• 山陰・山陽|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ87選
  • 山陰・山陽|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ87選

「山陰・山陽」でおすすめなホテル・旅館87件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「山陰・山陽」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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61. Seiryuso

Misasa 309

  • You can also enjoy hot spring while admiring the snowy scenery.

  • The garden-style open-air bath is a rock bath surrounded by trees, allowing you to experience a sense of oneness with Nature. You can also bathe while looking at the snowy scenery. Directly flowing from the source is fed by one of the world's leading radon hot spring, and you can enjoy open-air bath as well as the indoor baths. This is a historic hot spring inn that has been certified as a Japanese Heritage Site.

    AKIKO's answer (Posted on:2019/8/24)

Setoda-cho Setoda 264-3

  • 生口島にある老舗の旅館

  • しまなみ海道が通り生口島にある、こちらの料理自慢のお宿はいかがでしょうか。少し海道から離れますが、生口島の観光もできると思いますし、瀬戸内海の海の幸も満喫できます。大浴場でサイクリングで疲れた体も癒せます。100年以上の歴史を持つ建物で歴史も感じることができます。

    teraos's answer (Posted on:2018/1/ 3)

Watarihashicho 831

  • 出雲市駅に近い出雲の観光におすすめのホテル

  • ホテルはJR出雲市駅よりバスで5分のところにあります。清潔感があり従業員の対応も好感が持てます。出雲大社や周辺の観光の拠点としておすすめです。ホテルのベッドが心地よくて、食事もとても美味しいです。朝食はパイキング式で新鮮な地元食材を使った和食と洋食があります。事前予約で夕食もありますが周辺にも飲食店があるので外で食べるのも良さそうです。

    けんさん's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Tamatsukuri Onsen, Tamayucho, Matsue

  • 玉造温泉で大きな露天風呂が楽しめるお勧めの宿

  • こちらの最上階には、大きな展望露天風呂があります。お湯に浸かりながら絶景が楽しめますし、心身ともにリフレッシュできますよ。島根和牛やアワビのステーキ、新鮮な海の幸を活かした料理が味わえます。見晴らしのよい落ち着いた部屋でのんびり過ごせますし、リゾート気分が満喫できますよ。

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/3/14)

956 Tamashima Agasaki

  • This is a recommended Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a charming interior and delicious food.

  • This is Ryokan (Japanese inn) that exudes the atmosphere of Kurashiki. Although the structure is old, it is clean and very tasteful, so I recommend it. It used to be a traditional Japanese restaurant, so the food is delicious, with kaiseki cuisine made with plenty of seafood. You can relax and enjoy the garden. The bath is also very comfortable. I think it's a good inn for sightseeing and enjoying Kurashiki.

    さばにゃんこ's answer (Posted on:2014/9/12)

Higashi Gosho cho 9-1

  • 尾道駅から近く、瀬戸内海の航路が見えるホテル

  • しまなみ海道の起点となる尾道駅前にあるホテルです。立地が良かったです。ホテル海に面しているので、特に海側の眺めは最高です。部屋から船の行き来を眺めながらゆっくりと過ごせます。ついでに、映画の街としても有名ですが、尾道の街を散策されるといいですよ。朝食はブッフェ式で瀬戸内の新鮮な食材を使ったメニューが豊富でどれも美味しかったです。

    キングコング's answer (Posted on:2016/7/ 9)

1-5-28 Horaicho, Imabari

  • 今治駅前にあるホテル

  • しまなみサイクリングにおすすめのホテルは、「今治アーバンホテル」です。今治駅前にある便利さも魅力の一つ。自転車の持ち込みも可能です。今治タオルも常備されている、綺麗なお部屋は凄く心地の良い宿泊を約束してくれます。朝食のバイキングも美味しく元気も出ました。

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2016/7/ 5)

1-29 Honmachi

  • A traditional Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Kurashiki

  • If you are looking for a quaint Ryokan (Japanese inn) in the Kurashiki area that will leave you with a lasting memory, we recommend Yoshii Ryokan (Japanese inn). Yoshii Ryokan (Japanese inn) is located in the famous Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, making it the perfect location for enjoying Kurashiki's sights. It is also conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from JR Kurashiki Station.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/9/12)

493 Taishachokizukihigashi

  • 出雲大社直近のアクセス良好なホテル

  • 出雲大社から5分もかからないアクセスの良いホテルなので、女性でも移動が安心だと思います。また温泉もあり、魚介類の豊富なお料理もとても美味しいので、女性一人でも安心して落ち着いた良い旅を楽しめると思います。

    マナ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

303-17, Fukiage, Shimotsui

  • We recommend the open-air bath with a view of the Great Seto Bridge.

  • Although the name is "hotel", you can relax in a Japanese-style room and enjoy the open-air bath with a beautiful view of the Seto Inland Sea. If you make a reservation, there is a shuttle bus to JR Kojima Station, so it is convenient. The dinner buffet is lively with live performances (depending on the season), so if you value atmosphere, we recommend dining in your room.

