. Parasols are provided. There is also a slide in the pool. The rooms are clean and well-maintained, and the staff are kind. There is no convenience store, but the hotel's shop seems to be enough.

    ホルヘ・リナレス's answer (Posted on:2020/6/26)

1 Ishizaki, Kabira, Ishigaki-shi

  • Ishigaki Island is recommended! The hotel is all-inclusive, with meals and entertainment all included in the price.

  • How about spending some time on Ishigaki Island? This resort hotel can be enjoyed by anyone, whether you are with friends, partner, or family. Since it is all-inclusive, there are almost no additional fees and you can eat, drink, and participate in activities. Although there is an additional fee for diving, other sports and activities are mostly free with an instructor and are well-equipped.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

4-9 Misaki-cho

  • Reasonably priced accommodation for long stays

  • It's conveniently located right next to Ishigaki Port. It's cheap if Accommodation only, but the breakfast buffet is delicious. The buffet has a wide variety of dishes, so it's great for those staying multiple nights. There is also an izakaya in the hotel, where you can enjoy local cuisine and local sake, so I also recommend it. There is also a large public bath, so you can stretch out your arms and legs and relax in the bath.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2020/6/30)

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