• Tokyo Metropolitan Area | 159 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Area | 159 popular hot spring inns and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended by word of mouth for 2024

A ranking of 159 popular hot spring inns, Ryokan (Japanese inn), and hotels in the "Tokyo metropolitan area"! 47Trip is the place to book hot spring inns and hotels in the "Tokyo metropolitan area," including information on facilities such as popular rooms with open-air baths and ping pong tables, and hot spring inns that are perfect for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hot hot spring inns in Capital Area
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5-5-34 Toyosu, Koto

  • 駅近で便利なホテルです

  • 豊洲駅から徒歩2分ほどに建つ便利なホテルです。駅からも見えるので分かりやすく、移動も楽ですよ。客室は清潔感があり、アメニティーも揃っています。食事は付かない素泊まりのプランが基本ですが、近隣にはたくさんの飲食店があるので、食事に困ることはないと思います。

    's answer (Posted on:2024/1/20)

1-4-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku

  • 東京駅から新幹線利用ならこちらのホテルがおすすめ

  • 新幹線の改札が近い八重洲口から近く、近辺に飲食店やコンビニが多く、出張には便利。東京駅内の大丸、少し歩けば高島屋などデパートもあり、お土産にも困らない。ホテルはリーズナブルなので面積は広くないが、同価格帯のホテルの中では清潔で水回りも新しい。

    bromptonwhite's answer (Posted on:2019/5/16)

5-7-1 Hinode, Urayasu, Chiba

  • A cheap hotel near Shin-Urayasu with easy access to Disney!

  • This hotel is recommended as it is located near Shin-Urayasu with good access to Disney. You can stay at this hotel for around 5,000 yen per person per night for a room only stay. I have stayed here before, and they had rooms that could accommodate large groups. It is a safe place for women to stay. It was also cheap, so it is a wallet-friendly hotel. There is a hotel shuttle bus to Shin-Urayasu Station and Tokyo Disneyland, so it is a recommended hotel with easy access.

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2020/12/31)

1-1-1 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku

  • You can stay on a higher floor, so it's a safe hotel for families with children.

  • It's nice to have an inn where you can stay safely even with small children. You can stay in a room on a high floor here, so security is high and you can feel safe. The staff are also polite and helpful, so you can feel safe. The rooms are normal, but I think you can relax comfortably. If you prefer a non-smoking room, it's a good idea to check in advance.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/9/25)

588-1 Yumoto

  • An open-air bath where you can feel the nature

  • There is an open-air bath where you can enjoy the sound of the river and the autumn leaves nearby. All rooms have an open-air bath, so you can also see the autumn leaves from there. It is a lovely Japanese-modern room, and a cute towel basket is provided for you to use when you go to the hot spring.

    Michik0914's answer (Posted on:2019/4/20)

Ashigarashimo-gun, Hakone-machi, 493−48

  • Enjoy Hakone Onsen to your heart's content

  • Hakone Kowakuen is a facility of Hakone Onsen known as Unessan Resort and is an amusement hot spring where you can enjoy playing to your heart's content, including hot spring pools using natural hot spring water. It is an amusement facility where one can enjoy playing to the fullest, including a swimming pool that uses natural water. Of course, there is also a zone where you can enjoy open-air bath and relax hot spring in the large baths, and the pool is not only outdoor, but also an indoor pool that can be enjoyed even on bad weather days. Capital Area It is close to the with children and is ideal for a day trip to the city.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/8/13)

822-1 Yawata,Tateyama,

  • 夕日がきれいに眺められる宿

  • 部屋からは広大な海を眺められて、特に夕日が海の中に沈んでいく光景は絶景です。大浴場は筋肉痛や疲労回復に効果がある温泉で日頃の溜まった疲れを癒やしてくれます。最上階にある露天風呂は貸し切りができるので、海を眺めながらの温泉を楽しむことができます。とても最高の気分でした!

    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2022/2/ 6)

6-7-8 Roppongi, Minato-ku

  • 英語対応に慣れた街に泊まるのが安心です

  • 外国人観光客の方がたくさんいる六本木エリアは、遅くまで夜遊び可能な場所です。ホテル側も英語対応などに馴れてるでしょう。同じく観光中の方達とも遭遇しやすいですから、同行せず自由時間にしても十分楽しめると思います。その後の過ごし方を聞きすぎるのも野暮かもしれませんね。

    dげtny's answer (Posted on:2016/8/31)

Yumoto 597

  • Enjoy the garden pool and hot spring

  • There is an outdoor garden pool (hot spring pool) and a children's pool. Because it uses hot spring, the water temperature is about 30 degrees. You can enjoy it even on days when the temperature is a little low. After enjoying sightseeing and the pool, why not finish off by relaxing in hot spring? You can bathe while feeling the four seasons of the garden up close. There are also plans with meals included (one or two meals), so please choose the plan that is convenient for you when making a reservation.