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/9/16)

629,Tomo, Tomocho

  • All rooms have an open-air bath.

  • Although it is surprisingly unknown, there is a hot spring in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The hot spring is called Tomonoura Onsen, and "Tei-tei Onne-kinne" is a high-class Ryokan (Japanese inn) with hot springs and open-air baths with ocean views in all rooms. Both dinner and breakfast are excellent, so I think it is a place you should definitely stay.

    teraos's answer (Posted on:2017/10/30)


  • A bath where you can enjoy a view of the sea.

  • This is a hot spring inn located on the seaside of Fukuyama City. A shuttle bus is available from the nearest Fukuyama Station, making it convenient. The hot spring is in a great location where you can bathe while looking out at the Shimanami Sea. In addition to the indoor bath, there is also an open-air cypress bath. Although meals are not served in the room, you can enjoy local seasonal dishes such as sea bream rice and conger eel in a quiet place.

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2016/2/ 5)

2-6-25, Hikari-machi Higashi-ku

  • 広島内の移動が便利

  • 広島市内に宿をとると便利なのではないでしょうか。交通の便がすごく良い広島駅付近ならなおのことと思います。このホテルはそんな立地ですから、すごく良いです。宿泊費も安めです。宮島へは、JRか広電にのれば宮島口まですぐです。

    まなな's answer (Posted on:2016/7/28)

12-1 Wakakusa-cho, Higashi-ku

  • 広島市内の観光もおすすめ

  • どうせ行くなら広島市内の観光も合わせると良いと思います。厳島神社のある宮島は広島市内からそう遠くなく、また広くないので、広島市内からの日帰りで十分に楽しめます。広島は原爆ドームや祈念館など、日本人として一度は見学しておきたいところです。こちらのホテルは広島駅の新幹線口から目と鼻の先です。広島空港行きのバス乗り場もすぐなので、新幹線、飛行機ともに便利です。

    おかか99's answer (Posted on:2016/7/27)

1246 Tamayucho Tamatsukuri

  • This is a Japanese Ryokan (Japanese inn) near Lake Shinji.

  • A shuttle is available from the nearest JR Tamatsukuri Onsen Station, making it convenient for those travelling by train. The rooms are purely Japanese-style, and you can enjoy the view of the Japanese garden from the windows. In addition to the indoor and outdoor baths, the hot springs also come with private baths, making it a great place for intimate stays. Local ingredients such as turban shells, abalone and Shimane wagyu beef are featured in the dishes. The Nita rice served at breakfast is highly regarded around the country, so please do try it. Lake Shinji is located near Ryokan (Japanese inn). The sunsets around Lake Shinji are beautiful, so we recommend taking a drive there.

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/9/30)

102 Higashihonji-cho

  • A hotel near Tottori Station with good service

  • We recommend this hotel, located just a two-minute walk from JR Tottori Station. As it is part of the Washington Group, you can rest assured about the cleanliness of the rooms, the service, and the facilities. There are Japanese food and Chinese restaurants in the hotel, but there are also many other restaurants in the surrounding area, and there is a convenience store on the first floor of the hotel, which is convenient. The much talked about Sunaba Coffee is also conveniently located, about a two-minute walk away.

    歴史大好き's answer (Posted on:2017/9/17)

77. Kasuitei

4-19-10 Kaike Onsen, Yonago

5-1, Heiwa-cho, Kita-ku

  • Easy access to sightseeing spots

  • This hotel is conveniently located just a few minutes from Okayama Station and close to Korakuen. The scenery around the hotel is beautiful, and the interior of the hotel is also very nice. There is a lot of art on display. The rooms are designed for ease of use, so you can have a comfortable stay. The bathroom amenities are also top-notch, so you can feel a little luxurious. The breakfast buffet offers a wide variety of seasonal ingredients, Okayama local cuisine, and European cuisine, and everything is freshly made and delicious. Each dish is carefully prepared, and the vegetables used are grown on-site, so they are very fresh.

    's answer (Posted on:2024/1/20)

1-13-6 Shinhama,Onomichi

  • 尾道駅に近い

  • ホテルまではJR尾道駅から車で2~3分、新幹線新尾道駅からですと、車で10分程度となります。事前の予約で送迎バスもあります。しまなみ海道へ向かうには、便利だと思います。宿泊費用もおひとり1万円前後でした。朝食も地元の食材で大変美味しかったです。

    カイヌシ's answer (Posted on:2015/9/23)

JR-Kurashiki Ekimae Nishi In Building 7-2,Achi, Kurashiki-city

  • A hotel located in front of Kurashiki Station with easy access

  • It's in a building in front of Kurashiki Station. The rooms on the upper floors are not noisy and there is no noise from cars or other things. The rooms are larger than those in business hotels and are relaxing. I think the food is also quite delicious. It's great that you can go there without getting wet even if it rains in front of the station.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)
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