    一郎ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/12)

5911-1, Omiya

  • 地元産の野菜がおいしい

  • 秩父の市街地を見下ろす丘の上に立地しているので、景色が良い宿です。お風呂からの眺めも素晴らしいですよ。朝のビュッフェがおススメで、地元産の野菜を多用したメニューなど、おいしい料理が揃っているので満足度が高まります。

    Kasa's answer (Posted on:2014/10/29)

3-20-40 Takasu, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba

  • Convenient for sightseeing at Disneyland etc.

  • It is a 3-minute walk from Inagekaigan Station on the JR Keiyo Line, which is 8 stops away from Maihama Station, where Disneyland is located, in 22 minutes, without any transfers. It is close to the station, so it is safe for women. Depending on the day, it is cheap, costing less than 4,000 yen per person. The room is a semi-double for 2 people, and Japanese and Western room room with 2 beds and tatami mats for 3 or more people.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

491 Yumoto

484 Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun

  • It is just a 6-minute walk from Hakone-Yumoto Station.

  • Since you're going by train, I think this inn is perfect. It's about a 6-minute walk from Odawara Station or Hakone-Yumoto Station. You can also use the shuttle bus from the station to the inn for 100 yen per person. It's a Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) in a quiet environment surrounded by greenery, with a lovely exterior. Each room has a different feel, so please choose the one you like. All the rooms are lovely and modern Japanese. I stayed in the "Soun" room. The open-air bath with a view of the garden was very pleasant. The lighting in the room created a nice atmosphere, and it was a very nice room.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/11/15)

2-15-17,Shinbahsi, Minatoku

  • ゆりかもめの駅から至近のホテル

  • 東京ビッグサイトへの交通の便を考えれば、ゆりかもめの駅へ至近のホテルが良いのではないのでしょうか。このホテルはJR新橋駅から徒歩5分のところにあり、大浴場も完備しており、ゆったり疲れをとることができます。宿泊料金も朝食付きシングルで8000円以内のプランもあるので、コストパフォーマンスの高いホテルです。

    のむた's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Myoden Center Building, 4-4-27,Myoden,Ichikawa City,Chiba

2942 Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa-city

  • 少し距離があるけど一押しです

  • 大宮の氷川神社へ行かれるのであればこちらはいかがですか?旅館を希望されているということで食事付きプランがある和の宿として選びました。場所は所沢まで移動する必要がありますが、レイクビューのお部屋や、和室、和洋室のモダンな和の雰囲気を楽しめて良かったです。和風のおもてなしの食事は新鮮でおいしいです。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2018/9/17)

2-30-26 Kita-Shinagawa

  • ビジネスマンにはおすすめです

  • 品川駅からは歩いて10分程度離れた場所にある、スーパーホテル品川・新馬場がおすすめです。高濃度の炭酸泉を利用した大浴場で、仕事終わりの疲れを癒すことができます。オリジナルのマットレスと掛け布団が設置された客室になり、ゆったりと寛ぐことができます。

    DERNIER's answer (Posted on:2018/10/22)

4-1-29 Imagawa, Urayasu-shi, Chiba

1320-257 Goura,Hakonemachi,Ashigarashimogun, Kanagawa

  • A safe place to stay for foreigner in Gora hot spring

  • This inn is in a great location, just a two-minute walk from Gora Station. This is a guesthouse, so you won't have to worry if you only speak English. Even though it's a guesthouse, the baths are of course hot springs. You can enjoy the luxurious waters 100% natural hot spring. There are private rooms, and the Japanese-style rooms are calm and spacious, so you can relax just like you would in Ryokan (Japanese inn). In the evening, we had some delicious food with a drink in the attached bar. There is also a clean kitchen, so you can make a delicious breakfast.

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/13)

227 Yumotochaya

  • Enjoy a bath in the open-air bath overlooking the Sukumo River while gazing at the autumn-colored mountains looming on the opposite bank.

  • At Kijitei Toyoeso, there is an open-air bath facing the Sukumo River that flows through Hakone Yumoto, where you can enjoy a bath while watching the autumn-colored mountains looming on the opposite bank. The bath is filled with hot spring water from the hotel's own source, which is said to make your skin smooth, and the water is not recycled, but rather overflows and is released into the Sukumo River, creating a luxurious experience. Since it is surrounded by nature, why not enjoy a leisurely leaf peeping while viewing the autumn leaves during the autumn season?

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/6/26)
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